Star-source Legend

Chapter 932: Go to the Temple of Light (Part 2)

Nodded, Zhang Fan's figure moved, and he immediately came to Nalandi and the others.

"Afan, did the sudden attack just now be caused by another supreme monster? But looking at your face, it was obviously injured. However, the other monster, we have also seen, is a powerful one. The deep sea magic whale. The strength is worse than the three-headed spirit snake."

At this moment, everyone naturally saw Zhang Fan's somewhat pale look, and suddenly they were a little confused.

"It was not the Deep Sea Demon Whale that shot me, but a terrifying existence comparable to the pinnacle of the Star Lord Realm. Moreover, before that, the guy didn't plan to do his best, just trying to prevent me from conquering the three-headed spirit snake. .

Even so, the random attacks made me feel a little strenuous. "

Seeing everyone's expressions, Zhang Fan also directly uttered a piece of news that surprised everyone.

"Hey, my god, comparable to the peak of the Star Jubilee Realm? There is still such a powerful existence in the sea. Doesn't that mean that if it attacks, the final outcome of our humanity is probably directly destroyed?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Song Letian took a breath at the moment, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, but according to my calculations, this big guy's lifespan is already not long, so he won't take it easily. Otherwise, if the power is consumed too much, the impact on it will be very great. You don't need to be too much. Worried too much.

If it wanted to attack, it would have been shot long ago, and it would not wait until now.

Before, I was obviously aware of the danger of the three-headed spirit snake, so I helped it escape. According to my calculation, the sea area should be calm for a while in a short time. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at everyone and said.

"Huh, that's good, otherwise, if we shoot directly, we humans currently have no power to stop such a powerful existence.

Even, it is estimated that even the most terrifying nuclear bomb may not be able to threaten it. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, everyone was also relieved.

"Okay, let's not say any more. I will heal my wounds first. Chairman, Grandpa Xu, I plan to go to the Temple of Light. There are some things that must be resolved.

My vow at the beginning, with the improvement of my strength, has gradually begun to affect my cultivation, so I must destroy the Temple of Light as soon as possible.

Do you want to come with me? "

At this time, Zhang Fan also waved his hand, looked at Nalandi and Xu Yuan, who had already stabilized his injury, and asked.

"Afan, at such a critical time, will the direct destruction of the Temple of Light have a certain impact on the European continent?

After all, now, with the action of the Temple of Light, the threat of European waters can be temporarily relieved.

Otherwise, wait for a while. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi thought for a while and also expressed his concerns.

"It's okay. This time, I went to the Temple of Light, mainly planning to kill all the people who had been doing small actions before. As for the innocent people, I will also let them go.

But the Temple of Light must be disbanded. I can allow the remaining people to re-create a new power on their own. I think even if it is not as powerful as the Holy Land, it is considered to be a second-level powerful existence.

As for the threat in the sea, after I resolve the Temple of Light, I will directly take a small fire and take it personally.

I believe that no one else will say much about this.

To be honest, I decided to let some people go. I was kind enough. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind directly killing all the people in the Temple of Light.

After all, who knows if there are any deeper hidden among them. "

Hearing Nalandi's persuasion, Zhang Fan waved his hand and said directly, his tone was very firm.

"Well, then I'll accompany you on a trip. Xu Yuan, how is your injury now?"

Nodded, Nalandi also directly agreed, and then he looked at Xu Yuan and asked.

"Fortunately, as long as it doesn't use too strong power. This time, A Fan personally shot it, which is equivalent to helping Xu Qing get revenge. I naturally can't miss it."

Xu Yuan also said.

"Well, everyone, just temporarily find a safe place to stay for a while, and after I resolve everything, I will discuss other things.

Ruyan, you don't need to go back to the war gate for the time being, and stay with Qianqian and the others. This way, I can rest assured.

After I come back, I will also help you to solve the problems of Leng Yang and others who have been secretly asking you for trouble before, and never have trouble. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at Liu Ruyan and said directly.

And Yunshan and others sighed at this time.

They knew that Leng Yang would definitely die. It is estimated that the existence of the earth wandering immortal standing behind Leng Yang might be destroyed by Zhang Fan this time.

However, they will not say much.

To blame, blame them for being unwise at the time.

"Okay, Afan, you have to be careful when you go to the Temple of Light. I heard my master told me that the inheritance of the Temple of Light is much longer than that of the sword pavilion. Perhaps, the previous powerful existences remain What horrible tactics were used.

If the situation is not right, don't try your best, anyway, there is time. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Liu Ruyan's eyes also flashed worry, and she reminded Zhang Fan softly.

"Yeah, I know, don't worry, don't you understand my character? I'm not going to do this without full confidence.

By the way, President, for a while, let's go to the families of the two seniors first. I will bring the spirit cards of the two seniors and let them personally witness the destruction of the Temple of Light. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also looked at Nalandi and said.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan, Nalandi and Xu Yuan fell on Xiao Huo's back and left the area where the 11th Military Region was located.

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