Star-source Legend

Chapter 961: Inheritance of Xuan Dou Star Master (Part 2)

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at the figure in front of him, falling into a sluggish state.

For nothing else, it was just because of the appearance of Star Master Xuan Dou that made him feel very shocked.

The Xuan Dou star master at this moment has long hair fluttering and his skin is as white as snow. The handsome facial features look very coquettish, especially the colorful eyes, which makes Zhang Fan seem to be directly attracted.

Coupled with one of the white gowns, it can be said that if it weren't for the voice to know that Xuan Dou Star Master is a man, Zhang Fan would definitely treat him as a beauty when he first started.

"Haha, the appearance is natural, and this is also the commonality of our race. Since you are already planning to accept my inheritance, then you are my Yaoguang's apprentice.

Of course, when you enter the universe in the future, don't expose your relationship with me. At least, don't expose it easily when your strength has not reached the peak of the ethereal realm.

Otherwise, you are likely to encounter a very big life and death crisis.

Regarding my condition, Xiaogu, an intelligent life who has been following me, will tell you.

Now, I don't have much time, let you finish the inheritance first. "

Looking at Zhang Fan's expression, Yao Guang also said with a smile.

"Okay, Master."

Zhang Fan also nodded and shouted directly.

After all, I was already going to accept the inheritance of others, so I should call it Master.

"Haha, get ready."

Hearing Zhang Fan's name, Yaoguang's expression also seemed very relieved, watching Zhang Fan remind.

"call out!"

Suddenly, from above Yaoguang's figure, a pressure that made Zhang Fan feel a little breathless was directly born. At the same time, Yaoguang's figure became a lot illusory.

On his right hand, a burst of colored light also appeared at this moment.

Afterwards, this colored light group directly submerged into Zhang Fan's eyebrows.

The time to receive inheritance is very long.

After all, this time Yaoguang even passed all the things he knew in his life to Zhang Fan. If this huge memory were not for Xing Lao's help, it is estimated that Zhang Fan himself would not be able to accept them all.

Even, it is very likely to be directly impacted into an idiot by the huge memory.

Even so, from Zhang Fan's somewhat uncomfortable face, it can still be seen that if you want to completely accept this inheritance, Zhang Fan, who has the old star to help share the pressure, is under tremendous pressure.


Three days later, Zhang Fan's eyes suddenly opened, and his expression was full of shock. Of course, there were some regrets and sadness.

Because he knew that his master would soon disappear completely in front of him.

"Very well, in three days, you have accepted all the relevant content that I passed on to you, and it didn't disappoint me.

I also observed you before and found that your own practice is stronger than what I taught you. Obviously, you have a great fortune.

However, the inheritance of my practice cannot be cut off. If you have the opportunity, you should also help me find a suitable person to pass on the practice.

This is my other request of you.

By the way, what is your name? "

At this time, Yao Guang's voice also came out directly.

"Master, my name is Zhang Fan, you can call me A Fan."

Zhang Fan also hurriedly replied.

"Well, Afan, your body is obviously the owner's big secret, especially since I feel that behind you, there may be a strong person. My every move is probably impossible to escape him. Law eye.

But this is also good, with the presence of this senior, your future is unimaginable.

The inheritance I gave you, including my previous account password in the Universe Bank, is all told to you, and I hope it can be helpful to you.

In the Universe Bank, I basically have 80% of Xuan Douxing's wealth there. With these, at least it will allow you to cultivate to the Star-Moon realm or even the Star-Sun realm without any worries.

Of course, I set up three levels, and now you can only be the wealth that unlocks the Star Lord Realm. When you reach the star-moon realm, you will naturally be able to open the next one.

And here, there are the spacecraft that I used to spend a lot of wealth to build. It can be said that if it is true in terms of value, the wealth I left to you for the spacecraft is absolutely beyond your imagination. It is the accumulation of my life to finally build Finished.

Even, I myself have not been willing to use it in the past.

Most people don't even know that the owner of this spaceship is actually Beiguang.

With this spacecraft, you can do it even if you want to go to Ten Thousand Thousand Immortal Saint Emperor Huixing.

At the same time, there is Xiao Gu. I also hope that you can treat him as a real relative. With it, it will definitely help you tremendously.

As for the Star Source Fragment, it was also placed in the spacecraft by me. After you get it, you must carefully preserve it and not lose it, because that is what you need to become a true powerhouse in the universe.

Nowadays, everything is properly arranged. This idea of ​​mine has also completed my mission, and it is time to dissipate. "

Nodded, Yao Guang looked at Zhang Fan and said directly, then slowly dissipated.

"Master, don't worry, one day, I will reverse time and bring you back to life."

When Yaoguang's thoughts were about to dissipate, Zhang Fan also promised loudly.

"My disciple, be careful about everything, don't force anything."

In the end, Yao Guangzhi left a word, which was directly and completely dissipated.

And the surrounding environment has changed again, returning to the previous space.

"Your master has only been able to cultivate to the empty spirit realm in just 600,000 years, and his talent is also very scary.

I think you also know the identity of your master.

The blood of the spirit race is really surprising.

The spirit race, the leader of the last cosmic era, is very powerful. It's a pity that in the end it was still directly destroyed with the Era Tribulation.

And your master actually has the blood of the spirit race, it is no wonder that you have such a high achievement. "

At this time, Xing Lao's voice also came out directly, and in his tone, he also seemed very surprised.

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