Star-source Legend

Chapter 931: Go to the Temple of Light (middle)

"Xinglao, do you mean that after the disappearance of the spiritual pond, my dantian will become a space that can hold everything like the star source debris space? Moreover, it can also directly integrate the star source debris space with the dantian space. together?

However, my own condensed dantian space and the star source debris space are different by how many levels there are. Is it really possible? "

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan's eyes were also bright. However, thinking of the special space of the Star Source debris, he himself was more worried.

The highest level currently on the earth is Earth Wandering Immortals, and even if it is Earth Wandering Immortals, the spiritual pond within the body still exists.

This kind of special method is actually created by the humans on the earth, combined with various materials.

Even the old man admired this.

After all, a new cultivation system is not so easy to be perfected, and the earth, at this stage, can be said to be ahead of many places.

However, different paths lead to the same goal. After reaching the Star Noble Realm, whether it is the earth or every part of the universe, they will follow the practice system that has been circulating to strengthen themselves step by step.

On the earth, a warrior who wanders the earth, wants to reach the star state, not only needs to absorb the power of starlight, but also needs to transform his dantian so that it can form an independent space on its own. This is a future achievement for a warrior. Your own pubic kingdom is very important.

However, according to Mr. Xing, when he later condensed the dantian space, he was able to merge the star source debris space with each other.

In other words, when the time comes, one's own dantian space and the star source debris space will not be separated from each other.

In this case, for Zhang Fan, it is indeed the most powerful good fortune.

After all, being able to perceive the origin of the universe anytime and anywhere, and even gradually raise one's body to the same level as the origin, is the goal that everyone in the universe has been working hard for.

"Don't forget, you are fused with the Star Source Fragments. In a sense, your own body has already been transformed by the Star Source Power contained in the Star Source Fragments.

What others can't do, it is very easy to do it for you.

This is like, you yourself are the heir of Star Source Fragment, and the relationship between the two parties is of the same origin, regardless of each other.

When you can completely fuse all the star source fragments, yourself, in fact, is the origin of the universe.

Of course, this is just one of my thoughts. Whether it can succeed or not, no one knows before trying it.

However, as long as the Star Source Fragment Space can be successfully transferred to your Dantian and replace your Dantian Space to grow step by step, it can be said that you are directly ahead of many top powerhouses in the universe.

At least, compared to others, your Dantian space, even if it is stronger than you, cannot be destroyed.

Because if they did that, they were actually attacking the origin of the universe to a certain extent, and that would be backlashed by heaven.

The most important thing is that after replacing the Dantian space with the Star Source Debris Space, when others fight against you, it can be said that the strength they can display will be directly reduced by one-fifth or even more.

In addition, you have cultivated the "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue", which is accompanied by the origin of the heaven-defying technique, and you are born to restrain others.

Of course, it won't be so obvious before the Star Jug realm, but after reaching the Star Jug realm, it can be seen from you and the Titan Great Ape.

If you don’t believe me, you can ask Xiaohuo yourself. If you are really concerned about your strength, you are not actually Xiaohuo’s opponent. After all, Xiaohuo has the Phoenix bloodline, and he also integrates a trace of Star Origin power. Its future is unimaginable.

And the gap between the land travels to the immortals and the star realm is much greater than the gap between the kings level and the land travels to the immortals.

Even Afan, your own strength is strong, it can be said that at best, it can only be tied with Xiaohuo.

However, with the power of the star source and the "Xuantian Spirit Devouring Jue", when you burst out with all your strength, Xiaohuo's own strength is not more than 70%.

Naturally, with my help, I was able to successfully subdue it. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's doubts, Old Xing also explained very patiently.

And Zhang Fan, hearing this, also understood a lot.

"It turned out to be like this. After that, when I broke through, I just followed what you said, try it out, and how to proceed, I still need your help.

Now, the monsters in the sea, I think it should not attack for the time being, and it is time for me to go to the Temple of Light.

If I don't solve it, I always feel that when I'm practicing, I don't have enough thoughts.

This point became more and more obvious as my strength improved. Perhaps, the power of the oath was already beginning to work. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said.

"Well, it's okay to solve it earlier, but you just deal with the people who have been leading the relationship with Huaxia.

In the Temple of Light, there must be some innocent people.

At that time, you can give them another option.

Otherwise, if you increase the number of killings for nothing, although it seems that it will not affect you much, but when your strength reaches a certain level, you will find that the power of cause and effect cannot be ignored.

The avenue of cause and effect is also one of the three thousand avenues of the universe that can be ranked in the top ten. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xing Lao also reminded directly.

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