Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 29 - Battle Preparations

Finn was walking to Maz conference room being escorted by a soldier from the Kanata Forces since there was a very big possibility of getting lost in the laberynth that the Castle was. After separating from Han, Leia and Luke in the afternoon, he had been taken to the information section by Poe and he had given all the information he knew about the StarKiller base. He did not know much technical stuff of course since he was a soldier and not an engineer, but he could at least help with providing some data about the buildings and the location of some places inside the headquarters. The information team had taken notes and had cross examine the other information they had received from the interrogations and secret data they had received from multiple sources and managed to have a better idea of the situation in the base.

- "Thank you for your help"- had said the person in charge of recolecting his information- "you were of great ȧssistance."

After that, he had been given a meal and just in that moment Finn realized how hungry he was. He could not see Poe but he understoodthat he must have been extremely busy with the strategy against the First Order. H e then was taken to a room where he could rest for an huor before he had been invited to ȧssist to the strategy meeting that was going to be held in the conference room.

- "It's a madness!"

- "The First Order must pay for what they did!"

- "Monsters! I'll kill them all!"

- "Can we win?"

- "Don't be a coward!"

- "Just saying!"

When he entered, Finn found a very chaotic scene where many people were commenting and discussing about the situation and what they would do about it. Finn saw many famous faces in the room but also many that he did not know and so started looking for any familiar face and after a while he found Poe who was sitting near General Organa and discussing with other leaders of the Resistance. Without any other choice, he got closer to them.

- "Oh Finn!"- greeted Poe with a friendly tone but Finn could detect the worry in his voice- "It's good you're here... we're about to start"

- "Did you rest and eat?"- asked Leia smiling at the young mn who had brought so much useful information.

- "Yes, General"- said Finn standing as straight as possible and feeling nervous sincehe was still not accostumed to be asked for his well being.

- "Good"- she said with a faint smile- "because we'll need to have all the energy we can... where's Han?"

- "Sorry I'm late!"- said the aforementioned person who entered in the room in that exact moment followed by the always loyal Chewee who had just been released from the medical bay.

- "You never change..."- said Leia in an annoyed whisper so the rest of people did not hear.

- "I had to take care of very important stuff"- defended Han with his eternal grin which he used as a way to slip any bad thing he did- "also Luke is not here either..."

- "Sorry I'm late"- said Luke who entered with a cleaner and tidier robe of light gray color.

Immediately, he was the center of the attention of everyone gathered in the room and the murmurs started to rise all over. Many of the people present had only hear about Luke Skywalker and most of them thought he was dead. A few even thoguht he had never existed and that he was only a kind of symbol for the Resistance so seeing him in person was very shocking.

- "He's the legendary Luke Skywalker...? I thought he would be taller..."

- "Wasn't he dead?"

- "Where did he go? Why didn't he fight all these years...?"

- "They say he was in a top secret mission that could decide the end of the war..."

- "How convenient... I think he just wanted to flee..."

- "Shut up! You'll be in problems if he hears you... people say he has magical powers and can kill people without touching them"

- "Exagerations..."

- "You want to take the risk...?"

- "..."

- "Ok everyone"-said the potent yet elegant voice of Leia and everyone stopped talking to pay attention- "thank you for coming here. It is thebest to start by clarifying some things that some of you have already heard by rumors... As all of you know the First Order has given a fatal strike to the Republic and the Hosnian system has been completely destroyed along with its billions of inhabitants...

The room exploded immediately. Many people could not stop shouting and swearing in anger and pain calling for justice and revenge. Many people that had family there and hoped everything to be just a rumor, started crying and gritting their teeth with their eyes red in fury. It took a while to calm everyone in the place to allow Leia to continue. She let their emotions boil since she knew it was necessary for what was about to come.

- "I understand your feelings but this is not the time to weep or be blinded by wrath"- said Leia and everyone saw that she was also with tears in her eyes but they also shone with a ferocious glint- "we will have plenty of time for that... especially when we bring justice upon the responsible... I beg you to put your sadness and fury aside for now and then unleash it when we attack the base that was responsible for this tragedy..."

Everyone cheered and those sad and angry felt their motivation and thirst for justice raise. They decided that they would be patient for now... but once the attack starts... they would make sure all their resentment and pain be felt by those bastards.

- "Lieutenient Connix will present the results of the data about the base"- said Leia and then a petite blonde girl advanced with confidence and started to show the schematics of the base along with very detailed terrain information.

- "The plans presented in front of you show a mega super weapon with enough fire power to banish entire systems with a single attack"- said Connix while showing the massive laser crystal and a simulation of the weapon firing- "They've somehow created a hyper-lightspeed weapon built within the planet itself."

- "A laser cannon?"- asked Admiral Ackbar who was showing a very shock expression since in all his career he had never seen just monstrosity even taking in consideration the Death Star.

- "We're not sure how to describe a weapon of this scale"- said Connix using her most respectful tone with the Admiral.

- "It's another Death Star, then?"- said Major Caluan Emmat who had personally seen the destruction such weapon could bring.

- "I wish that were the case, Major."- said Poe who gave a signal to Connix who showed an holographic model from both massive destruction weapons- "This was the Death Star... And this is Starkiller Base."

The gasps and gulps could be heard in all the room due to the extreme differences between both. It was like comparing a elephant with a small turtle and if the size was a sign of the difference in power, then they all knew that they were in serious problems. Who would dare to challenge such behemoth knowing it was capable of erradicating any opposition with ease?

- "How is it possible to power a weapon of that size?"- asked Thaneespi who had come along with Admiral Ackbar.

- "It uses the power of a sun"- explained Finn after Connix looked at him- "since it's a mobile planet, the First Order looks for suns along the galaxy and use them as fuel... as the weapon is charged the sun is drained until it disappears. After that, they use that power to launch the attack."

The people in the room felt that every new discovery brought just more worries and desperation. They all wonder how had the First Order managed to create such aberration without anyone noticing.

- "Ma'am..."- an officer ran and apprehension approached Leia and started to make a report in low voice... and immediately her face paled. She raised her hand and all the murmurs stopped once again since everyone noticed she was about to say something important.

- "The scouts inform that the First Order is charging the weapon again..."- said Leia and Maz started to tremble in fury- "This system is the next target."

- "Oh, my"- said C3PO- "Without the Republic fleet, we're doomed!"

Finn started to feel hopeless and he could sense the morale declining by the second. He knew that if none did something immediately, the Resistance would fall even before the battle started. In that moment there was a huge sound provoked by a palm strike in the hologram device which was showing the images of the StarKiller base. Everyone looked at the source of the sound and they found Han who had a ċȯċky expression and looked at the people in the room with disdain.

- "Why are you whining, you crying babies?"- he said with a mocking tone that ticked off many present- "is it the first time we are so royally screwed? If it's like that, then you little chicks should go to your mamas and ask for a hug... bunch of cowards!"

The room was in silence and Finn opened his eyes like plates. He did not understand why Han was being so agressive nd he could see the change in the eyes of everyone around. Why was he offending the comrades that were already with a low morale? But in that moment he had a flash of understanding and noticed that even though they were angry, they were not scared anymore.

- "So, it's big"- said Han keeping the mocking tone as the big brother who mocked the little brothers for being exagerated about a ridiculous things- "so, it's powerful... and...? Instead of crying like babies, let's think... How do we blow it up? There's always a way to do that."

- "Han's right."- said Leia and she smiled faintly and her eyes showed a glint of approval looking at her husband- "there's always a way... what have the engineers found?"

- "In order for that amount of power to be contained..."- mentioned Chief Engineer Statura- "that base has to have some kind of thermal oscillator... massive enough to regulate such tremendous power"

- "There is one. Precinct 47. Here..."- said Finn showing the exact position in the map- "I could never access that area since it was out of reach for my security clearance level..."

- "If we can destroy that oscillator..."- said the chief engineer making some calculations in the moment- "it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon... or even the planet itself."

- "That's it, then"- said Han using a tone of 'told you' and looking around- "We'll go in there, we'll hit that oscillator with everything we've got."

- "Unfortunately the base has defensive shields that our ships cannot penetrate."- replied Connix activating the holographic device showing the force field surrounding the planet.

Han started to go around and made some questions to the chief engineer in low voice. The engineer looked at Han with doubtful eyes and in a moment started to mumble and finally looked at Han with shock as if he was looking at a madman.

- "But general..."- said the engineer- "the probabilities are..."

- "I have 3PO for that already..."- said Han with impatience- "Is it possible or not...?"

- "Theoretically... yeah... but..."- mumbled the engineer still believing Han was not being serious.

- "Then it's decided... start with the simulations and calculations"- said Han with decisiveness- "We'll disable the shields. Kid, you worked there. What you got?"

Most of the people in the room were still dazed by Han's impetiousness and Finn was one of this so when he asked him, he did not reply immediately but after some seconds, he noticed that this was the chance he needed to rescue Rey.

- "I can do it."- said Finn firmly looking at Han with decision- "I can disable the shields, but I have to be there... On the planet"

- "Leave that to me"- said Han with such confidence that everyone did not know if he was being serious or just bluffing in a very convincing way- "We'll get you there."

- "Han, how?"- asked Leia having a very bad premonition after hearing his tone.

- "If I told you, you wouldn't like it..."- said Han looking at Leia with a guilty look- "anyway... leave that to me but I need you to take those guys out of me..."

- "I think I know how..."- said Luke looking at his brother-in-law with respecful eyes- "he's right... you wouldn't like it, Leia... but it's not impossible."

- "So we'll need a distraction"- said Poe feeling his hopes renewing- "an all out attack on the planet so they put all their attention on us."

- "Our fleet will participate"- said Admiral Ackbar- "but I doubt our numbers are enough."

- "Our reinforcements will still need some time to regroup and arrive"- mentioned another officer- "I doubt they will make it in time."

- "My fleet will come along"- said Maz with defiance- "those kids are very wrong if they believe they can take anything that belongs to me!"

- "It will be an honor to fight with the queen of pirates"- said Akcbar with a very respectful voice.

- "I'll be in your care, Admiral"- said Maz with a grin that trnsmitted her will to fight.

- "Can we expect help from Keil Garris?"- asked Leia looking at Han

- "I wouldn't count on Lando"- said Han with an apologetic look- "they are just too far and I doubt they will make it in time... if he comes, it's good of course."

- "Can we expect reinforcement from the Republic?"- asked Major Emmat.

- "The hit was too hard, Major"- said Leia with a sad expression- "Mon Mothma is trying to gather what remains but it will take time... now that the throne is empty... many are trying to sit on it taking advantage of the chaos."

- "So we can't count on that, either"- said Poe feeling a sudden headache.

- "The important part is to make them believe we're launching an all out attack"- said Luke trying to keep the things positive- "the real attack will come later once the shields are down."

- "I think we have enough for a distraction"- said Han putting a hand on Leia's shoulder- "Just hit them hard and keep them busy in orbit. Meanwhile, we'll disable the shields with Luke's help and explosives."

- "I'll give the leadership of the Rogue Squadron for this mission to you, Poe"- said Luke changing the image of the StarKiller base to the place where the oscillator was- "once the shields are off. You'll lead the Rogue Squadron to the oscillator and blast it with all you have."

- "Expect heavy resistance"- said an officer pointing the hangars that were placed close to the point of attack.

- "Nothing new!"- said Poe with a fearless tone- "we wait until the shields are down and then we take out the oscillator... sounds simple enough"

- "All right... Let's do this"- said Leia who smiled and thanked having so many competent and capable people on her side- "How much time until all preparations are ready?"

- "Approximately fifteen hours but if we hurry we can make it in twelfe"- said Connix.

- "Do it in less if possible"- said Leia and then she looked at everyone gathered in the place- "everyone stay in red alert... Fighting personnel will go with their immediate superiors and review the strategy plan and after that they will prepare their equipment and supplies forthe attack. Once they are done, they are ordered to rest and be in perfect conditions tomorrow at 0600 when they will present to service for the attack. Engineering and mechanical personnel will start immediately with the preparations with their respective teams... You know what to do so let's prepare... May the force be with you!"

Everyone started to move and the chaos that followed was a breathing of air for the warriors who preferred action to the long wait before the battle which could be considered an eternal torture. Finn was also starting to feel tense and he doubted he would be able to sleep that night.

- "Come big deal"- said Han rescuing him from his dilemma- "we'll talk about the strategy for tomorrow..."


StarKiller Base - Communication chambers

Kylo Ren walked through the gates that led to the communication private chamber where he could talk to his master. He saw with surprise that Hux was there, no doubt complaining about his actions in the previous battle.

- "Lord Ren acted under my orders, General"- said the profound and lightly threatening voice of the Supreme Leader- "I suppose you do not question my motives for such orders."

- "No, of course not, Supreme Leader"- said Hux who knew better than started to discuss with someone as the Supreme Leader- "it is just that Ren did not explain his actions effectively which caused many losses in our troops."

- "I remember telling you very clearly it was by the orders of the Supreme Leader"- said Kylo Ren with a calm and collected attitude.

- "You..."

- "Enough you two!"- said the Supreme Leader with a potent voice which provoked a sudden shiver in their backs and they both bow to the holographic figure- "we have no time for this petty fights... what's the situation with the enemy, General?"

- "The informs indicate that the Resistance is in Takodana preparing an all out attack against our forces"- said Hux delivering the last info he had collected from the spies inside the Resistance- "it seems they believe they will be able to destroy this base sending all their fleet including the Pirate fleet of Maz Kanata."

- "Hehe... that child Kanata has not changed at all"- mentioned the Supreme Leader and Hux wondered how much has the Supreme Leader lived to consider the ancient Maz Kanata a child- "then we have the next target for StarKiller... it will be another show of strength... how much time to recharge, general?"

- "The weapon will be ready to shoot in approximately fifteen hours, milord"- said Hux with great confidence- "as soon as it finishes absorbing the closest Sun"

- "Good... start now!"- said the Supreme Leader with a calm expression- "Be on alert and prepare your forces to engage in battle, General!

- "I won't dissapoint you this time, Supreme Leader"- said Hux with a decisive and confident attitude- "this time all the fleet will receive them and the shields of the base are impenetrable"

- "Don't understimate the enemy, general"- said Snoke without show any sign of anger- "go and have your rematch against them"

- "Of course, Sir..."- said Hux with a ferocious grin worthy of a hugry beast who is anxious to hunt his prey- "I'll prepare immediately."

Hux went out and Kylo Ren waited until the gates closed behind him to continue the conversation with his master.

- "Do you have the coordinates?"- asked the Supreme Leader once they were alone.

- "Skywalker went to the Queluhan Nebula"- informed Kylo Ren- "I presume he found the vault in the planet Shardiv."

- "I was just informed about that just now"- said the Supreme Leader- "Due to the massive presence of ionize gases it was impossible to send the information before... Well it was just a matter of time"

Kylo Ren was confused as he knew the kind of information that the vault contained and he had expected that the news would upset his master greatly. He did not say anything and waited for his master's orders.

- "I understand your confusion"- said his master and Kylo Ren had the impression that he had easily read his thoughts- "but even though he had collected that information, it will be useless. Even if he finds anything, it will take time to decrypt anything and by then Takodana and any Resistance base in that system will have been vanished."

- "It is as you say, master"- said Kylo Ren but a note of worry could be detected in his words- "but if that's the case... then my targets will be lost."

- "Only one which may be Leia Organa"-said the Supreme Leader with a calm voice- "but I doubt she will go down so easily and don't doubt that the Resistance will try to stop us. Especially Han Solo along with Luke Skywalker...

The Supreme Leader stopped his word for a moments analyzing the effect they had on his young apprentice.

- "They will come here, I can feel it..."- said the massive figure- "so that will be your chance."

- "Still..."- said Kylo Ren who seemed to be doubtful.

- "I know you are not prepared for facing Luke Skywalker"- said the Supreme Leader with a voice that had some tones of mocking- "but you don't have to do it alone... take your knights and also those special deliveries I sent to you."

- "It will be done, Master"- said Kylo Ren bowing remembering the trouble he had when he tried those 'special deliveries himself'- "is there any other advice you have?"

- "Prepare an ambush carefully... also, as the foolish jedi he is... he will try to convince you to return to the light and won't use his full power..."- said the Supreme Leader as if he could already see his words happening- "use that chance to embrace the dark side fully and kill him... the Jedi's weakness is always their foolish naivety... Use it against him"

- "Yes, master"- said Kylo Ren

- "There's something else... what is it?"- said Snoke feeling something in his disciple.

- "The girl... The Force is strong in her- said Kylo thinking about Rey and how she was able to blovk his mind reading for some seconds- "it's still raw and unrefined but she definitely has great potential. She could be a fine addition to the Knights of Ren."

- "Oh! It must be really peculiar if she attracted your attention..."- said the Supreme Leader showing a spark of curiosity- "after the battle finishes, bring her to me... I'll make her better prepared to embrace the dark side."

- "As you wish, master..."

- "Don't mind her for now and focus in the incoming battle."- said the Supreme Leader with the typical tone he had all the time- "Dont fail, Lord Ren... embrace the dark side completely and only then you will be invincible and you will be able to free yourself from your destiny... now go and prepare yourself"

- "I will not fail, master"- said Kylo Ren and turned around to get out the chamber.

Kylo Ren decided to stop the future he had seen long time ago... he had not known the dark side yet and he was a naive and foolish boy that followed Luke Skywalker with worship... but once he saw his future and what would happen to the galaxy. He still felt shivers by the mere thought of it. He would change his destiny even if he had to sacrifice eveything, it was the only way to stop the terrible fate he and the entire galaxy would face in the future... he needed power and for that he had to eliminate the targets his master had given him, being the most important Luke Skywalker. Kylo Ren knew this

confrontation was unavoidable in his path for power, but at the same time he knew what Skywalker could do. Even though he had denied it to Rey and even after all these years of constant training, he could still feel the small shiver that ran in his spine when he thought he would face him in battle before he had expected.

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