Star-source Legend

Chapter 959: Inheritance of Xuan Dou Star Master (Part 1)

After all, for the Niulongjiao, Zhang Fan is related to its ability to have a longer life.

Naturally, it is impossible to behave with Zhang Fan.

At this moment, beams of light **** all parts of Zhang Fan's body like ropes. Streams of light passed through these rays and quickly passed toward the depths of this special space, just like a computer transmitting a signal.

And Zhang Fan himself felt as if he had been scanned by something, that feeling was not very comfortable, as if his body had no secrets.

However, with the existence of Xing Lao, it can be said that Zhang Fan is not very worried.

This particular process lasted about three minutes.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

It was very abrupt, and in the relaxed look of the Niulongjiao, all the light that controlled Zhang Fan was also seen. At this moment, it was directly gathered and headed toward the depths of this space.

"Xxxxxx, xxxxxxxxx......" A large paragraph echoed in the entire space.

Niulongjiao naturally didn't understand, but Zhang Fan himself understood very well.

The specific internal same is: "Humans from unknown planets, congratulations, 40 brain development, perfect body structure, and qualified to accept the inheritance of the great Xuan Dou Star Master.

Because this was the first time in a long time since the inheritance of Star Master Xuan Dou had encountered a compatible human being, it took an hour to wait. "

At this moment, Zhang Fan was floating in the same place, also looking confused.

"Inheritance of Xuan Dou Star Master? Who is this Xuan Dou Star Master?"

The most important thing is the level of brain development and the perfect body structure. These are all messes.

"Haha, Afan, don't worry, this is something to celebrate for you.

Xuan Dou Xing seems to have a bit of an impression in my memory. In the universe, it is considered a very powerful force. The name of this planet is called Xuan Dou Xing, and its owner is naturally the Xuan Dou Star Master.

And if a person can be called a star master, his strength has at least reached the pinnacle of the star-yang realm, or even surpassed the star-yang realm.

A warrior with this kind of strength is considered a very powerful existence in the universe. Compared with Xuan Dou Xing, Qianlong Star where your master is located, the gap between the two sides is like the difference between Earth and Luangyu Star.

It may even be more exaggerated than this.

And the inheritance of a star master is also very important to you now.

I am here with those martial arts and martial arts.

But I just took a look. The preservation of this space is very complete. Maybe there will be a complete spacecraft. After you get this inheritance, it may be possible to directly control the spacecraft and leave the earth.

This is the most important.

Especially, perhaps this Xuan Dou Star Master has left you a lot of wealth, which you will need in the future. And I cannot give you these external things for the time being.

With this inheritance of the Xuan Dou Star Master, entering the universe can at least save you from worrying about external things, which is a solution to a problem that I have always worried about.

For a while, you can safely accept the inheritance that with me, even if the Xuan Dou Star Master may have a remnant soul, he can't help you. "

At this time, all of a sudden, Xing Lao, who had fallen asleep before, also woke up directly, and said to Zhang Fan.

"Huh... that's good, since Mr. Xing said that, then I'm relieved."

Hearing Xing Lao's voice, Zhang Fan also seemed to relax a lot.

"Yeah, maybe there are some good treasures here that can help me recover. When that happens, I won't have to fall asleep.

You wait patiently. "

Old Xing also said immediately.

"Afan, what's the situation?"

At this time, Niu Long Jiao also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Just now it was regarded as a test of this space for me. Seniors, you may need to leave this space for a while. This is what the voice just said, saying that I meet the requirements of inheritance and let me accept the inheritance."

Zhang Fan didn't conceal too much, looking at the Niulongjiao and said.

"Is there still such an opportunity? It seems that you kid is really blessed with amazing luck. I have lived here for at least 500 years, and there is no movement.

It seems that this dimension is only for you humans.

Anyway, this space is not that important to me now, it doesn't hurt to leave it to you, I will go out immediately.

However, you must be more careful yourself just in case.

Maybe all of this is a conspiracy. "

Hearing that Zhang Fan had not concealed himself, Niu Long Jiao was actually very pleased in his heart. Suddenly, without much thought, he planned to leave and reminded Zhang Fan.

"Don't worry, I will be more careful."

Zhang Fan also nodded.

Afterwards, Niu Long Jiao returned the same way and left this space.

However, Zhang Fan still stood still, motionless, waiting silently.

According to what Xing Lao said to him just now, this Xuan Dou Star Master seemed to be a very powerful existence.

His master is now in the Xingyue realm, and this Xuan Dou Star Master may even have surpassed the Xingyang realm. It can be said that just a single finger is enough to destroy the earth directly.

Naturally, the inheritance it left behind is certainly very strong.

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