Star-source Legend

Chapter 885: Teleportation Circle (Part 1)

As soon as he entered this deep pit, Zhang Fan also discovered that this large pit was still deeper than he thought.

Although his speed slowed down a lot when he fell, it was almost the same to exceed one hundred meters in a second. Finally, it took nearly a minute for Zhang Fan to land in a relatively safe area.

Moreover, this deep pit is from top to bottom, the further down, the larger the diameter.

Even Zhang Fan felt a hot breath coming from under his feet, and in front of him, there was a huge pool full of lava.

Before Zhang Fan felt the six-legged golden monitor lizard, he was hiding in this magma pool.

All around, it looks very empty, with huge holes one by one, I don't know where to lead.

Perhaps it was because of the aura exuding from Zhang Fan's whole body. Therefore, although the six-legged golden monitor lizard already had the strength of the peak of the emperor rank, for a while, it still did not directly move out of the magma.

With Zhang Fan's mental power, he can clearly see that the six-legged golden monitor lizard has been hiding in the magma, observing itself in secret.

In order not to cause too much movement, Zhang Fan also intends to use his spiritual teacher's ability to directly solve the six-legged monitor lizard.


In an instant, Zhang Fan's mental power suddenly exploded, shrouding the six-legged golden monitor lizard hiding in the magma.

This six-legged golden monitor lizard is no different from ordinary monitor lizards except that it has an extra pair of soles and the whole body is golden.

Of course, its size may be considered an advantage, at least it is comparable to the size of a powerful creature in the sea, the blue whale.

The blue whale is the largest creature that mankind has had before the earth's aura revived.

The body length has reached more than forty meters.


The soul-shaking ability was directly used, and immediately, it directly caused the six-legged golden monitor lizard to hear a painful roar. Its body also emerged directly from the magma, and it was violently shooting around, a lot of The magma also sputtered in all directions.

However, although the temperature of the magma was very high, with Zhang Fan's current realm and physical strength, this temperature could not hurt him.

After seeing his mental attack work, Zhang Fan didn't plan to waste time.

call out! call out! call out!

In an instant, the dozen or so flying knives were directly under Zhang Fan's control, all of which were the power that reached the limit peak, superimposed, and shot towards the head of the six-legged golden monitor lizard.


With Zhang Fan's current strength, even if a flying knife reaches its extreme peak, it cannot be resisted by the six-legged golden monitor lizard, not to mention a dozen of them are all superimposed.

Suddenly, it was like cutting tofu. It was very easy. It was submerged into the head of the six-legged golden monitor lizard. Under Zhang Fan's control, he directly controlled these flying knives and moved the brain of the six-legged golden monitor lizard. , Smashed directly.

Before and after, in less than a few seconds, a six-legged golden monitor lizard at the peak of the emperor rank that was not easy to solve even if it was a powerhouse of the one-star noble realm, died in the hands of Zhang Fan.


At this time, Zhang Fan also directly controlled his mental power, taking the huge corpse of the six-legged golden monitor lizard out of thin air directly from the hot magma, and directly collected it into his star source debris space.

Counting some of the powerful royal-level monsters killed before, among Zhang Fan's star source fragments, there are more than eleven imperial-level monster bodies.

And Zhang Fan, besides those important materials on the body of the Emperor-level monster, the beast crystal is the most important thing.

It can be said that as long as it is a monster that reaches the Emperor rank, a beast crystal will appear in its body. The effect is similar to the spiritual pool of a human warrior.

Of course, among the monsters, there are some special types, and even when their own strength is relatively low, there is a chance to produce beast crystals.

This is the accumulation of all the essence of an Emperor-level monster's body, it can be said that any one can support Zhang Fan's cultivation for a long time.

After carefully observing a few places, Zhang Fan focused his attention on the huge openings after finding that there were no other monsters.

After counting, Zhang Fan also discovered that there were at least eight holes in the surrounding area.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan directly separated out the eight spiritual ideas, and at the same time explored the eight holes.

In a short period of ten seconds, seven mental powers were directly recovered, but there was a mental power that was like a fish entering the sea, and disappeared directly, which made Zhang Fan also look a little surprised.

"President, Grandpa Xu, when you come down, I found a special situation."

At this time, Zhang Fan also directly transmitted voice to Nalandi and Xu Yuan above.

Soon, Nalandi and Xu Yuan fell directly in front of Zhang Fan.

"Afan, what's the matter?"

Seeing the strange expression in Zhang Fan's expression, Nalandi spoke directly at this moment.

"Just now, after I used my mental power to solve the six-legged golden monitor lizard, I also divided my energy to look at the eight holes around me.

However, after entering one of the holes, my mental power seemed to have been swallowed directly, which was very strange, so I will immediately notify you and explore it together later. "

Hearing what Nalandi asked, Zhang Fan also said directly.

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