Star-source Legend

Chapter 992: The start of global martial arts (below)

At the same time, Zhang Fan directly radiated all his mental powers at this moment, shrouded in front of Tenglong City.

With the strength of Zhang Fan's current mentality, coupled with Zhang Fan's success in practicing the third infinite extension of "Chaos Promise".

It can be said that although the entire Tenglong City is equivalent to the size of a prefecture-level city, it is still all within the spirit of Zhang Fan.


Just after Zhang Fan's mental power enveloped his own statue, suddenly, among the shocked expressions of everyone in Tenglong City, he saw Zhang Fan's huge statue directly emitting a strong golden light.

At this moment, the time has come to the night, and the strong golden light, like a sun, instantly illuminates the entire Tenglong City as if day.

"Is this a statue manifestation? My God!"

"Could it be that Young Master Zhang Fan is not dead?"

At this moment, in Tenglong City, many people who were burning incense and worshiping the statue of Zhang Fan at this moment, all knelt directly on the ground, and said with some surprise.

As for Zhang Fan, at this time, he found a special force, directly from the statue in the distance, and constantly shrouded him.

This special power is difficult for ordinary people to see, but in Zhang Fan's feeling, he feels that this power is not only powerful, but to a certain extent, it is constantly increasing the strength of his own soul.

Even the star source debris space is gradually filled with this special force at this moment.

"Good fellow, Afan, this is the force of will, it can be said that it is the most magical special force in the universe.

He doesn't have much offensive power himself, but with the existence of willingness, it can be said that Afan, you truly did not invade evil.

When you practice in retreat in the future, you will basically be immune to the attacks of the inner demons.

And the strength of your soul has been greatly improved.

This is just a few minutes, Afan, your soul strength is no longer inferior to the martial artist of the Star Moon Realm.

After a while, maybe the old star can wake up directly with the help of this willing force.

There are other miraculous effects, which I don’t know very well. In short, you can get the blessing of willingness, which will definitely help you in your future cultivation.

The martial artist in the universe, after reaching the ethereal realm, the basic law of the Dantian space in the body has basically been completely evolved, and has truly become a world of its own, and this world has another name, that is, the kingdom. .

Many strong people, at this time, will directly income many people into their own country, let them continue to develop and grow, and believe in themselves.

To get this kind of willingness.

Because this is the best wish in people's minds, naturally, there are no side effects of aspiration. It can be said that this time, it was an unexpected surprise. "

At this time, Xiao Gu's surprised voice was directly passed into Zhang Fan's mind.

When Zhang Fan heard this, there was also a look of surprise on his face.

After all, Xiao Gu was so knowledgeable, and even he felt that this power was very important, and it would definitely help him.

"Mom, wait a while."

At this time, Zhang Fan also turned to his mother Shen Qiong and said.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan directly sat cross-legged in place.

Moreover, it directly condensed a ten-meter-sized spiritual shield covering both himself and his mother, Shen Qiong.

Although the threat of monsters is now a temporary solution, there are still many monsters in the wild.

Once the time comes when he accepts this force of aspiration wholeheartedly, then his mother will not be able to take care of it.

His mother's current strength has only reached the early stage of the Martial Soul Realm, and a high-level monster can not be handled by his mother.

"Ok, son, be careful."

Although he didn't know what his son was planning to do when he suddenly sat down cross-legged, it was obviously something that looked at his son's expression.

Especially the statue of his son in the distance just now emits bursts of golden light, which is obviously related to his son.

Nodded, Shen Qiong stood directly on the spot, and looked around with nervousness in his eyes.

She also knew that her son must not be distracted now, and naturally she was worried that something would disturb her son.

Of course, Shen Qiong's worries are actually redundant.

After all, with Zhang Fan's current strength and the strength of the spiritual shield, it can be said that unless it is a powerful existence of the three-headed spiritual snake level, it is impossible to break it.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also closed his eyes and received a little bit of aspiration from the distant statue.


The whole process lasted a full hour before it was completely over.

After all, there are many people in Tamron City today, and basically everyone who arrives in Tamron City will worship Zhang Fan’s statue.

Among these people, the stronger the strength, the more willingness they provide.

At this moment, Zhang Fan also opened his eyes in an instant.

Feeling the condition of his body, Zhang Fan's face also revealed a surprise.

In just an hour, Zhang Fan found that his soul strength had increased by at least ten times.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also found that his mental power had changed to a certain extent.

Before, Zhang Fan's mental power was golden, but now, Zhang Fan's mental power is directly colored.

Even Zhang Fan could feel a peculiar spiritual power from these aspirations.

And he himself can directly pass the power of his own thoughts through this strand of spiritual power.

This situation is very novel, but Zhang Fan knows that perhaps he has opened a door that is very mysterious to him.

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