Star-source Legend

Chapter 841: Invincible Kings (Part 2)

Nalandi's words made Zhang Fan a little puzzled, could it be that there were some things he didn't know about.

"Probably many years ago, when your Grandpa Xu began to retreat, I woke up. Then, three years ago, I took the time to visit the Hades and met Yan Ping in person.

Because, at our level, we know many news that ordinary people don't know. That is to say, whether it is the warrior guild, the underworld, or the sword pavilion, the real gaze is actually placed in the universe.

The earth is just a temporary shelter.

In my past, I also planned to let the Hades directly withdraw you from their list. After all, you have entered the Sealed King Realm, and they want to kill you or drag you into the Hades, which is no longer realistic. , Unless they are willing to pay a sufficient price.

However, their ultimate goal is only to accumulate strength.

At that time, I simply reached an agreement with Yan Ping, the palace lord of the Hades, that is, for your growth, the Hades can attack, but you can’t use the power beyond the confinement realm, otherwise, I don’t mind directly Unite all the holy places and launch an attack on the Hades.

The reason for this is that you can keep yourself vigilant anytime and anywhere. I know your strength very well.

In this way, it can also promote your growth to a certain extent.

This time, Morris did not directly damage the plane you were taking, and even took the initiative to let Gu Qian leave. It can be said that it is limited.

However, since it is actively challenging you, even if you die in your hands, you can't blame anyone. Even if Yan Ping knew about this, he would not personally act out of anger.

However, the old man in Hades who valued Morris was not necessarily so.

As a strong man in the earth, especially the people in the underworld, there are more methods, and he is out of sight, and he can't be guarded against. That guy is dozens of years older than me. He is a character who has existed before the resurrection of the earth's aura. , Was also the mainstay of the Hades Palace.

If you are really desperate to deal with you, even Yan Ping is not easy to stop, otherwise, it is likely to cause direct internal chaos in Hades.

From the time you killed these people, Afan, you are considered to be a real danger, because you may encounter a sneak attack by an earthly immortal-level powerhouse anytime and anywhere, and even unscrupulous means.

Especially all your relatives and friends, this time, it is a real danger. "

At this time, Nalandi also looked at Zhang Fan and explained directly.

When Zhang Fan heard this, he actually had some anger in his heart, but Nalandi had always been good to himself and forcibly endured it.

However, Xu Yuan, who knew Zhang Fan very well, knew at this moment that this agreement between Nalandi and the palace lord of the Hades made Zhang Fan a little angry.

"Grandpa Xu, you don't need to say anything, believe this information, you are also very clear. President, I just want to ask you one thing, that is, if I die in the hands of the underworld, how would you solve it?

Also, can you guarantee that Hades will not attack my relatives and friends? "

Just as Xu Yuan was about to say something, Zhang Fan interrupted him completely, looking at Nalandi seriously and said.

"I don't know how to tell you this, because normally, any accidents are unavoidable, and even if I don't go to the palace lord of the underworld, they will not give up on assassinating you, or even , Desperate to shoot your relatives and friends.

What I have done, at least, can greatly reduce your worries, and at the same time, it will also help you to some extent in your own experience.

If you really die in the hands of the Hades, I swear that you will completely destroy the Hades and avenge you, even if I sacrifice my life.

When I am in my position, you should also know that the pressure I have been under has been beyond the imagination of others. Especially, I am not yet Yan Ping's opponent.

Being able to do this, at least, can reduce the safety of people who are related to you a lot, right?

Of course, if you feel that there is a problem with my approach and complain about me, I can understand it and I won't say much.

My starting point is for your growth. In my opinion, Hades is just a good training partner for you. I also have a general understanding of your strength.

As for those accidents, no one can predict it. "

Looking at Zhang Fan’s look, Nalandi’s Natural Way Zhang Fan has a certain complaint. After all, Zhang Fan is a very self-respecting person. He doesn’t want everything he needs to be helped by others. In that case, it also seems He is too expensive.

However, Zhang Fan's responsibility now is much heavier than that of Nalandi and the others. That is the hope of everyone in China and the entire planet.

Naturally, if he could reduce Zhang Fan's danger to a certain extent, he would be more than happy.

He has no regrets about his actions.

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