Star-source Legend

Chapter 916: Star Sword Technique (Part 1)

At this moment, Zhang Fan is located in the depths of a dense forest on the Australian mainland.

This is also Zhang Fan's last battle.

Beside Zhang Fan, there was also a huge monster lying there, and the ground was directly stained red with blood.

In one year, Zhang Fan can be said to have traveled all over the earth except for all corners of the sea, and even the gathering places of various places, large and small. Zhang Fan regarded himself as a tourist, like an ordinary person. The mentality is integrated into normal life.

It was just like before he became a warrior, plain and real.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also explored most of the more dangerous and mysterious places in various places, including the teleportation circle. Zhang Fan found three by virtue of his strong mental power.

Of course, all of them were completely destroyed by Zhang Fan.

He absolutely does not allow the earth to leave any hidden dangers, so that he can go to the universe with confidence.

The Australian continent is a land where no humans exist for a long time, and it is also the largest gathering place for monsters on the earth.

It can be said that in one year, Zhang Fan finally stayed in the Australian mainland for a full month before he said that the monsters that might pose a threat to human safety were completely solved.

The huge monster next to him now is a powerful existence that has reached the late Emperor rank.

Not far away, a flying monster that seemed to be several meters in size also landed on a big tree not far from Zhang Fan, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

If you look closely, you can find that this monster is like a reduced version of the Phoenix-tailed Condor.

Obviously, in a year's time, with the guidance and help of the old man, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor also successfully mastered the skill of body size change.

In addition, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor had once again improved its strength during this year, and it was already a powerhouse in the realm of a three-star noble comparable to humans.

As for the specific strength division of the monster beast after reaching the supreme level, according to Old Xing, it is actually exactly the same as human beings.

After all, when the various monster races in the universe reach the supreme realm of monsters on earth, most of them can already be transformed into human forms, and they all have various techniques and martial arts that belong to the monsters themselves.

As for the Titan Great Ape and the Phoenix-Tailed Condor, it is only because their blood is not strong enough and they have not been inherited. Naturally, they cannot master the method of transformation.

However, Elder Xing also has his own means, that is, he uses his hand to refine the transformation pill.

If it was before, then a transformation pill would be very simple for Xing Lao. However, nowadays, if you want to refine the transformation pill, the consumption of Xing Lao himself is not large, but the material is very high. Hard to find.

In this year, although Zhang Fan has also obtained a lot of natural treasures, he still lacks a few necessary materials.

Maybe you need to go to the universe to find it.

This year, Zhang Fan's swordsmanship has been greatly improved, and he has truly understood the sword intent.

Originally, Zhang Fan intended to let Xing Lao pass him a few powerful swordsmanship, but Xing Lao refused.

According to Xing Lao, with Zhang Fan's talent after merging the Star Source Fragments, coupled with the comprehension of sword intent, he can already initially create the most suitable sword technique for him.

After killing the huge monster beside him, Zhang Fan also suddenly fell into a state of epiphany.

Really began to create his own swordsmanship.

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