Star-source Legend

Chapter 958: Reach an agreement (below)

Zhang Fan himself did not expect that it would be so easy for him to find the Luangyu Star Base. It can be said that what Niulongjiao said is definitely a huge gain for Zhang Fan.

Of course, Zhang Fan was still not sure whether Niulong Jiao was talking about Luangyu Star Base.

However, according to the information I got, the range where the Luangyu Star base was located was in the very center of the Dead Sea.

Naturally, hope is still great.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also directly condensed a layer of spiritual power mask, as the Niulongjiao continued to dive.

For the sea, Zhang Fan can say that this is the first time he has truly entered its depths.

Looking at the powerful monsters around and the magnificent scenery of the seabed, it can be said that all these are absolutely novel to Zhang Fan himself.

However, one thing that makes Zhang Fan feel uncomfortable is that as he dives deeper and deeper, the pressure becomes stronger and stronger.

With Zhang Fan's current physical fitness, he tried the challenge of the gravity chamber up to a thousand times before. It can be said that it is very easy.

And the one thousand times the challenge of the gravity room, according to Zhang Fan's estimation, can at best be able to play an effect on the martial artist under the Star Jubilee realm, beyond this limit, it will not play any role.

Now, through his own observation, Zhang Fan also discovered that he had already dived close to five kilometers with the Niulongjiao.

That pressure is even more than a thousand times that of the gravity chamber, and every time you dive a little bit, that pressure will increase a lot.

Of course, with Zhang Fan's current strength and physical fitness, he can still support it temporarily.

"Haha, Afan, your physical fitness seems to be very good. Such a deep depth is definitely a huge challenge for you human warriors.

Even if your master dived to 8,000 meters at most, he couldn't withstand the pressure of the sea. At that time, I remember that your master was much stronger than you.

But now, at a depth of 6,000 meters, you are not even flushed or breathless. In this regard, you are much stronger than your master. "

At this time, Niulongjiao also looked at Zhang Fan with an unexpected expression, and said.

"This may be because I pay attention to my physical strength exercise. However, I have already begun to feel a lot of pressure. According to my estimation, at most, I can only dive to a depth of seven kilometers and continue. , It may have an impact on my body."

Hearing what Niulongjiao said, Zhang Fan also said.

"Well, this is already very rare. Continue to dive for about five hundred meters, and you will be able to reach the entrance.

It is a special area, which I discovered by accident many years ago, and I moved there to live directly.

The inside is considered to be a self-contained space. Of course, it is also filled with a lot of sea water, but the spiritual energy contained in these waters is very rich. The most important thing is that these breaths are accompanied by a lot of starry sky power.

It is also thanks to the power of the stars that can be absorbed by me, so that I can temporarily maintain my physical state, otherwise, if there is not enough power of the stars, it is estimated that I will not be able to support it for long. "

While diving, Niulongjiao also spoke to Zhang Fan.

"Here, do you see that shiny place? That's the entrance."

Soon, the Niulongjiao took Zhang Fan to a specific position, and then said to Zhang Fan.

And Zhang Fan had already seen the existence of the light curtain.

"Sure enough, with the power of Luangyu Star, it is naturally possible to create a relatively simple relic space."

At this moment, Zhang Fan is also using his own mental power to continuously explore this light curtain.

However, the results obtained made Zhang Fan a little confused.

That is, this light curtain does not have that special energy atmosphere, as if it were made with an advanced technological method, and it seems very rigid.

"This light curtain is very magical. When I discovered it at the beginning, I originally thought it was inaccessible due to the size of my body.

However, as soon as I get closer, the light curtain will directly emit light and increase directly to the size that can accommodate my entry.

Speaking of which, this special method can be considered very powerful. "

At this time, Niu Long Jiao also explained to Zhang Fan.

"Come on, let me in."

Afterwards, Niulongjiao swam toward the light curtain first.

As soon as he approached the light curtain, Zhang Fan saw the light curtain, as if he had the ability to automatically recognize the size of the object and change its own size. It was directly transformed into a light curtain with a size of more than ten meters.

But if the Niulongjiao didn't enter vertically, it was completely able to pass.


Zhang Fan was also following the Niulongjiao right now, and directly entered the light curtain.


However, as soon as Zhang Fan entered this light curtain, a group of colorful masks directly covered Zhang Fan, accompanied by a special sound.

This kind of voice is the lingua franca of the universe, and Xing Lao had specially let Zhang Fan learn it before. Naturally, Zhang Fan could also understand it.

At this moment, Zhang Fan was also directly unable to move under the control of the beams of energy rays that did not know where he came from, making the Niulongjiao seem very surprised.

"What's the matter? Why didn't I make any movement when I came in? Afan, don't get me wrong, I don't know what this is.

Before, many of my hands came here, but they didn't have this kind of reaction? "

Seeing that Zhang Fan was directly under full control, Niu Long Jiao was also anxious and explained.

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