Star-source Legend

Chapter 940: Destroy the Temple of Light (Part 2)

As for Nalandi and Xu Yuan, they all sighed at the moment when Zhang Fan disappeared.

After all, the Temple of Light, as a powerful existence that has existed on the earth for a short time, was easily destroyed by Zhang Fan.

However, in any case, the destruction of the Temple of Light was actually quite happy in their hearts, especially Xu Yuan. It can be said that Zhang Fan indirectly did what he always wanted to do.

As for the ordinary people in the Temple of Light, Zhang Fan did not directly kill all of them. After all, no matter how great the hatred is, it will not harm the family, especially a group of ordinary people.

At this point, Zhang Fan is still quite measured.

Anyway, in his opinion, the remaining ordinary people in the Temple of Light, unless they can give birth to existences with more talent than him in a short time.

Otherwise, basically, there will be no chance of surpassing Zhang Fan.

Even these people who are left now, even if they have a bit of hatred towards Zhang Fan, dare not say clearly, otherwise what awaits them will be a real disaster.

As for the people in the remaining three branches of the Temple of Light, looking at everything in front of them, their expressions are actually very complicated.

After all, no matter what, they are considered part of the Temple of Light, especially many of them are their old friends.

Including the existence of the twenty-four peaks of the Conferred King Realm before, a few of them were Athena's masters and shopkeepers of their respective branch halls.

However, since they joined forces to fight against Zhang Fan, they have stood on the opposite side of Zhang Fan.

The ending is predictable!

"The three of you, as well as the three of you who are in the sub-temple, are able to survive this time because you have always upheld the mission of the Temple of Light.

Moreover, they have always opposed Gooding's approach. Therefore, Afan is considered to have spared your life.

After that, your three branch halls can choose to merge together, or you can choose to join our martial arts guild or sword pavilion.

With your strength, even if you don't have the existence of the Earth Wandering Immortal level, they are all comparable to the Qianlong Military Academy.

Here, I'll leave it to you to deal with, how to say, these are your fellow students, let them all be buried properly. "

After more than an hour later, after collecting all the important resources in the treasury of the Temple of Light, Nalandi also came to Athena and the others to remind them.

Afterwards, Nalandi took a deep look at Athena and the others before leaving the place with Xu Yuan.

Everything is now over.

Starting today, the shrine of the Temple of Light has officially disappeared.

As for how Athena and the others choose, whether it is Zhang Fan or Nalandi, in fact, they have basically said it to them very clearly.

In short, they couldn't claim to be themselves as the Temple of Light.


As for Zhang Fan, at this time, the figure also appeared on the top of a snow-capped mountain tens of thousands of meters high.

As for the Phoenix-tailed Condor and the Titan Great Ape, they all shrunk their bodies at this moment, quietly accompanying Zhang Fan.

Because they can feel that Zhang Fan's current mood is a bit low.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's mood was indeed the same as they felt, and he didn't know how to describe his current mood.

Especially this time, there are tens of thousands of people in the Temple of Light who died in Zhang Fan's hands. It can be said that in the eyes of others, perhaps, Zhang Fan himself has already become an executioner.

"Xing Lao, do you think I am doing the right thing today? Those people in the Temple of Light who were killed by me, perhaps, there are also many innocent people."

At this moment, Zhang Fan was also directly giving the Xing Lao in the Starwish Fragment Space, the sound transmission said.

"Hehe, in fact, it is not correct. You have the answer in your own heart. I told you a long time ago that every martial artist, every step of improvement, is going against the sky.

Thinking of getting stronger power to protect the family and friends who are most important to oneself, some costs are inevitable.

And killing is one of them.

It can be said that every strong man, before he truly grows up, all walked out of the sea of ​​blood. In their lives, sometimes, they may accidentally kill some innocent people.

However, to show mercy to others is to be irresponsible to yourself.

It's like what you did today, in my opinion, although you can make your own judgment at a critical moment.

However, you have to know that you can guarantee that among those who survived and spared your life, there must be no hostility towards you among them?

Especially, when you leave the earth in the future, there will be no return to the earth in a short time. Then, if some people want to deal with your family and friends, what should you do?

It can be said that now that you let all these people go, to a large extent, you are also making trouble for yourself.

However, since this seems like your choice, I won't say much.

However, you must also remember that it is absolutely necessary for a real strong person to be soft-hearted, otherwise, if one does not pay attention, you will regret it for life. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Mr. Xing also smiled and said his thoughts.

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