Star-source Legend

Chapter 960: Inheritance of Xuan Dou Star Master (Part 2)

However, Zhang Fan himself still has a doubt.

That is, since this is the base left by Xuan Dou Star Master, where is the base left by Luan Yu Xing? Could it not be in the Dead Sea?

Although, perhaps after accepting the inheritance left by Xuan Dou Star Master, Luang Yu Xing's inheritance is not so important.

However, it is impossible for him to contribute to good things temporarily. After all, the inheritance of Star Master Xuan Dou is very important to his future.

Naturally, finding the base of Luangyu Star is the most important thing for human beings on earth.

At that time, if you leave the universe, you will also need to ride on Luangyu's spacecraft.

"One hour, why is it so slow."

After a while, Zhang Fan also mumbled.

According to the past, one hour is very short for Zhang Fan, but here, it feels like a year for Zhang Fan, which is very uncomfortable.

Time passed by every minute...

Zhang Fan also stayed and waited silently.




At this moment, all of a sudden, the entire space became incomparably shining in all directions, and then, blobs of golden light shot directly from the mist-shrouded area of ​​this space towards Zhang Fan.

In the end, it has always converged into a colorful light group, suspended in front of Zhang Fan.

"Please relax and accept the inheritance."

At this time, a loud voice also resounded throughout the space.

"Do as it says."

Old Xing also said aloud.

Suddenly, Zhang Fan closed his eyes and let go of his mind directly.

Immediately afterwards, the colored light group immediately submerged into Zhang Fan's eyebrows very quickly.

As for Zhang Fan, his whole body trembled at this time, and he immediately lost consciousness.

When Zhang Fan woke up, he saw that he was in a unique spiritual space.

In front of Zhang Fan, there was a figure that looked a little hazy.

"I don't know how long, I finally found a good human being. To be able to get Xiao Gu's recognition and start receiving inheritance, it seems that you are also considered an absolute genius.

You should be less than 30 years old, and your strength has reached the four-star noble state, and even the whole body contains a special aura, which feels like a star source. It seems that you have an extraordinary chance.

However, if you want to accept my inheritance, you need to promise me something. This matter is very difficult for you. Even in the future, once you get the news of my inheritance exposed, wait. Yours will be endless pursuit.

Give you one minute to think about it. If you are willing to accept my inheritance, then you need to agree to my condition. If you don’t want to, I will not force it. I will give you several powerful exercises and martial arts. , Is also a good harvest. "

At this time, this figure also heard a voice. However, although Qi also turned around, Zhang Fan still couldn't see his appearance.

However, Zhang Fan got into consideration for what this person said.

This person, if Zhang Fan guessed correctly, he should be the Xuan Dou Star Master. According to what he said, if he wants to get the inheritance, he also needs to pay a price.

And this price, perhaps for myself, is a huge crisis.

"Afan, please agree. If you want to survive in the universe, this inheritance from the Xuan Dou Star Master is of great help to you. As for the danger, it can be said that in the universe, life is in danger at all times.

Moreover, once the news of your ability to fuse star source fragments is exposed, it can be said that you will definitely become the target of everyone in the universe.

Because, for many people, being a star is the most important thing. "

At this time, Xing Lao's voice also came directly, causing Zhang Fan to nod too.

"Senior, I promised you. Although I am very weak now, the warrior is acting against the sky, especially in the universe, and will face danger anytime and anywhere.

If you have a harvest, you will naturally need to pay a certain price. There is no such thing as a free meal. "

At this time, Zhang Fan also looked at the figure in front of him and said firmly.

"Very well, since you are willing to accept my inheritance, then from now on, you will be my descendant of Beiguang. In my life, I have been chasing and growing up since I was born.

After more than 300,000 years of cultivation, I reached the pinnacle of the Xingyang realm. After that, after 300,000 years, I successfully broke through to the ethereal realm.

In the end, because of a treasure, I fell directly.

And this treasure is the Star Source Fragment.

You may not have heard of the Star Source Fragment, but I can say that it is definitely the most powerful and important treasure in the entire universe.

Because that was the fragment made by the origin at the beginning of the universe, and only 999 pieces later in the entire universe.

It can be said that even if it is to get a piece, for a powerful warrior, it is infinitely beneficial.

However, most of the star source fragments are controlled by a few super holy places in the starry sky, and only a few fragments are scattered throughout the universe.

Although I got a piece by fluke, I also offended a lot of people. Among them, two of them have the strength, and even in the beginning, they have reached the realm of ethereal spirit.

After I got the Star Source Fragment, relying on my understanding of the source, although I finally reached the middle stage of the ethereal realm, it was still outnumbered.

In the end, came to this planet by accident.

However, at that time, I was injured so badly that I was basically unable to recover.

Therefore, using advanced technology during the rush, this relatively small space was temporarily established.

In the end, I left all my things here, including my own heritage.

Now, what you see is a spirit of mine. "

Hearing Zhang Fan's return, the whole body of this figure also burst out with a powerful aura, and it directly revealed his figure, while looking at Zhang Fan and said.

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