Star-source Legend

Chapter 986: Love, no need to say more (Part 1)

"From the way you look now, you can know that what you have experienced in the past two years is definitely not simple. Is it true that Afan, as we guessed, are you trapped in a special space?"

At this time, Nalandi also looked at Zhang Fan and asked.

"Yes, President, I am indeed trapped in a space, and this space is the base of Luangyu Star. I also found a Luangyu Star spacecraft in it. Of course, it is still a little damaged, but Fortunately, it should be able to repair.

After I entered this space, I was also trapped there by the means left by a strong man of Luangyu Star who created this space.

In three years, the other party only gave me three years to be tested.

If I can't pass the test for three years, then what awaits me is really death.

Fortunately, my hard work paid off, and my own comprehension was good. In the end two and a half years, I finally passed the assessment successfully and got the spacecraft.

And the reason why you can't find any trace of me is because the entrance of this Luangyu Star Base has a transparent protective mask that is very difficult to detect.

Even if many people pass by, it is at best regarded as a sea pit. "

Seeing what Nalandi asked, Zhang Fan nodded and replied.

"Hey, we shouldn't have agreed to let you go so rashly, at least we have to wait until your strength reaches a certain level.

Fortunately, you are back. If something happens to you, we will never be able to forgive ourselves.

Up to now, your parents are also complaining about us, so they left Gulan Academy and returned to the original cultivation villa in Star City.

And your three girlfriends have stayed with them all the time, waiting for you to come back. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Nalandi also sighed, full of guilt.

Especially when I thought that Zhang Fan would really almost never come back, I was even more afraid.

"You can't blame you for this. This is what I am actively thinking about looking for. After all, my strength cannot be improved more quickly on the earth. Only when I enter the universe can I have the opportunity to break through to a stronger strength. And saw the wonderfulness of this universe.

This time, although it seemed extremely dangerous, the corresponding gains were huge.

At least, we already have the confidence to go to Luangyuxing or other places.

The three elders will naturally leave together.

However, it can only be done when your strength reaches the Star Lord Realm. Otherwise, even if you enter the universe, you can only stay in the spacecraft and cannot get out.

After all, only after reaching the one-star noble state can you initially adapt to the turbulence of the void.

During this time, I will also be anxious for everyone to practice together, and strive to make everyone's strength reach the one-star noble level or even higher in a short time.

Of course, this time, I can only take six people at most, and count me, seven people.

This is also the largest capacity of the spacecraft I have obtained. After all, so many years have passed, the energy is limited.

In addition to the four of us here, there are Yan Ping and Hong Lie. As for the last spot, to be honest, I am a little hesitant. "

Zhang Fan looked at everyone at this time and said.

"Hmm, yes, going to the universe is not a small thing. During this time, you can think about it slowly, and we will observe several people."

Nalandi also nodded and said.

"Hehe, in fact, after reaching the Star Jubilee Realm, the Dantian space can also make people survive. Of course, generally speaking, just after the breakthrough, the range of the Dantian space is not very large, at most only one mile around.

For every one star, the space inside will increase tenfold.

If you have some younger generations to bring, it's okay.

After all, there are chaotic black holes outside our solar system.

It's okay to leave from the inside, but once you go out and want to come back, you can't do it unless you can become the legendary Venerable Universe.

So, this time, when we leave, we may never be able to return.

However, I do not want you to disclose this news.

As for the people to bring, I also hope to be able to choose carefully, at least talents and virtues must be possessed.

The martial arts meeting this time is an opportunity.

I decided to allocate five places to the top five in this martial arts meeting.

Taking them to the universe, the future will be able to become our backbone.

After all, after entering the universe, if I have the opportunity, I will take everyone to my master Situ Zhong.

If you don't have talent, if you enter the Shushan Sword Sect created by my master, it is estimated that even the outer disciples will not meet the requirements. "

Hearing what Nalandi said, Zhang Fan also explained with a smile.

"When you reach the Star Jubilee Realm Dantian space, it can still accommodate people? I didn't expect this, but if this is the case, then I can take some people to the universe.

However, I have to choose the quota carefully. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, even Xu Yuan, who was solitary, was bright.

He also has a few friends who are very close to each other. In this case, taking a few to the universe is not bad.

Such as Furukawa, and Liu Yuan including Li Mubai.

Although their talents are somewhat different from those of Zhang Fan, they are not inferior to those of Liu Yun.

Especially Li Mubai, who has now become a powerhouse of the Fairy Fairy of the Earth, and has just reached the mid-level of Fairy Fairy of the Earth. This has surprised everyone some time ago.

"Five places are available, this time the global genius will be martial arts, I think it will be very intense."

Qin Feng also touched his beard at this time, and said with a smile.

"That is inevitable. Going to the universe is the dream of everyone on earth.

Especially, once we can get this place, it is basically equivalent to becoming our own person, and it is often possible to ask any one of us.

Especially the status of Afan among the younger generation, it is inevitable to fall into madness. "

Nalandi also seemed to agree.

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