Star-source Legend

Chapter 993: Crazy rewards (part 1)

Of course, it's not just the mental power that has changed.

At this moment, Zhang Fan's star source debris space is also full of strong starlight power.

With the addition of the power of willingness, Zhang Fan also found that the power of the starlight in the space of his star source debris seemed to have changed.

The specific change Zhang Fan didn't know what it was, but Zhang Fan was very sure that the power of the starry sky in his body was on the original basis, and some changes had occurred due to the integration of the power of desire.

After waiting for time, perhaps Zhang Fan will be able to know the difference in this change.

And Zhang Fan heard that not only in Tamron City, but also in other large gathering places, there are statues of Zhang Fan.

If all the aspirations of these statues can be completely absorbed, perhaps Zhang Fan's soul strength will directly increase to a very powerful level.

"Mom, I'm sorry, are you in a hurry? Just now I suddenly saw my statue, and I had some feelings."

Zhang Fan didn't think much anymore at this time, just got up, looked at his mother Shen Qiong guiltily and said.

"How come, your mother, I don't know why you suddenly sat on the ground just now.

However, the previous statue directly emits golden light, which is obviously related to you, Afan. Don't think about it, I know it's a good thing. "

Hearing what his son said, Shen Qiong also said with a smile.

"It is indeed an unexpected gain. Let's go, Mom, let's go in. There must have been a lot of movement just now. To avoid trouble, we'd better leave here early."

Zhang Fan also replied with a smile.

After that, Zhang Fan directly supported his mother Shen Qiong with his spiritual power, and quickly walked towards Tenglong City. Unconsciously.

Even Xu Yuan's powerful protective field is directly ignored.

This is how powerful Zhang Fan is now.

Just now, through the exploration of mental power, Zhang Fan also discovered that there is an invisible powerful formation hidden in the surroundings of Tenglong City.

And with this kind of method, he can arrange a powerful formation that covers the entire Tamron City, only his grandfather Xu can do it.

However, now is not the time to appear, once you enter from the entrance, it is easy to make a lot of movement.

Simply, Zhang Fan took his mother directly and forcibly passed.

Finding a relatively remote corner of Tenglong City, Zhang Fan also brought his mother, Shen Qiong, to the ground.

At the same time, Zhang Fan also moved his mind, completely covering the figure of himself and his mother Shen Qiong, making it impossible to see clearly.

"Let's go, Mom, let's go around. I have found the positions of my dad and them, so we will look for them later.

Just now, I also used some methods, others can't see the two of us.

This will also prevent others from disturbing us. "

Zhang Fan also said to his mother at this time.


Shen Qiong also replied with a smile.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan took his mother to wander around in Tamron City.

After more than two hours, Zhang Fan took his mother to various places in Tamron City.

Even Zhang Fan took his mother to his father's side and teased them.

However, Zhang Fan's father and the others couldn't see Zhang Fan and the others at all.

It can be said that the hidden Zhang Fan and Shen Qiong mother and son, and the entire Tenglong City, unless Zhang Fan himself is willing, no one can find them at all.

And Zhang Fan also discovered that the entire Tenglong City looked like a huge gossip from a height.

The statue of Zhang Fan is on the most central square.

At this moment, there is a huge projection screen on top of the dreamlike buildings in Tamron City.

At that time, everyone will be able to see everyone's ranking from every corner.

And such huge projection screens have been completely arranged in various gathering places around the world.

Moreover, Zhang Fan also discovered that four of the latest equipment had been transferred to Tamron City.

Each device is enough for a hundred people to compete at the same time.

In addition, there are other venues for individual assessments that have been fully constructed.

On the whole, Zhang Fan himself is very satisfied and very much looking forward to it.

After that, Zhang Fan took his mother and his father together.

The next day, the long-awaited global genius Wu officially arrived.

The warriors who signed up one by one were all led by their elders or teachers to the huge square in the center of Dragon City.

At this moment, the guards of the Martial Soul Realm wearing uniform clothes were scattered around and constantly inspected, so as to avoid any unexpected situations.

The entire huge square looks like an ancient battle arena, enough to accommodate 100,000 people at the same time.

It seems to be densely packed.

And Nalandi and their seats were arranged in the most center and front positions.

An hour later, it was about nine o'clock in the morning, and all the seats were full. From a distance, the densely packed figures looked very shocking.

However, at this moment, most people's eyes are focused on the area where Nalandi is.

Because, in the surroundings of Nalandi, all of them are the absolute big men on the earth.

These people are basically the most powerful forces in the holy places.

However, in the most central seat, it was empty. But Nalandi and Yan Ping sat on both sides.

Many people also know that the position is reserved for Zhang Fan.

However, most people don't know that Zhang Fan has already returned successfully, so the expressions of each one can only show regret.

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