Star-source Legend

Chapter 979: Two and a half years (medium)

Regarding Zhang Fan's parents' decision, they did not know how to dissuade them.

"Uncle, Auntie, let's go back to Star City with you. We believe that Afan will definitely come back one day.

He promised to marry us. He is a man who will do what he says. I don't believe he will bear to leave us behind. "

Gu Qian was also sitting in front of Shen Qiong at this time, and said with tears in her eyes.

Then, after simply packing up things, Zhang Fan's parents and Gu Qian returned to the cultivation villa in Star City together.

As for Nalandi and others, in addition to continuing to search for Zhang Fan's figure, they also used energy to cover up the news of Zhang Fan's disappearance.

However, there is no impermeable wall under the sky. As Zhang Fan disappeared longer and longer, many people were aware of this situation.

In the end, the news of Zhang Fan's disappearance and even death spread directly throughout the earth, making everyone unbelievable.

They don't understand what danger they are encountering that can make such a powerful genius disappear like this, and it may even be dead.

However, in any case, Zhang Fan's contribution to human beings on earth is indelible.

Even under the union of many people, in various parts of the world, all the martial artists are spontaneously organized and erected huge Zhang Fan statues.

Each form is different.

There are those when Zhang Fan was young and when Zhang Fan was mature.

Many people also spontaneously go to the statues of Zhang Fan to worship.

On the right hand side of each statue, there is a message that records everything Zhang Fan has had since he became a warrior.

It can be said that when this information was released, ordinary people who had always had little understanding of Zhang Fan were shocked, and even many people couldn't help crying.

They did not expect that Zhang Fan would have done so many feats for the human beings on the earth.

As for any news from the outside world, Zhang Fan himself is not clear about it. Otherwise, it is estimated that he would laugh bitterly while moving in his heart.

In the secret room of Luan Yuxing base.

Zhang Fan, with a beard on his face, has eyes like bright stars.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also looked at the communication watch on his arm.

"Two years, two whole years."

"I have fallen into this secret room for two full years."

Zhang Fan's thoughts move, and the invisibly powerful mental power, like a huge tsunami, rolls up a bar of flying knives, a total of 72 flying knives are flying around, and then turned into streams of light, according to The specific pattern is arranged together, and suddenly bombards the wall of the secret room!


With seventy-two flying knives, each individual power is comparable to the power of the six-star noble realm powerhouse. When added up, that kind of powerful power even the powerhouse in the early stage of the Star-Moon realm would not dare to force it.

"Boom---" There was a shock in the entire secret room.

"Not enough, such a powerful force is not enough? I have mastered the first eighty poses, and only the last ten poses are left. Do I have to master all of them to truly become the "controller" to break through Is this secret room impossible?"

"Since it is not enough, then continue."

"I can definitely get out."

"Dad, Mom, Ruyan, Qianqian, Saoya...waiting for me to come back." Zhang Fan closed his eyes, and at this moment two tears fell from his face in exchange.

Clear tears appeared on the dusty face.

"Two years have passed. In the past two years, it can be said that the entire sea area has been turned upside down. A few special secrets have been discovered. However, A Fan is still not found.

It seems that Afan may really be killed. "

At this moment, many people were in the conference hall in the gathering place of China Capital.

Among these people, in addition to the younger generations such as Hong Lie and Hu Zhi, Song Letian from the military department also has Yunshan, including Zhong Chengyun, Mu Jianfeng, Nalandi from Gulan Academy, Xu Yuan, and Yuan He from Underground Alliance. , Qin Feng of Jiange and Shangguan Yun. The old palace lord Liu of the Sun Palace, and the current palace lord Liu Hong of the Sun Palace, an elder of the station gate and Li Mubai, including Thor of the Guardian Alliance, Wanda the Witch and even the palace lord of Hades Yan Ping, They are all impressively listed.

These are all people that Zhang Fan is very familiar with.

As for Yan Ping, because the past two years have spared no effort to find Zhang Fan, and the Hades has not taken the initiative to harm any warrior or even ordinary people, it can be said that the relationship with various holy places has temporarily eased a lot.

Of course, everyone knew that this was all because of Zhang Fan.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the parting at the beginning turned out to be a farewell. In fact, it was also a complaint against a few of us. If it weren't for the eagerness to find Luan Yuxing's base, Afan would not disappear.

Until now, no trace was found.

Here, Afan and Afan are both very familiar people. They called everyone together because one thing requires everyone's cooperation.

And this matter was also mentioned by Afan before.

Regardless of whether Afan is really dead or not, what he proposed at the beginning is that we must find a way to accomplish it, not to mention that this is a matter of extraordinary significance to the earth. "

Xu Yuan looked at everyone at this time and said.

"You should be talking about the global genius battle mentioned by Afan, right?"

At this time, Qin Feng also asked.

"Yes, Afan said before that he wants to integrate the power of the earth and build an authoritative list of geniuses to inspire the growth of the younger generation.

Nowadays, Afan is no longer there, but if Afan comes back one day and sees the success of his proposal, he will be very pleased.

This is the only thing we can do right now. "

Xu Yuan also nodded at this moment and said.

"I have no objection, this is a very good thing, naturally there is no reason to disagree."

Old Liu from the Sun Palace also spoke.

"I agree."

"This matter is indeed extraordinary for the earth, and I agree."

Suddenly, the persons in charge of the holy land all agreed to Xu Yuan's proposal, and Nalandi's expression also eased a lot.

However, this is also in their expectation. All of you present here have something to do with Zhang Fan. In addition, this matter is beneficial to the earth, so there is no reason to disagree.

Subsequently, after everyone discussed specifically how to implement this situation, they went to prepare one by one.

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