Star-source Legend

Chapter 954: Niu Long Jiao (Part 1)

Flying fast all the way, Zhang Fan's speed can be said to directly climb to the extreme.

In just ten minutes, Zhang Fan had already arrived at the coastal location.

At this moment, a large number of sea monsters are still constantly attacking various military districts, and it is the monsters on the land that are responsible for the confrontation.

As for some soldiers, they are looking for opportunities to deal with those sea monsters that have been wounded, and strive to achieve a one-shot kill. It can be said that the land monsters and the soldiers have even formed a certain degree of tacit understanding.

And some monsters with relatively high IQs can understand human words, command their subordinates, and fight with monsters in the sea in a specific way.

In this regard, Zhang Fan is also very satisfied.

At least, for now, without the threat of supreme-level monsters, the safety of the sea can still be guaranteed.

"Afan, why do you have time to come here? Are you not in retreat and breakthrough?"

At this time, Zhang Fan also went directly to the 11th Military Region.

When Hu Zhi saw Zhang Fan, he was also very curious, and looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Hehe, I have already completed the breakthrough. This time I plan to go to the sea to check the situation in person. I just passed by you, so come and see you."

Looking at Hu Zhi, Zhang Fan also said with a smile.

"What? You broke through so quickly? You pervert, my God!"

Hu Zhi was also very shocked when he heard that Zhang Fan actually took less than half a year to make a direct breakthrough.

After all, the difficulty of breaking through to the Xing Jue Mirror is much more difficult than the difficulty of breaking through to the top of the Conferred King Realm.

According to what Hu Zhi heard from Nalandi before, even if Zhang Fan's talent is terrifying, it will take at least many years to break through to the realm of Star Lord.

As a result, Zhang Fan's time was much faster than all of them thought.

This is because Zhang Fan didn't tell Hu Zhi that he had reached the four-star majesty level. Otherwise, Hu Zhi's eyes would probably pop out and fall to the ground.

"In that case, your current strength should be more than ten times stronger than before. In this case, the threat to the sea may be hoped to be resolved.

In this case, the various military districts along the coast would not have such great pressure. "

Hu Zhi also seemed to relax a lot at this moment, looking at Zhang Fan and said.

"Don't be so optimistic, my strength has indeed improved a lot compared to before. Even dealing with the three-headed spirit snake is very easy, but in the sea, there is a strong presence comparable to the peak of the star state. , I also told you before.

I went over this time, mainly intending to feel the details of the big guy who appeared before, and see if I can discuss it and let him give up the idea of ​​attacking the land.

Otherwise, if the other party makes a full shot, I can't do anything. "

Seeing Hu Zhi's expression, Zhang Fan also looked at Hu Zhi seriously and reminded.

"Ah? Xingjue Mirror Peak? How could it be possible? If it were so powerful, we humans would have been wiped out soon? Even the monsters on the land would all be directly wiped out."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Hu Zhi's expression also looked very solemn. The look was full of worry.

"I am not very clear about this, but you just remember one thing, that is, you must never relax your vigilance. You will also contact Sunshine later and tell him this.

At the very least, the protective power must be increased again.

I’m going over this time, and I’m not sure I’ll encounter a lot of trouble, but it’s my responsibility, and I can’t give it up. "

Zhang Fan also shook his head and said.

"Well, then you must be more careful when you go to the sea. The situation is not right, and immediately retreat. You guys are sometimes too persistent. You have to think about Uncle Zhang and Aunt Shen and your two sweethearts, including us. These brothers."

Nodded, Hu Zhi also knew that it was impossible for him to persuade Zhang Fan not to go to the sea, so he could only remind Zhang Fan.

"Don't worry, then I will leave first."

After nodding, Zhang Fan's figure directly disappeared in place.

In the next moment, Zhang Fan's figure already appeared on the sea in the distance.

When it comes to where to find a monster of the supreme level in the sea, Zhang Fan knows a few places.

First of all, the first place is the Dead Sea.

The location of the previous Deep Sea Demon Dragon King was on the edge of the Dead Sea, and at the same time, it also had the responsibility to guard the Dead Sea.

According to the position in his memory, Zhang Fan kept speeding up along the way, moving towards the depths of the death sea.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also unreservedly released his powerful aura.

Suddenly, many sea monsters that felt Zhang Fan's breath all dived to a deeper position in the first place, or fled directly.

At the same time, Zhang Fan's mental power is also directly exploring the depths of the sea.

"It turned out to be here, in such a deep position, it is really not easy to find."

After more than ten minutes, relying on his strong mental power after this increase in strength, Zhang Fan also directly found a very familiar supreme-level monster, that is, the three-headed spirit snake.

At this moment, the huge body of the three-headed spirit snake is hidden in a deep seabed that looks very flat, with six eyes closed tightly, as if sleeping.

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