Star-source Legend

Chapter 980: Two and a half years (below)

A week later, a news that made everyone on the planet feel excited is directly covering the world in a short time.

That is, the earth will host the first youth genius war.

At the same time, a very authoritative list will be established to record the ranking of each genius warrior.

And the top 100 will receive generous rewards, and have the opportunity to choose to enter the right to choose from any forces including the underworld.

As for the top ten, or even the top three, the rewards are even richer.

As for the initiator of this matter, on the corresponding website, he also directly said his name, that is, Zhang Fan.

Suddenly, many people were very excited and excited.

After all, since Zhang Fan is the initiator, does that mean that Zhang Fan appears again without death?

All of a sudden, there were an endless stream of young martial artists who met all the requirements.

In less than a week, it can be said that all the young warriors of the age of the entire earth have directly signed up.

After all, this is the most exciting feat in the history of the earth. If one's ranking can be higher, it can be said to be a great opportunity for everyone.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In the past six months, all the powerful forces on the earth have prepared this first list of genius youths wholeheartedly.

Although the vast majority of people have successfully registered in the first week.

However, all aspects of preparation, including the construction of virtual space and specific incentive measures, as well as other aspects, require a lot of time to prepare.

In half a year, it can be said that most of the work has been basically completed by the holy sites, which means that the first Earth Genius Competition will officially kick off.

Of course, many people are actually looking forward to Zhang Fan's appearance. After all, if there is a chance to be in contact with Zhang Fan in person, it is definitely a great opportunity for everyone.

It can be said that anyone who has a close relationship with Zhang Fan will not have any troubles in any respect.

Just say that people like Hong Lie have a very good relationship with Zhang Fan. Nowadays, everyone’s lowest strength is about to break through to the later stage of the Conferred King Realm, and Hong Lie, like Hong Lie, has now become a land traveler. The strong man at the peak of the early days.

Others, such as Liu Yun, have reached the late stage or even the peak of the kingly confinement stage.

Even Li Xiaofeng and others who entered the Jiange at the beginning, all broke through to the realm of kings.

And all this is because of one person, that is Zhang Fan.

Especially with the opening of Mount Everest, many powerful people who wander the earth have benefited a lot from practicing there.

Nalandi and the statue of Yan Ping are now only one step away from the Star Lord Realm.

And Qin Feng, as well as other powerhouses who have reached the middle stage of the fairy tale, have basically reached the peak of the middle stage of the earth fairy.

It can be said that the strength of each powerhouse has directly improved a lot compared to before.

I have to say that this is a very celebration for the earth.

Today's earth, because the situation of land monsters and sea monsters has stabilized, it has also directly entered a stage of rapid development.

Compared to the past, it can be counted as a blast.

After all, in the past few years, human beings who have not had much threat have turned their attention to the cultivation and research and development of the latest technology. Combined with the latest excavated relics of ancient civilizations, they have confirmed each other to make the earth human The standard is naturally getting higher and higher.


In the secret room of Luangyu Star Base.



At this moment, as a large number of flying knives bombarded the wall for an instant, accompanied by a violent shaking, then, in Zhang Fan’s surprised look, he found that the wall of the secret room that had trapped him for two and a half years was straight. It was because of his full bombardment that a gap appeared.

This also means that Zhang Fan has already completed the assessment.

"Haha, Xiaogu, I succeeded."

At this time, he was already a little bit unable to see his face, and Zhang Fan, with a beard on his face, couldn't help but look at Xiao Gu on the side, and said excitedly.

As his voice just fell, his eyes became extremely red, and a few happy tears flowed out.

In two and a half years, it can be said that Zhang Fan was able to learn all of the "Basic Moves of the Master" because of his own strong will and the motivation generated by the longing for his relatives and friends.

When he first entered this secret room, Zhang Fan was already able to control thirty-six flying knives and reached the maximum peak.

It can be said that among the spiritual teachers of the same level, this ability of Zhang Fan is definitely the top and most powerful.

Now, Zhang Fan is able to control one hundred and eight flying, and all of them can reach the maximum peak.

In particular, Zhang Fan was able to control these hundred and eight flying knives and used them together in accordance with specific rules, which increased their power a lot.

In the past two years, Zhang Fan's own strength has also been promoted to the realm of five stars.

It seems to be a lot slower, but this is because Zhang Fan has devoted most of his time to the learning and comprehension of "Basic Moves of the Master".

Otherwise, relying on "Xuantian Devouring Spiritual Jue" to devour a large number of star stones, Zhang Fan's strength may have reached the realm of six stars.

However, even if Zhang Fan only has a five-star noble realm now, and relying on his status as a "controller", all his own strengths can be exploded, even the peak of the star noble realm, and even the strong Zhang Fan of the early Star-Moon realm is enough confrontation.

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