Star-source Legend

Chapter 941: Break into the Star Jubilee Realm (Part 1)

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan also fell directly into silence.

However, Zhang Fan did not regret that he had let go of the Temple of Wisdom, Temple of Peace, and Temple of Sea God.

After all, some people don’t die from sin. Blindly killing can not completely solve the problem.

Especially in Europe, it still needs a good force to guard. If all the people in the Temple of Light are directly and completely killed, then the final outcome of the European continent, it is estimated that it can only be directly captured by monsters from other seas, and even, Even the threat of land monsters cannot be solved.

After all, not everywhere, there are Zhang Fan or the underworld, which directly controls powerful monsters.

"Anyway, I always follow my heart in everything I do. At least, in my opinion, today's decision is correct.

Of course, the Temple of Light is outside, and there are some warriors who have relationships with Kassadin and others, who are responsible for guarding each area along the coast.

I hope they can understand their current situation. This is the last and only opportunity I give them. "

After thinking about this, Zhang Fan's expression became extremely firm, as he looked at the distance and said.

"Well, it’s good to be able to think about these things. In your own heart, set up a rule that can make yourself very firm all the time. The effect for your improvement, especially the improvement of your mood, is very huge. .

Nowadays, there are powerful monsters on your planet that even you can't fight against now. I think it's time for you to retreat once again and launch an impact on the Star Jubilee realm.

With your talent and physical fitness, perhaps, once you break through, you can directly condense at least three star marks in a row.

At that time, after your own realm is stabilized, you can directly join the third star source fragment. At that time, your power may also be able to reach the late stage of the star noble realm.

At least, he had a certain degree of certainty against the special monster that appeared before. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xing Lao also reminded directly.

"After I arrange the things at hand, I will just retreat."

Hearing what Xing Lao said, Zhang Fan also nodded.

"Little Huo, Xiao Jin, let's go."

Afterwards, Zhang Fan left the place with the Phoenix-Tailed Condor and Titan Great Ape and rushed to the location of Gulan Academy.

After all, he hasn't seen his parents for a long time.

Moreover, he was also a long time, did not get together with those friends of his own, and just had time before retreating.


More than an hour later, Zhang Fan went directly to Gulan Academy. As for the Titan Great Ape and the Phoenix-Tailed Condor, they went directly into the Star Source Fragment Space.

With the guidance of the old man, it can be said that the speed of the Phoenix-tailed Condor and the Titan Great Ape has improved compared to before.

Zhang Fan also knew before that his parents now live in Gulan's new home where he and Hong Lie lived.

Moreover, due to Zhang Fan's relationship, it can be said that even the elders of Zhang Fan's parents are inferior to the treatment at Gulan Academy.

With the help of a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures, Zhang Fan's parents, at present, have reached the strength of the internal organs.

This is enough for Zhang Fan himself to feel very satisfied.

After all, his parents have no talent for cultivation.

Reaching the viscera state, plus having one's own help, is still very easy to live more than a hundred years old.

Especially Xing Lao said to Zhang Fan before that if the tree of life in the Star Source Fragment Space can bear fruit, even the lowest level of life fruit, if ordinary people take it, it will directly increase their life span by more than 100,000 years.

Even in the universe, there are even more powerful treasures of heaven, material and earth. If ordinary people continue to consume them, they can directly exist for millions of years, millions of years, or even 100 million years.

Basically, it is similar to being immortal.

"Parents, your current strength is almost the same. It is already at the limit. If you force it to improve, it will have a lot of impact on your own body.

Later, I will arrange for you to take a special medicated bath regularly. At most, a few months will be enough to change your body to a certain extent. Then, you will be able to continue to the martial spirit realm. Advance, even, hopefully cultivate to the Martial Soul Realm.

Of course, because you suffer a bit from the martial arts talents, the speed will be slower. However, as long as you can cultivate, your son, I have a way to make you directly stronger.

I don't want to see you getting old early. Your son will take you around the entire universe in the future. Our family will stay together forever. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan was sitting on the sofa of Gu Lan's new residence, holding the hand of his mother, Shen Qiong, and said firmly.

"Haha, Afan, we are very satisfied with the ability to practice now. This feeling of inadequate strength every day makes it easier than when we were young.

We know that you are very powerful now, but neither of us knows nothing.

Nowadays, the safety of the entire planet can be said to be tied to your shoulders, Afan. To be honest, your parents and I have always felt that we owe you a lot, because we have never Know how to care about you and help you.

The only thing we can do is to quietly hope that you will be able to go smoothly and peacefully every day. At the same time, we also try not to let you worry about us too much.

The method you just mentioned, the price you have to pay is certainly not small. Now, the improvement of your strength is the guarantee. After everything is over, if you propose it, your mother and I will not refuse it. . "

Looking at his son, Zhang Shun also said directly at this moment.

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