Star-source Legend

Chapter 987: Love, no need to say more (part 2)

"Well, elders, I have to say goodbye. To be honest, I am very worried about my parents and them. For such a long time, I guess my parents must be uncomfortable.

If there is anything, I will find you again in a few days.

I will appear on the podium in three days about these things about the competition. "

Zhang Fan also got up at this time and said.

"Yeah, okay. But you'd better go and clean up yourself. If you go back as you are now, you will probably surprise your parents."

Nodded, Xu Yuan also looked at Zhang Fan and said.

"Uh, yes, it's time to clean up."

Hearing what his grandfather Xu said, Zhang Fan also looked down at his situation, and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. The moment his figure moved, he rushed towards Gu Lan's new residence.

This time he came back because he was anxious, so Zhang Fan didn't care about washing up.

Now, since I'm back, especially if I want to see my parents and Gu Qian, they naturally have to clean up.

And Xiaojin still had a small fire, and naturally followed behind.

"Afan seems to have suffered a lot this time, as can be seen from his obviously tired look. And all this, to put it bluntly, is for us people.

This child, it can be said that since I saw it, I haven't had a good rest at all.

Every time, whenever something happens, it is definitely at the forefront.

Sometimes, as a grandfather of mine, it really hurts too much, but as the strongest person on earth, this is also his responsibility. "

Seeing Zhang Fan and the others go out, Xu Yuan also sighed at this time and said distressedly.

"Yeah, what Afan has done has always made us people a little ashamed. I feel that we are not as good as a child after living so long.

However, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, no matter where it is, this cannot be changed.

The only thing we can do now is to improve our strength as soon as possible, so that Afan can reduce some pressure as much as possible. "

Nalandi also nodded, appearing in agreement.

"Let's go, let's go and see how the preparations are over there. This time, there must not be any problems with the martial arts, otherwise, it will be our own face."

Qin Feng also stood up and said at this time.

After the three nodded, they left the Gulan Academy together and rushed to the base outside the Star City specially established for this martial arts meeting.

And this base is now named Tamron City.

As for Zhang Fan, after washing and changing into clean clothes, he left Gulan Academy and headed towards Star City.

And Xiaojin and Xiaohuo also stayed in Zhang Fan's star source debris space.

Along the way, Zhang Fan's heart was also full of anxiety. After all, he disappeared for so long this time, it must have made his parents scared.

Forty minutes later, Zhang Fan's figure also appeared outside the gate of the Star City Shengshihuating Community.

At this moment, Chu Jiang, who is in charge of community security, stared at Zhang Fan with a pair of his own eyes.

"Haha, I knew you would have nothing to do, you can be regarded as coming back, go back and see your parents and them.

During your absence, I often see them washing their faces with tears.

Even, sometimes I stay at home without going out for a month. "

Looking at Zhang Fan, Chu Jiang also spoke at this time.

"Okay, Brother Chu, then we will relive the old days later, I will go in first."

Zhang Fan also nodded, feeling extremely guilty in his heart.




However, some people were faster. When Zhang Fan was about to walk into the cultivation villa, three consecutive incense gusts came to his nose, and then the three figures rushed directly in front of Zhang Fan.

Two of them were pulling Zhang Fan's arm from left to right, while the other, at this moment, had his whole head buried in Zhang Fan's arms.

And these three people are Liu Ruyan, Gu Qian and Saoya.

When Zhang Fan appeared, they naturally heard the conversation between Chu Jiang and Zhang Fan with their strong perception ability.

For the first time, the three rushed out directly.

After a while, Zhang Fan discovered that his clothes were already wet with tears.

"You badass, not coming back for so long makes us worry for a while."

At this time, Saoya also looked at Zhang Fan with tears and said.

As for Liu Ruyan and Gu Qian, they also raised their heads at this time and looked at Zhang Fan in silence.

However, from the looks of the two of them, Zhang Fan can also see that they care and miss themselves.

Love, needless to say.

It only takes a look to understand each other's minds.

"Sorry, I worry about you. I'll look at my parents and them first. Speaking of which, the period of my absence is definitely more sad than them."

Looking at the three beautiful ladies next to him, Zhang Fan also spoke a word, and then immediately walked into the villa.

At this moment, as soon as he walked to the villa, Zhang Fan saw two figures of himself for four years.

For the first time, Zhang Shun, the upright father in Zhang Fan's mind, shed tears for the first time.

Looking at the parents who looked like they were in their late teens and 20s, Zhang Fan couldn't help kneeling directly in front of them at this moment.

"Parents, I'm sorry to worry you, I'm back."

"You kid, get up quickly, just come back, just come back. I know Afan, you will definitely be fine.

Let mom take a good look at my baby son. "

At this time, Zhang Fan’s mother, Shen Qiong, also walked up to Zhang Fan, wiping her tears, and constantly looking at her son up and down, feeling like she was afraid of his son’s lack of arms and legs.

As for Zhang Fan, even though he only nodded at Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan could still see his father's worry from his expression.

Father as a mountain.

In many cases, fathers’ love for their children is not so easy to show, but in fact, they care about their children no less than their mothers.

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