Star-source Legend

Chapter 962: Xiaogu (Part 1)

"Old Xing, what kind of race is the Spirit Race? Listen to your tone, it seems to be a very scary race."

Hearing what Elder Xing said, Zhang Fan also asked in a voice.

"Our universe starry sky, now, is actually in a new era. And each era, theoretically, can only exist for 10 billion years at most.

And this time, once it reaches 10 billion years, the cosmic starry sky will directly burst out of terrifying era catastrophe. Basically, 99% of the existence will be directly destroyed.

Only a few powerful or weird existences can escape the Tribulation of Era by luck.

The spirit race is the protagonist of the last era, and it is also the most powerful race among human beings in the last era.

It can be said that a member of the Spirit Race, even if they are just born, has the strength of the Star Noble Realm. This is even more terrifying than those powerful monster races.

Among the top ten powerhouses in the last era, there were at least five of them, all of whom were spirit races. Each of them had reached the pinnacle of the ancestral realm, which was very scary.

Unfortunately, in the end, it still didn't get through. It just disappeared under the era of robbery. "

Upon hearing Zhang Fan's question, Old Xing also directly replied.

It turns out that the Spirit Race is so powerful!

Hearing Xing Lao's explanation, Zhang Fan also understood the horror of the Spirit Race.

"Moreover, because the spirit race can be said to be the closest human being to perfection, every man of the spirit race is handsome and extraordinary, and the woman is an allure.

Moreover, each member is an absolute arrogant figure, invincible at the same level.

And this Beiguang, according to my estimation, should have merged part of the spirit race bloodline by accident, so it was able to reach the ethereal realm in such a short time.

Six hundred thousand years seems to you to be very short-lived. In fact, when you enter the universe, you will find ten thousand years, or even one hundred thousand years, all in a flash.

Some strong people can retreat for at least several million years, or even tens of millions of years.

And although the time of an era seems to be a lot, in fact, for the real strong, it may be thousands of retreats.

In 600,000 years, many people in the universe are estimated to have the strength of the Star Sun Realm to be very good.

Of course, your master, Situ Zhong, can reach the Star-Moon Realm for more than a thousand years, and his talent is also very powerful. It is very likely that within ten thousand years, he will reach the realm of Xingyang. "

Old Xing also said immediately at this time.

"Well, it seems that I recognize these two masters, each of them is extraordinary."

Zhang Fan also nodded and said, in his heart he also admired his two masters very much.

"Next, I will not fall asleep for the time being, lest you have other accidents. Although your master has completely dissipated, there may be some powerful methods here."

Old Xing also spoke.

"Xiao Gu, I have accepted the inheritance, can I come out and see you?"

Nodded, Zhang Fan also directly shouted out in the universal lingua right now.

"You accept the inheritance, which means that the last thought of the master has completely disappeared. Those people at the beginning are damned!"

At this time, there was also a voice that sounded a little immature in this space.

The voice was full of sadness, more of anger.

Then, a little boy who looked like an angel with a pair of wings flew directly in front of Zhang Fan.

"You are Xiaogu? Are you from an angel family?"

Seeing the little boy who appeared in front of him, Zhang Fan was also confused at the moment.

"Yes, I am Xiaogu, but I am not from the miscellaneous family. Strictly speaking, I am a member of the mechanical family, which is equivalent to an intelligent life."

Seeing Zhang Fan's expression, the little boy also explained.

"My God, it turns out that there are intelligent life. To be honest, this is the first time I have seen intelligent life. Xiaogu, my name is Zhang Fan, and I am glad to meet you."

Hearing Xiao Gu's explanation, Zhang Fan's expression was full of curiosity. He looked at Xiao Gu and said, at the same time, he stretched out one of his hands.

"Well, the rules of your planet are trouble."

Seeing Zhang Fan's right hand stretched over, Xiao Gu frowned as he stretched out his little hand and shook Zhang Fan's hand.

"Strictly speaking, since you have already received the inheritance of the master, you will become my new master now.

However, your current strength is too low. When will your strength reach the star-yang realm, when will I truly treat you as a master. "

At this moment, Xiao Gu also looked up and down Zhang Fan and said.

"Hehe, this is casual, and even if my strength is strong, you don't need to recognize the Lord. According to what the master told me, he asked me to treat you as the closest person in my life.

What I want to know now is, what is the condition that Master asked me to promise? He said Xiaogu you would tell me. "

Smiled, Zhang Fan didn't care, after all, his current strength was indeed too low. Of course, in fact, in the inheritance of his master Yaoguang to himself, there is also a method of controlling Xiaogu. Of course, it is also impossible for Zhang Fan to temporarily release this control, just in case.

"Well, since the master said that to you, it doesn't matter if I tell you.

Before, I also tested you and found that your bone age is not more than 30 years old. According to my long-term exploration of your earth, I can know that you actually practiced for no more than 15 years.

In fifteen years, from the lowest level of your earth, you reached the realm of four stars. It can be said that in the universe, your talents are considered top-notch, at least a little bit worse than your master. .

I think the master should have told you one thing too, that is, his death is because of the Star Source Fragment. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan asked, Xiao Gu's little head also nodded, then looked at Zhang Fan and said directly.

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