Star-source Legend

Chapter 953: The Holy Land of Mount Everest (Part 2)

"Well, that matter, after the threat of the sea area is lifted, it will be put directly on the agenda.

The more geniuses are born, it is also a very good thing for the earth. After all, none of us knows whether the powerhouses of those powerful planets in the universe will one day come to earth again.

With the current strength of our earth human warriors, once a strong man from an alien planet descends, there will definitely not be much resistance.

In peacetime, we must prepare early. "

Nodded, Xu Yuan also said directly at this moment.

"Yeah, that's the case. As for the Mount Everest side, just name it the Mount Everest Holy Land, and afterwards, each holy land will be sent to an elder from the late period of the king to take care of it.

For the time being, it is forbidden to enter there, and it will not be too late to open after everything is perfected. "

Nalandi also said immediately.

"Grandpa Xu, my master also taught several good formations before, and one of them is called the Star-Gathering Formation.

This is what my master taught me specifically considering that I need a lot of starry sky power to break through to the Star Noble realm.

Of course, this array is very troublesome to set up. First of all, you must have a very strong mental power. Second, according to my understanding, you also need to reach the Star Noble state before it can be reluctantly deployed.

Grandpa Xu, don't you like to study the field? In fact, it is completely similar to the formations, and I will teach you these types of formations.

In the future, it may also be able to play some role.

I don’t know much about the formation at present. With the help of Grandpa Xu, when the arrangement of the star gathering formation is completed, the power of attracting the stars will continue to gather towards Mount Everest. It can be directly transformed into the power of the starry sky that can be absorbed by a strong earth traveler. "

Zhang Fan looked at Xu Yuan and said directly.

"Oh? There is such a magical formation?"

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xu Yuan also seemed very excited.

For him, the field and the formation are actually very necessary, but now, there are not many known formations on earth that can interest Xu Yuan.

And Zhang Fan's master, who is considered a good powerhouse in the universe, the formation left to Zhang Fan is obviously also very powerful, and it is definitely not a small increase in his ability.

"Yes, Grandpa Xu, close your eyes and relax. I will pass on the content of the formation directly to you."

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said directly to Xu Yuan.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, Xu Yuan directly closed his eyes and let himself in a relaxed state.


For an instant, a golden light flashed directly in Zhang Fan's hand, and then directly under the control of Zhang Fan, it submerged into Xu Yuan's eyebrows.

And Xu Yuan, when the golden light entered the center of his eyebrows, his body trembled, and then he returned to normal.

It took a full half an hour before Xu Yuan received this information.

"Sure enough, the strength of these formations is beyond my imagination. At least, these three formations alone are enough for me to study for decades."

At this moment, Xu Yuan also looked at everyone and said.

"Hehe, if that's the case, then Grandpa Xu, during the time I am going to the sea, please take the time to study it. After I come back, let's go directly to Mount Everest and try it."

Hearing what Xu Yuan said, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"Um, yes, it seems that I will be busy next. But, I like it."

Nodded, Xu Yuan also seemed very happy.

"Yeah, the president, Mr. Liu, Grandpa Gu, Grandpa Xu, these things are left to you, and I am going directly to the sea area now.

Xiaohuo, Xiaojin, the two of you will stay here at Gulan Academy for the time being. The sea is too dangerous. Your strength is more difficult even to deal with the three-headed spirit snake. "

Zhang Fan also stood up directly at this time, looked at everyone and said, at the same time, he also directly ordered with the Titan Great Ape and the Phoenix-Tailed Condor.

This can be regarded as Zhang Fan's absolute trust in Xiao Huo and Xiao Jin.

After all, he had already directly lifted Xiaojin and Xiaohuo's control. If the two of them attacked his relatives and friends, the consequences would be disastrous.

Of course, Zhang Fan himself also left a secret spiritual imprint on them, just in case in the past, if there is an abnormal situation in Xiaohuo or Xiaojin, the soul imprint, even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, Zhang Fan will It is possible to directly make it effective for the first time.

Of course, for Xiaojin and Xiaohuo, since they have truly chosen to follow Zhang Fan, they will naturally not have two hearts.

Especially, Zhang Fan left them here with great confidence. It can be said that this moved Xiaojin and Xiaohuo very much in their hearts.

After that, Zhang Fan left Gulan Academy directly and hurried towards the sea.

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