Finn had followed Han and Chewee in silence and when he saw Leia Organa he almost fell. One had to remember that she was not only an accomplished politician and negotiator, but also a pillar of the Resistance. Many times he had seen her picture as one of the main targets of the Resistance, but he seriously never would have believed that he would see her in person. He was very surprised when he saw Han hugging her and the last trace of doubt about the two of them vanished, it was obvious that the rumors about their separation were completely false.

- "You changed your hair"- said Han joking with her and she smiled.

- "Same jacket"- said her while sizing up his husband.

- "Of course not, it's new"- denied Han and then Chewee got closer to Leia.

- "Chewee!"- said Leia and she hugged the furry friend when she noticed the blood in his fur- "we'd better take care of that injury... it's so nice to see you."

- Grrrraaaarrrrrr ggeooooo grrrr!"

- "Hey!"- said Han in complain

- "I'm sure he did"- said Leia smiling and patting the wookie's arm- "thank you for saving him again"

- "We defended each other!"- complained Han not wanting to lose face. It was extremely obvious that ha was relieved to see Leia fine and well.

- "Sorry I'm late!"- said another voice and Finn saw Luke Skywalker coming.

Finn looked at Luke and his impression was of awe. The man was not very tall nor had he an extremely big body but his calm and stoic demeanor gave him an imponent presence. His hair was gray as it was his beard which gave the impression of someone who traveled so much that had no time to groom it. His smiling mouth had a firm and marked line which even though show a warm feeling it also betook resolution and confidence. His eyebrows were arched beneath a brow furrowed with though and wisdom. Now that he could see him closer, his eyes shone with a tint of melancholy and even some sparks of regret while also full of hope and fighting spirit. His skin showed a tanned color which were the result of visiting many places and some scars and burns were the living testimony of countless battles in which he most likely was about to die. His robes could not hide his strong build which Poe imagined was a very rounded and muscular figure. He gave no bruttish feeling though, but his features gave a sense of refined and intellectual expression proper only of those who have studied and read a lot. His stance and frame showed a vigor which any younger man would dėsɨrė. His robes were gray and not in the best of conditions but it looked very warm and practical for any terrain which indicated how much he was used to travel.

- "Luke!"- said both Han and Leia and along with Chewee they ran to the Master Jedi and gave him a very warm and vigorous hug, especially Leia who seemed to want to fuse with her brother so he did not dissapear again.

- "The important thing is that you're fine"- said finally Leia smiling with relief. These two years must have been a huge emotional weight that could finally release now- "it's great to see you too, R2"

The small droid beeped in joy after hearing the words of Leia. Luke then hugged Han and Chewee again and they started to talk about the things that had happened in these two years. They asked him about the reason for his absence.

- "It's a long story"- said Luke and he turned serious- "I have important information so I need you to contact your decryption unit."

- "Leave it to us"- said Han grinning- "we'll have the information ready in no time"

- "Oh... Master Luke. I'm so glad to see you"- said a robotic voice with a tone of what one could misinterptrete as pride and snobbishness- "I never doubted your safety!"

- "It's great to see you, too 3PO"- replied Luke patting the droid in his shoulder and noticing the new red arm that C3PO was wearing- "what's with the arm?"

- "Oh... this? Well, the truth is..."- started 3PO when he saw the small blue droid behind Luke- "Oh! R2 is here too? You should feel ashamed to just leave like that and not contacting us for so long!"

- "Beeperrrr Piweeeddoopobipbip"

- "Huh!"- harrumphed C3PO turning around- "you were always good with excuses... if you excuse me I have other things to do!"

- "Go with him, R2"- said Luke who was smiling witht he others and the little droid obeyed not without noticing a new orange droid that was observing everything from a good distance. He seemed to insecure about what to do- "and who are these two?"

Finn felt extremely nervous due to the presence of a living legend and someone that some days ago would have been coonsidered his worst enemy.

- "He's Mr. Big Deal!"- said Han with a mocking tone and with a wide grin- "He applied as a crew member for the Falcon but he's still in test period... he's not half bad"

- "My name is Finn, Sir!"- said the young man standing in military fashion and using the typical tone one would use with a superior officer- "It is an honor to meet you!"

- "I thank you for protecting the back of my husband- said Leia approaching the young man- "and we would appreciate any information you could give us."

- "Humph!"- harrumphed Han feeling that he was losing the little face he had in front of his wife- "He still need to learn a lot!"

- "That was incredibly brave what you did"- said Leia ignoring Han- "Renouncing the First Order, saving Poe's life and sending the information we needed to find Luke."

- "I'll try to help, Ma'am"- said Finn nervously and shocked to be able to have this talk with these three important figures but then he remembered Poe- "I'm sorry for Poe's passing"

- "The passing of whom?"- a very familiar voice came from behind Finn and when he turned around he saw the 'deceased' Poe Dameron in his pilot uniform which gave him an aura of respect that only military people can have.

- "Poe?!"- said Finn with an astonished expression while BB-8 rolled at maximum speed to his friend beeping in joy. Poe knelt and hugged his partner in 100 battles.

- "BB-8, my buddy... it's so good to see you!"- said Poe petting the little droid with great care- "great to see you, Finn"

Finn just ran and hugged him with great emotion and relief. It was true that they had known each other for only a short time and they had fought together only once, but the truth was that in that little ŀȧpse, Poe had created more impact in Finn's life thatn all his years in the First Order. He had saved him from being a brainless puppet of the First Order, he had given him the opportunity to escape, he had given him a name and had treated him like a person and not just like a digit and he had given him the opportunity to meet incredible people and fight for something that was right. Poe patted his back with a smile.

- "You're alive?!"- said Finn with a wide smile- "what happened to you?"

- "Buddy! So are you!"- replied Poe who had also believe that the young man had died in Jakku- "I got thrown from the crash and I woke up at night. No you. No ship. Nothing. BB-8 says that you saved him."

- "No, no, no..."- said Finn shaking his head- "It wasn't just me."

- "You completed my mission, Finn and I thank you for that..."- said Poe and then he started to look at Finn with curiosity- "Is that my jacket?"

- "Oh..."- Finn realized that and started to taking it off- "sorry let me..."

- "No, no, no"- said Poe stopping him from taking the jacket off- "Keep it... It suits you. You're a good man, Finn."

- "Ehem!"- said Han who was happy to see the two friends reunite but he knew that Poe had come for other motive.

- "Oh sorry, Generals"- said Poe saluting the people in front of them and looking at Luke with special fervor- "I'm so glad of seeing you again, Sir"

- "I'm glad too, Poe"- said Luke sizing up the talented pilot in front of him- "it seems your abilities had only grown these two years"

- "I still have much to learn, Sir"- said Poe with a faint smile remembering the skill General Skywalker had shown today against the enemy which made him feel extremely inadequate. He then turned serious- "we have received the total quantity of the casualties, damages and enemy prisoners and Captain Kanata wishes to have a meeting with the three of you."

- "The work never ends..."- said Han.

- "Not until the First Order is defeated and taken to justice for the deaths of the Hosnian System!"- said Leia with an intense passion and Han recognised that fire in her eyes. He knew that she would use everything in her power to make it happen.

- "I'm sorry, General"- said Finn knowing that this may be the last chance he had- "but Rey was taken prisoner and I wish to go and rescue her."

- "Rey?"- said Leia and Luke. Leia was obviously in the dark about her but for some reason, the name made Luke change his face as if that word had rang a bell in his memory- "who is this person?"

Han explained the story about the girl and how she had helped them all along from Jakku until Takodana.

- "I'm sorry to hear that"- said Leia with a very understanding voice which also seemed to contain a tinge of respect for the girl. However, her tone also seemed to indicate that there were more important things to take care of- "she seems to be a very remarkable young woman with much to offer."

- "Kid... you must be familiar with the weapon that destroyed the Hosnian system, Am I wrong?"- said Han looking at Finn and sending him a very obvious signal since he knew that this was the only chip of interchange he could use if he wanted to save Rey- "Did you hear something?"

- "I do..."- said Finn with confidence not letting the ooportunity Han gave him go- "I went there sometimes for training and I am familiar with the facilities"

- "We're desperate for anything you can tell us"- said Leia seeing Finn with a new light. Han winked at Finn and this smiled back at him.

- "That's where my friend was taken"- said Finn looking at the General Organa with pleading eyes- "I will tell you everything I know if you let me go to save her."

- "And I will do everything I can to help..."- said Leia not making any promises- "but first you need to tell us all you know."

- "Kid, you know I like the girl"- said Han looking at Finn with questioning eyes- "but you should know that this will be extremely dangerous and the possibility of not making back is high... you just escaped from the First Order... are you sure you want to enter the fray again?"

Han said this to test Finn's resolution since not so long ago he had signed up to escape the conflict and go to the Outer Rim to start anew. He did not want him to have second thughts in the middle of future operations. The young man looked down and it was very obvious that he was extremely worried about Rey but he also knew himself and maybe even doubted his own willpower.

- "3PO, R2"- said Luke noticing the young man needed time to put his ideas in order- "why don't you take BB-8 to know the facilities and update him about the last news"

- "Of course, Master Luke"- said 3PO- "Come BB-8... let's update R2-D2 since he just dissapear for two years and must know nothing about what happened and you can tell us your adventures with the General Solo..."

- "BBeeeorppperoror"

- "Oh, that's a nice idea. God knows I also need a good oil bath"- said 3PO with great emotion- "Goodness! Come along, BB-8, quickly. Yes, I must get my proper arm reinstalled."

While the droids dissapeared the group looked at Finn waiting for his answer. Finn thought about it. Unitl now the only thing he wanted was to escape and be free. Start anew and forget about the massacres and conflict, but these few days time and time again he had been involved in fights and battles. He had met incredible people and in the end he had done exactly what he said he did not want.

- "To be honest... those moments were the moments in which I felt more alive and I knew exactly what to do..."- he thought knowing that he felt very confortable in the middle of the battle while he felt very miserable everytime he had wanted to escape- "What do I want exactly? Is it freedom or is battle?"

In that moment of confusion, he saw Rey's face in his mind and he knew that he did not know what he really wanted yet, maybe he wanted to start anew and live a peaceful life or maybe he really wanted to live on the edge battle after battle as he had been trained for since childhood. He certainly was not sure about that, but one thing that he knew was that any of those option would be possible unless he saved Rey.

- "Rey saved me and protected me and she fought next to me..."- he finally said looking at Han with decision- "She believed in me and she was the first person who accepted me as I was with no doubts... We were together for a short time but that was enough to make me realize that there are people who are just too precious to abandon and leave behind."

He sighed while having a great feeling of guilt remembering the ast time he had talked to Rey and how she had literally begged him to stay.

- "She believed in me and instead of repaying her, I betrayed her trust and abandoned her even when she asked me to stay... I escaped like a coward and by doing so I couldn't protect her and saved her as she did for me... If i abandon her now, I'm not different from the First Order and my defection would have no meaning. I will not run again and i will not abandon Rey. So if you don't let me go to rescue her, I'll go alone and you can ask any other about the StarKiller Base."

Luke, Leia and Han smile to these words. Chewee cheered and seemed to be extremely please with the young man.

- "Well... we cant let this rookie to go and let himself be killed"- said Han whose eyes were shining at the prospect of the next mission- "I'll ȧssume responsibility for him. I must admit that he's at least a good shooter and manages decently in battle so it will be a good help."

- "Why do i believe you ll have a crazy plan."- said Leia raising an eyebrow at her husband's comment.

- "You know me well"- said Han looking back at her with a confident grin.

- "That's why I'm worried"- said Leia with a sigh.

- "When are we going?"- asked Finn with a apprehensive voice

- "You courage is commendable, Finn"- said Luke with a warm smile while placing a hand on Finn's shoulder- "but a foolish advance will only bring death to you and to her. Recover your strength. We'll talk in the evening after we have gathered all the data we have and after I have a nice chat with our friend here..."

Finn saw a man tied to a table being transported inside the facilities. The clothes and armor were extremely familiar and the broken mask he was using left no doubt about who he was.

- "Is that a Knight of Ren?"- asked Finn with unbelieveing eyes.

- "Yes, he attacked me with another friend so I had to defend myeself"- commented Luke as if it was the most natural thing- "Unfortunately the other one could not make it so I could only bring one with me"

Hearing these words Finn felt his legs trembling while remembering how difficult it was to deal with just one of those knights in previous battle and here this person not only had battled two knights of Ren at the same time but he had managed to captured one alive which is more difficult than just killing them. He also was amazed by the easiness he had mentioned this as if the fact had not been more difficult than reap some grapes to eat. He understood that Luke could eliminate him as if he was a fly and he promised himself to never forget this fact.

- "Let the interrogation team do his job."- said Leia taking Luke by the arm- "Maz must be waiting"

- "Of course"- said Luke smiling warmly to his sister.

- "Poe, Take Finn and Chewee to the infirmary and then let him tell all the information he has to the Information team"- ordered Leia.

- "Yes, General"-said Poe and then placed a hand in Finn's shoulder- "let's go. You can tell me the full story while we go."

- "Grraaaaeeee groooooeiii"

After some minutes, the three generals entered to Maz Kanata's headquarters and they all exchanged greetings before starting to talk about what had happened to Luke the last two years and the plans for the future.

- "I saw him..."- said Han with sad eyes- "Kylo Ren was here... he's the one who took Rey..."

- "I felt him"- said Leia also showing a very nostalgic and pained expression- "he almost killed me"

- "He's much stronger than the last time I met him"- said Maz- "I couldn't do a thing when he attacked my facilities... you also think the same Master Skywalker?"

- "He has certainly grown and it's extremely powerful"- said Luke with a troubled expression- "if he keeps at this pace he will surpass me in a few years"

- "We will probably have to face him in the enemy base..."- said Maz and the three generals sighed while wishing they did not have to do it.


Rey started to recover consciousness and the first thing she noticed was a terrible pain in her wrists and ankles. She tried to accomodate herself but she noticed that she was restrained and in a very uncomfortable position hanging from what it seemed to be a standing table inclined to the front.

- "Where am I?"- she said looking around and she found herslef in a cold cell made of metal with many computers and machinery around.

- "You're my guest"- said a robotic and cold voice behind her and soon she could see Kylo Ren and she recognized the man as the one who attacked her in the forest of Takodana and who had made her faint somehow- "I hope you are comfortable"

- "Where are the others?"- said Rey trying to supress the freezing terror she was feeling at the moment.

- "Do you mean the murderers... traitors, and thieves you call friends?"- said Kylo Ren walking around Rey like a lion looking at his prey- "You'll be relieved to hear that I have no idea... your emotions are extremely clear... The fear and the hatred you feel for me is very intense..."

- "That happens when you're being hunted by a creature in a mask"- said Rey trying to recover the control- "why don't you take the helmet off? Afraid of me seeing your grotesque features?"

- "You want to see my face?"- asked Kylo Ren and Rey felt a terrible premonition- "why should I show it to you? You're just a mere source of information which will be discarded once its usefulness is over..."

- "Huh? What..."- Rey started to have a terrible feeling in her head as if something was trying to enter and read her thoughts- "what are you doing?"

- "Tell me about the droid"- asked Kylo Ren ignoring Rey's previous question while examining any change in her thoughts- "you seemed to be very fond of it..."

- "He's a BB unit with a selenium drive and a thermal hyperscan vindicator"- said Rey trying to obstruct the penetrating feeling she was perceiving in her mind- "I bȧrėly know him..."

- "And somehow you convinced the droid to show the destination of Luke Skywalker to you"- said Kylo Ren stopping in front of Rey and getting extremely close ot her- "I supposed you were special due to the protection of Han Solo but it seems I was wrong... you're a mere scavenger... with no family or future..."

Rey felt a painful feeling attacking her head and even her deepest parts of her soul. It was terribly uncomfortable and it was more excrutiating with the passing of time. Rey tried to fight back but it was like trying to stop a sand storm. He was just too powerful. Many pieces of information passed through her mind without her permission.

- "It's useless to resist... You know I can take whatever I want"- said Kylo Ren with that horrible voice which even tough robotic still could transmit the mock and confidence the man possessed- "You're so lonely... So afraid to leave.... At night, desperate to sleep... Waiting for someone you will never return..."

- "Stop!"- Rey started to panic and tremble and tears started to flow while Kylo Ren revealed her deepest secrets.

- "You also imagine an ocean... I see it. I see the island... And Han Solo... You feel like he's the father you never had... Poor thing, he would have disappointed you... And Finn... ahh... FN-2187... so, he's really important to you... I can feel the dissapointment you felt when he abandoned you... just like the others...

- "Get out of my head!"- shouted Rey and for a moment she managed to block Kylo Ren and resisted his attempts to enter her mind, but then he retook control and once again all her thoughts were like an open book.

- "I know you've seen the map... It's in there..."- said Kylo Ren looking for the piece of information he needed- "Ahh... there it is..."

- "I'm not giving you anything!"- shouted Rey once again closing her mind with all her willpower and once again she managed to stop Kylo Ren.

- "Impressive!"- said Kylo Ren who seemed to be extremely amused- "not many can resist my powers. Your will is strong and you have much potential... but..."

Suddenly Kylo Ren raised his hand and pointed at Rey who started to The feeling of invasion in her mind became extremely powerful as if her skull had been cracked open revealing all her secrets. She felt she could not breathe and was drowning in the middle of an overwhelming ocean.

- "You have much to learn..."- said Kylo Ren using a cold voice while extracting what he wanted to know- "I see... Queluhan Nebula. It seems we understimated him, he found the secret vault"

Kylo Ren stopped his attack on Rey's mind and turned to leave. This was something he needed to tell his master as soon as possible.

- "You're scared of him..."- said Rey with a weak voice- "I can feel it... you fear Luke Skywalker..."

- "I fear none, girl"- says Kylo stopping for a moment and snapped his fingers which made many officers enter the room with floating black droids that were used for interrogation- "but you will fear me..."

He abandoned the room as soon as he heard the screams of pain that Rey made when the interrogation droids started with their job.

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