Star-source Legend

Chapter 886: Teleportation circle (below)

"Oh? It is obvious that it is not easy to be able to directly absorb Afan's mental power. Let's go over and check it now. To be on the safe side, directly condense the seeming mask first, just in case, and, at any time Get ready for battle."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi and Xu Yuan looked at each other, both seeing the solemn color in each other's eyes.

Zhang Fan's current mental power had already reached the level of the Star Noble Realm, but it was so easily absorbed directly and silently. It can be said that no one dares to ignore it.

At this time, Nalandi also looked directly at Zhang Fan and Xu Yuan and reminded.

Afterwards, the three of them directly gathered to blow the protective mask, and then walked carefully towards the cave.

Several people moved very fast, and after ten minutes, under seven turns, they came to a relatively wide area.

In front of Zhang Fan and the others, there is a round table with peculiar patterns carved on it, which are very high and deep. At least, Zhang Fan himself cannot see clearly.

At the edge of the round table, there are two curved pillars made of unknown materials with a height of several meters.

"I understand why Afan's mental power is absorbed. If I see it correctly, this is a very special formation, and perhaps it is the teleportation formation we have been looking for.

And, it has not been completely destroyed.

However, this teleportation formation, with my current strength, is completely incomprehensible. However, without activation, it was possible to directly swallow Ah Fan's mental power. Obviously, the strength of this formation was beyond imagination. "

However, for the safety of the earth, I suggest directly destroying this formation, because once we activate it, if there is a powerful presence waiting on the other end of the teleportation formation, if we come directly to the earth, Then our earth, it is very likely that it will directly become a colony of others.

You know, we are also very clear from some ancient ruins, the earth, compared to the entire galaxy, and even the entire universe, is a trivial existence.

However, it is possible to have so many powerful characters born. Obviously, the earth is very difficult, otherwise, there will not be so many ancient civilization relics to be discovered, and most of them are in a broken state.

Obviously, our earth was very powerful a long time ago.

And for so many years, the reason why there have not been strong people from outside planets to come to the earth, perhaps because these teleportation arrays are not activated, or it may be that outside the earth, there are strong people from long ago on our earth, and powerful means to deploy. . "

After looking at the pattern on the special round table in front of him and observing it, Xu Yuan also said directly with a solemn expression.

"I think, President, you know my master. He told me that our earth, a long time ago, had a glorious era. Even if you look at the universe, you can definitely rank in the forefront, but, I don’t know. What's the reason, it just fell away.

However, those powerful characters still live in various regions of the universe today. According to what my master said, outside of the solar system, it is now completely included by the chaotic black hole, which is a special and powerful protection method for the solar system.

In other words, we people on earth can get out of the solar system, but it is temporarily impossible for people outside the solar system to enter the earth unless they can ignore the chaotic black hole.

However, the chaotic black hole, even the top powerhouse in the universe, would be afraid of existence.

And these teleportation arrays, my master also suggested that once they are discovered, they should be destroyed directly, so as to preserve the earth to the greatest extent.

Otherwise, once activated, let the existence on the other end of the teleportation circle directly come to the earth, and the consequences would be unimaginable. "

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Zhang Fan also said directly.

"Well, since Senior Situ Zhong said so, then, this teleportation circle, we just destroy it directly, and it will never be troublesome.

If you want to truly go to the earth, there are other ways. After the threat of the sea area is lifted, we can go to the dead sea area to find the base left by Luangyu star.

There, it is very likely that there will be a perfect spaceship.

Even if it is a little damaged, as long as it is studied in depth, one day, we humans will be able to travel to the universe. "

Hearing what Xu Yuan and Zhang Fan said, Nalandi agreed.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly controlled his flying knife and completely destroyed the entire round table.

However, the two pillars made of unknown materials were very hard. In the end, Zhang Fan could only put them away temporarily and study them slowly later.

Of course, in fact, this teleportation circle, with Zhang Fan's ability, had already been completely engraved in his mind.

The reason for doing this, Zhang Fan also felt that, perhaps, this teleportation circle would come in handy in the future.

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