Star-source Legend

Chapter 915: Self-made swordsmanship (part 2)

Time flies, and unconsciously, Zhang Fan has been away from the Guardian Alliance for more than a year.

During this period of time, it can be said that no one knows where Zhang Fan has been. Even the people closest to Zhang Fan cannot get any news about Zhang Fan, as if the whole person has just disappeared.

However, no one would worry about Zhang Fan's safety, because after Zhang Fan left from the Guardian League a year ago, a piece of news also spread from North America.

That is, Zhang Fan, once again shot, and directly subdued a Phoenix-tailed condor that reached the supreme realm, which shocked many people.

After all, compared to the Titan Giant Ape, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor is the absolute king in the sky, and with the Phoenix bloodline, it can be said that within the same level, the Titan Giant Ape is not necessarily an opponent.

However, in the end, it was still easily subdued by Zhang Fan, and many people even felt that Zhang Fan might have broken through to the realm of Xingjue.

And this year, the form of the entire earth has become relatively stable. This year, although the monsters in the sea have been constantly attacking, the two powerful monsters of the supreme realm in the sea seem to be It seemed that he had received some news, or because he was more afraid of Zhang Fan, it has never appeared.

With the help of monsters on land, it can be said that China, including the sea areas that the Guardian Alliance is responsible for, is very stable.

And the African continent where Hades is located, although the surrounding seas are all around, the most powerful thing about Hades is that it has a large number of spiritual masters, controlling many powerful monsters to command those monsters of lower strength. Responsible for resisting monsters in the sea in one area.

Moreover, the people in the Hades have always maintained a peaceful relationship with the soldiers in various gathering places on the African continent.

Let people also understand that at the critical moment that concerns the survival of mankind, even the underworld is impossible to do too much, otherwise, if it provokes the anger of the public, even if the underworld is strong, it will not be able to resist.

What's more, there is still Zhang Fan.

The reason why the current Hades is so hard is because he is afraid of Zhang Fan.

After all, the Hades once placed Zhang Fan directly on its kill list, making Zhang Fan always cautious. It can be said that there is also a lot of hatred between the two sides.

What I have to mention is the Temple of Light.

It can be said that because of the previous actions of the Temple of Light, other forces on the earth are not very cold to it.

The entire European continent, just relying on the support of the Temple of Light, obviously, it is also a bit difficult.

Especially, the two Supreme Guardians of the Temple of Light have not fully recovered.

Up to now, at least half of the coastal areas of the entire European continent have been completely captured by sea monsters, causing heavy casualties.

Many forces in the European continent are also constantly complaining about the Temple of Light.

After all, if the Temple of Light had not offended the Martial Artists Guild, including Zhang Fan, perhaps, the current situation in the European continent would definitely not be so miserable.

Many people have been silently expecting that Zhang Fan can temporarily let go of his grievances and help the European continent.

However, no one knows where Zhang Fan is now. In this regard, the numerous forces and powerful gathering places on the European continent can only grit their teeth.


At this moment, Zhang Fan, who people have been thinking about, has fallen into a state of epiphany.

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