Star-source Legend

Chapter 842: The purpose of the underground alliance (part 1)

"I understand. I also know that you are for my consideration. However, I remember that you told me when I first met you.

Our martial artist is equivalent to sailing against the current. There will be life-threatening danger all the time. After nothing can be stopped, suddenly, we leave directly.

However, you have also said to me that others cannot interfere with a person's growth. Forcible interference will only have a counterproductive effect.

Indeed, although the Hades is very powerful, even comparable to two or three holy places, but I am not afraid of them. Even, I've been thinking about seeing the methods of Hades for a long time.

I am a natural person who likes to take risks. In order to improve my strength, no matter how difficult it is, I will try to overcome it.

I actually complained a little bit about you just now, but now that it has happened, it means that it cannot be changed.

Now, I kill all these people. If Hades wants to come, let them come.

In the next time, I will take my parents and them back to the sword pavilion retreat. The next time I come out, I will directly break into the realm of earth wandering immortals. At that time, what underworld, what light temple, just wait Be tried.

I will not let go of all those who have hurt me, and loved ones, brothers, and friends who have hurt me. "

Looking at Nalandi at this moment, Zhang Fan also solemnly said.

"Hehe, you can tell me directly. Obviously, the resentment in my heart is gone.

I promise you that in the future, I will not interfere with anything about you, but you can't let yourself run around in danger.

The news that you killed Morris is believed to be spread to the underworld soon. Even if they have no evidence, the purpose of Morris came out is nothing but you.

Because Yan Ping has set a rule, that is, whoever can draw a tie with you, or defeat you, or even kill you, among these few candidates of Hades, will be directly appointed as Hades.

Although Morris is also very powerful, according to our investigation, we know that at least three of the remaining candidates for Hades in the Underworld are much stronger than Morris.

Among them, one person is said to have a dark physique. It is said that a person with this physique can practice dark or dark attributes, which is more effective than others.

Its strength is not inferior to Hong Lie's Titan bloodline, and even in terms of its weirdness, even Hong Lie's Titan bloodline is incomparable. For this, you must pay more attention.

These people, for the sake of Mingzi's identity, can be said to be absolutely desperate, even to protect their own safety, the next time, when they find you, the power is definitely not just what Morris shows.

Those ten great palace masters, a few powerful guardians, etc., are all people with their support, and they are likely to come together. Among these people, some of them are as strong as before your Grandpa Xu breakthrough.

You must be more careful about these. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi also knew that Zhang Fan's complaints against him were gone, and naturally he seemed very happy.

Although, in terms of strength, age, and status, he is above Zhang Fan, but in his heart he knows that sooner or later Zhang Fan will surpass him, even surpass everyone, and truly set foot in the universe.

A few days ago, Xu Yuan also told Nalandi that Zhang Fan’s master was Situ Zhong, who established the Shushan Sword Sect on a planet in the universe that is not known how much larger than the earth.

That is the real powerful person.

"The president, Grandpa Xu, how do you deal with the bodies of these people?"

Zhang Fan also pointed at the bodies of Morris and his three guards at this time, looked at them and asked.

"Leave these to us. They must have a lot of secrets about the underworld, and they can be regarded as allowing us to truly understand some of the underworld.

Compared with some ordinary disciples in the underworld, the identities of these people in our martial arts guild are also comparable to those of Furukawa.

You go back quickly, so that Gu Qian can rest assured that this child is still waiting for news. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi also said directly.

"Okay, then they will leave it to you. Chairman, Grandpa Xu, I will return to Star City first, thank you for coming over and helping me."

Zhang Fan also nodded at this time, and after talking to the two of them, he hurried towards the direction of Star City.

"Hey, A Fan still seems to complain a little bit about me. After all, this kid has a strong self-esteem and is very stubborn.

However, it is necessary for me to do this for his safety and for the future earth.

Xu Qing is the best example.

Tragedy, it’s enough to happen once, and once again, our entire planet will never come to an end.

Nowadays, if you really want to find someone who can match Afan in talent, strength, and age, it is basically impossible.

Let's go, just clean up here. The identities of these people are all extraordinary, and they may be able to give us a better understanding of Hades. "

After Zhang Fan left, Nalandi also said Xu Yuan.

Afterwards, the two directly collected the bodies of Morris and the other three, and simply processed the ground around them, and then left.

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