Star-source Legend

Chapter 933: Holy Light Cross (Part 1)

After explaining the situation from the homes of Xu Qingfeng and Wu Zheng, their families all agreed to Zhang Fan's request.

After all, they all knew Zhang Fan, especially now that Zhang Fan is the first person on the earth.

It stands to reason that Zhang Fan is already helping Wu Zheng and Xu Qingfeng to avenge his revenge. After all, when he was in the Six Great Sacred Lands Exchange Challenge, Zhang Fan had already killed all the disciples of the Temple of Light except Athos. This The family of Wu Zheng and Xu Qingfeng are already very grateful.

And now, Zhang Fan plans to destroy the Temple of Light directly, so naturally there is no reason to disagree.

After getting the spirit cards of Wu Zheng and Xu Qingfeng, Zhang Fan took Nalandi and Xu Yuan towards the Hundred Beast Demon Realm. This time, he also planned to take the Titans just in case. The great ape is also brought directly.

"Xiaojin, it's me, now you come to the location of the entrance of the Hundred Beast Demon Realm, I am here waiting for you."

After arriving in the Hundred Beast Demon Territory, Zhang Fan did not go in, but directly through the soul seal, and told the Titan Great Ape.

"Little Jin has seen the master."

In less than a few minutes, a burly figure appeared in front of Zhang Fan and others.

Its appearance is very similar to the King Kong in the movie. The only difference is that part of the hair around it has begun to change to golden yellow.

Moreover, the Titan Great Ape had apparently mastered the supernatural power directly passed to him by Zhang Fan.

At this moment, the Titan Great Ape is more than two meters tall. Those who don't know their identity, at most think that the Titan Great Ape is an ordinary ape monster.

"Xiaojin, the two next to me are the elders I respect very much. One of them, you have already met, and this one, you and I have also mentioned to you, the president of the Martial Arts Guild, and also a human being. Except for me, the most powerful one.

As for it, it is called Xiaohuo. From now on, it can be regarded as your partner. Especially, Xiaohuo's strength is much stronger than you.

This time I came to you, but I also need your help. Specifically, when I reach the destination, you will understand.

Come on, without further ado, let's set off quickly. "

Looking at the Titan Great Ape in front of him, Zhang Fan also pointed at Nalandi at the moment, and Xiao Huo introduced him.

"Hello, I am Xiaojin, and my body is a Titan Great Ape."

At this moment, when Zhang Fan said, the Titan Great Ape was also a little surprised, and then he came to Xiao Huo and introduced himself.

"Hello, I am Xiao Huo, and I am a Phoenix-tailed Condor. According to my age, I am older than you. If you don't mind, just call me Huo Brother."

At this moment, Xiao Huo also looked up and down at the Titan Great Ape in front of him, and said.

"Okay, Brother Huo."

Nodding, the Titan Great Ape was also directly addressed, making Xiao Huo very happy.

As for the three of Zhang Fan, they all felt a little funny when they heard what Xiao Huo had just said.

Brother Huo... The Phoenix-Tailed Condor is really interesting. The most important thing is that the upright Titan Great Ape really agreed.

At the same time, Xu Yuan and Nalandi were also very surprised. After all, they did not expect that the Titan Great Apes, including Xiao Huo, were all able to freely change the size of their bodies. Perhaps, after they reached the Star Realm, they It should all have awakened a certain ability.

After that, the Titan Great Ape jumped directly onto Xiao Huo's back.

Afterwards, under Zhang Fan's guidance, Xiao Huo directly led the Titan Great Ape, Xu Yuan and Nalandi, and rushed towards the direction of the Temple of Light.

With the speed of the Phoenix-Tailed Condor and the shrinkage of the body a lot, it can be said that it definitely exceeds Zhang Fan and the others.

One moment is enough to span a distance of tens of miles.

In the end, in less than an hour, the Phoenix-Tailed Condor had brought Zhang Fan and the others directly to the front of the Temple of Light.

At this moment, the Temple of Light is still open with a large array of brilliant angels. And within it, the Temple of Light had not received news of Zhang Fan and others' arrival.

"Xiao Huo, Xiao Jin, you two don't need to do it for a while. If something else happens, I will tell you two."

"Yes, master."

The Phoenix-Tailed Condor and the Titan Great Ape said at the same time, and then the Phoenix-Tailed Condor fell to the ground.

At this time, Zhang Fan also rose directly into the sky.


Immediately afterwards, a powerful breath also erupted directly from Zhang Fan's body. The clouds in the sky were directly washed away under this breath at this moment. Even the Radiant Angel's array at this time was also directly Unable to tremble, many people in the Temple of Light were shocked. At the same time, powerful auras burst out, directly rising into the sky.

Headed by the two Supreme Guardians of the Temple of Light, Rowell.

Behind him, Kassadin, as well as several powerful figures in the sub-temple of the Temple of Light, are also close behind.

"It turned out to be Young Master Zhang Fan. I don't know that Young Master Zhang Fan suddenly exploded and attacked the great formation of my Temple of Light. What did he intend to do?"

At this moment, Gooding and the others also saw Zhang Fan in front of them. Although they were a little surprised in their hearts, they still asked in a deep voice with the same expression.

"Hehe, are you Guding, one of the two Supreme Guardians of the Temple of Light? The reason why I came to the Temple of Light, I think, without me, you should understand.

As early as in the Holy Land Exchange Challenge, I swear that one day, I will personally destroy the Temple of Light, so today, I am here.

Put it this way, I think you should understand? "

Hearing Guding knowingly asked, Zhang Fan was too lazy to be long-winded and said directly.

"Hahaha, what a big joke, Zhang Fan, don't think that your current strength is the strongest existence on earth, or you can do whatever you want.

Our Temple of Light has been passed down for more than two thousand years. I don’t know how many catastrophes we have experienced, but we all stand tall.

Last time, Xu Yuan was able to severely inflict us on us because we didn't want to use some hole cards, otherwise, even with the existence of the Star Realm, we would be completely fearless.

Moreover, at such a critical time, you deal with our Temple of Light, spread out, are you not afraid of being scolded by those humans? Without our Temple of Light, the European continent now has long been in ruins. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Guding laughed directly and said, there was not much fear in his expression.

As for Zhang Fan's arrival, the Temple of Light had already been able to guess, and was always preparing for it.

Indeed, the Temple of Light is now, in terms of the strength of the warrior, the most powerful one is Guding, but it has only reached the mid-term of the land travel.

However, as Guding said, the Temple of Light has a long heritage, and certainly has a lot of powerful hole cards, either Zhang Fan wants to destroy it, or it can be easily destroyed.

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