Core Worlds - Darpa Sector - Rhinnal

Khrooooo..... khaaaaaaa...

A young man with dark skin was floating in the middle of a tank filled with Super Bacta liquid while breathing through a oxygen mask. Finn was nȧkėd except for a pair of shorts and at the moment seemed to be sleeping comfortably. This scene was a typical part of his recovery treatment after the Battle of StarKiller where he had received a major injury in his spine. When he had been delivered to a medical center, even the best doctors who had seen a lot through the war had to lower their heads and shake since the damage was just too critical. The spine, being a critical and very delicate part of the human body was lost and there was nothing they could do to restore it. There was, however, a possible solution which they all proposed.

- "Treatment about to finish... please wake up..."- said a robotic voice making the young man recover his senses and open his eyes.

The advances in medicine during the years after the war between the Rebellion and the Empire had been extremely fast and it had marked the end of many diseases thought incurable before. It also had take giant leaps in nanotechnology and cybernetic prostheses and it allowed the replacement of organs and parts of the body that would have been unthinkable years before including the spine, of course.

- "The draining process will start in a moment... a helper will come in short..."- said the voice once again and Finn felt how the bacta liquid strated to move downwards exposing his body. Since he could not use his legs, the medical droids guided his body to a sitting position where he waited for the cleaning process. Soon after the bacta liquid dissapeared, the tank opened some lids and springs appeared to start showering Finn while being cleaned by the droids. Even though the process was already programmed, Finn still used his hands which had recovered their mobility to increase his strentgh and affinity with the prosthesis.

The cybernetics nowadays were not only much more functional and delicate but it had even allowed the patients the ability to sense again by using new and more sophisticated materials in combination with nanobots which imitated the sense of touching in a much more refined manner than their predecessors. This was possible in great deal due to the capture of a strange alien race called Yuuzhan Vong which had created strange cybernetics which used biotechnology to give the capacity to even grow and strenghten the cybernetics along with the user. This was an important milestone in Cybernetic and medical development and opened new venues and possibilities since now instead of replacing your prosthesis, you could just maintain it allow it to develop and become more powerful with you.

- "Ther cleaning process has ended"- said the robotic voice once more- "it is time for your daily exercises..."

Since the cybernetics could be strengthen and improved along with the user now, training and recovery exercises were key for a sooner recovery. Since the first surgery, Finn had felt his weakest since he had had any memory. His cybernetic spine would require multiple operations to be completed since it was necessary to tune it part by part. After the battle against the First Order, he had lost all movement and had become completely quadraplegic, but after the surgery he could at least move his head, neck and his arms, although in a foolish and erratic way. A droid helped his to dress and then he sat in a hoverchair which gave him the possibility to move around by himself.

- "Let's start..."- said Finn forcing his hands to grab the barbells that were in front of him but as usual he had problems with the grip but he did not give up and put more strength in his fingers.

He felt like a baby learning to walk again. The first segment of his spine cybernetic was responsible to return mobility of the head, neck, shoulders and arms, and the next week he would have the second part which would return the control of his waist and upper legs. Only after a month he would receive the last surgery which would allow him to walk again.

- "Why not all the pieces together?"- he had asked the surgeons in charge of his case.

He did not complain anymore and since the moment he had received the new cybernetic replacement of his spine, he had devoted to train it as if it were another muscle of his body, lest it would just become a piece of useless junk and another replacement would be needed.

- "334... 335"- he chanted as he used the barbells to exercise his arms. With every repetition he could feel how the replacement was also moving and becoming more attuned with his body and even though dull and unrefined, he knew that he was slowly improving. He knew, however, that he would need more time until he could be himself again- "I won't give up."

He could still remmeber how a week after the battle of Starkiller base, he had awoken just to find himself paraplegic and unable to move. The shock had been too much for him and a sense of frustration and uselessness filled his heart. He had nothing except his body and training so if he lost that, he had nothing. However, when he heard that there was a possibility in cybernetics, he had accepted immediately and that hope kept him fighting.

- "I'm really sorry about the General Solo"- he had said to Leia who had come to visit to thank him for his help in the defeat of the Firs Order and the destruction of its weapon planet.

Finn could see the deep sadness in her face but also the unwavering willpower the legendary hero had and he felt sorry for the First Order since he knew she would not stop until end them completely.

A funeral was held to remember the fallen heroes who gave their lives for the Republic and liberty and when Finn heard about it, he begged Leia and Luke to allow him to ȧssist since he wanted to honor the man who had saved him so many times and not only physically. If not for Han, Finn would not have had the bravery to fight the First Order and Rey would have also died. He saved him in all the ways you can save a person and allowed him to stand up for himself.

- "Han Solo was a hero, father, husband, friend and a warrior until the end..."-

He attended the funeral along with a weeping Rey who had seen Han as a father substitute even though he had been with them for such a short time. He would never forget how Leia, a widow now offered flowers in front of the empty tomb of her deceased husband and how she promised not to let his sacrifice to be in vain. Or how Luke retold many adventures with Han and how he had saved him multiple times and how the Republuic and the Resistance would not exist if not for him.

- "He and all the heroes of the New Republic will never be forgotten and in their memory and name we swear that the enemy will be crushed and its name vanquish from this galaxy forever..."- had said Luke and even now he could still feel the shivers his words brought to his body.


- "Come in..."- said Finn wondering who was visiting him and immediately the door opened and Poe Dameron entered the room with a big smile.

- "So how is your toy working?"- he asked after giving his friend a handshake- "I heard you have problems with it."

- "Nah! I just need more practice thats all"- replied Finn in a jovial tone as he looked at his recently promoted friend- "what's the new ascended Captain in my small quarters... oh! and I'm sorry I can't stand up, Sir."

- "How dare you speak your superior in that tone"- said Poe changing his voice to a more serious one- "I'll have you whipped for that insubordination."

- "Maybe the hits will make my spine work better"- said Finn and they both laughed.

After the battle Poe had been given a promotion and now he had the rank of Captain and Finn had been promoted immediately to Team Leader with the infantry rank of Specialist which had made him skip lots of ranks that an enlisted soldier should pass first especially taking in consideration his past. However, the meritorious service he had accomplished, plus his experience and training as a soldier had made the higher ups take the decision. Many changes had been made in the Resistance and also in the New Republic lately.

- "So are you going to Coruscant?"- asked Finn showing Poe a seat.

- "Yeah, I'll go tot he new Capital after this"- replied Poe sitting down and checking the time- "General Organa... I mean the Supreme Chancellor Organa's investiture ceremony will be held in two weeks and she wants all the security she could have."

- "I am going as his escort"- said Poe looking like someone who did not like the idea- "the new leader of the Resistance would be a very attractive target for our enemies. Although I have the feeling that the Grand Admiral is counting on an attack to show the might of his forces."

- "Well, a show of strength would not be bad after the mess that the elections were last week"- commented Finn smiling with mockery.

- "Yeah, many senators still are unconvinced that Chancellor Organa will lead the New Republic correctly"- said Poe feeling a huge headache coming- "many of them believe she will plunge the Galaxy into a bloody war that could have been avoided by talking."

- "Politicians..."-said Finn with an incredulous tone- "I'll never understand them."

- "And thank goodness for that"-said Poe with a warm smile- "it means you're still a decent person."

- "I heard that many retired people are volunteering for the Resistance"- commented Finn ignoring the fact that Leia Organa was a politician.

- "That's right"- said Poe with a proud smile- "many heroes of the the Rebel Alliance are joining to the ranks every day."

- "Are they getting used to the new ways?"- asked Finn worried that the changes in the 30 years of inactivity would make the veterans feel overwhelmed.

- "Pfft! Too fast I would say!"- said Poe laughing out loud- "they adapted incredibly fast... so fast that they even made comments about how to improve our methods for more efficiency."

- "Too late!"-said Poe remembering something funny and sour at the same time- "they have so much energy that make us look like we are the old people."

- "Really?"- asked Finn with a doubtful expression.

- "Yeah... three days ago for example..."- commented Poe- "our pilots were having their typical training when a group of retired Rogue squadron members led by General Antilles and General Syndulla came to overseer the training and decided to spice the things up."

Finn rose his eyebrow imagining the scene of having such legendary figures entering in the midde of the training where most people had grown up hearing about their accomplishments.

- "They asked for a mock battle between the teams"- said Poe with a funny expression- "They said that all squadrons should join to defeat them."

- "The result?"- asked Finn even though he knew the answer by the Captain Dameron's expression

- "They whooped the rest of the squadrons"- said Poe with a dissapointed expression.

- "Wait... you, too?"- asked Finn with an incredulous tone- "are they so good?"

- "Even though I manage to survive until the end... they just outsmarted me and they destroyed my entire squadron very easily"- said Poe.

- "He was supposed to take command of the Resistance"- explained Poe at the surprised Finn- "but then he decided to retire and spend time with his family since he had had children later in life. Now however, he decided to return since most of his children are already ȧduŀts and he could not ignore the menace of the First Order anymore."

- "So he beat you in command"- said Finn teasing his friend- "and here I thought you were second only to General Skywalker."

- "Hah!I wish! but I'll dissapoint you even more since the one who distracted me from giving commands was General Syndulla"- explained Poe contorting his face in pain- "she's a beast... her piloting skills have not diminished at all."

General Hera Syndulla has been an important figure from even before the start of the rebellion against the Empire until its consequent fall. She had been recognized for her incredible piloting skills and great leadership abilities having fought and survived against legendary figures like Darth Vader and Grand Admiral Thrawn. She had rejected an official position after the Armistice and had dissapeared from public life along with her son in order to look for someone.

- "She schooled me"- said Poe and Finn could feel the frustration in his voice- "I think only General Skywalker can beat her. So I'm glad she's in our side and..."

A beeping sound coming from from the Poe's wristwatch interrupted their conversation. Poe looked at it and sighed a little like a person who does not want to go to a meeting.

- "Duty calls, Captain"- said Finn with a teasing smile offering his hand to shake.

- "Humph! I hope your surgery is a success, Finn"- said Poe and Finn smiled warmly while shaking hands with the man who had given him his name.

- "Thank you, Poe..."- started Finn but then an evil grin appeared in Poe's face.

- "Sir! I respectfully and desperately refuse!"- said Finn in panic knowing he was being serious.

- "Denied, soldier!"- said Poe starting to leave the room- "Hurry up and recover... that's an order!"

And with those words that made Finn gulp, Poe Dameron went out and left Finn alone once again. He move the hoverchair he was sitting down and approached the fridge he had there and took a nutritional fluid pack and drank it while turning on the news cast.

- "In today's news we have more images from Coruscant where more and more people are gathering for the investure of the High Chancellor in two weeks. Not only politicians but many key figures from the commerce and entertainment are also showing to this historic event..."

Finn watched the news with little interest until he saw a familiar figure among the sea of people in the screen. He was a tall man with dark skin and white hair who Finn recognized as Lando Calrissian, the same man who had helped him and Rey escape from Jakku in the Millennium Falcon.

- "Here we can see the hero of Rebellion and now wealthy entrepreneur Lando Calrissian"- said the commentator while the cameras all focused on Lando- "we have to remind our viewers that Mr. Calrissian had just become the sole CEO of the Keil Garris Company which was founded along with also hero of the Republic Han Solo who died fighting the First Order some weeks ago. This has made Lando Calrissian a rich and powerful bussiness man who had swore to help the Republic in a virtous manner worthy of the reputation the company had built for years..."

Finn grinned when he heard the last comment. He knew that Keil Garris had two faces according to Han and Lando's will. One face was the one they showed to the public in which it was a legal and recognized transporter and exchange of goods in the galaxy but the other was the smuggling of dangerous and illegal goods through all the galaxy as well as the gathering and selling of information. This was done in the absolute secrecy for obvious reasons and he could not even imagine all the connections they had in the underworld and Finn it was better not to know.

- "And another surprise comes with Mr. Calrissian..."- the voice of the commentator interrupted Finn's thoughts making him look at the screen again- "he is accompanied by the infamous Queen of the Pirates, Maz Kanata who had been the talk of all the galaxy after her bold comments last week when she openly challeged the First Order and put her total suport for the New Republic."

This comment only widened the grin in Finn's face as he remembered the video of Maz condemning the actions of the First Order noting that even pirates had more honor and integrity than the soldiers of the First Order. Finn had to admit that Maz would be able to convince a saint he was a wicked criminal if she wanted to. The population received her words as truth and they welcome the previous "criminals" as now misunderstood heroes. Finn ended his fluid pack and grabbed the equipment to continue his training. After an hour he received another visit.

- "Hi, Finn"- said a powerful but kind voice and Finn welcomed Luke Skywalker and Rey- "I hope we don't inconvenience you."

- "Not at all, General"- replied Finn looking at Rey who was also smiling at him- "Are you ready for your departure?"

- "Everything is ready"- replied Luke who smiled when he detected the mood between these youngsters- "I just wanted to pass you the thing we talked about the other day."

Finn stopped looking at Rey and he put his full attention in Luke who showed a palm-sized, glowing polyhedron of purple crystalline material. Finn and Rey were immediately captivated by the beautiful object.

- "I guess you received the special equipment I sent..."- said Luke breaking the spell that Finn was under.

- "Yes"- confirmed Finn moving in the hoverchair and grabbing a special helmet that had been designed by the Jedi master to help initiates to be able to extract information from Holocrons more easily by placing them into a virtual world where they could experience the teachings even when sleeping.

- "Good"- said Luke and placed the Holocron on the table next to the helmet- "just remember what I told you and be careful about the time you use the helmet... I don't want to hear you starved yourself."

- "I won't, General"- ȧssured Finn being extremely excited to start- "I'm really grateful for your help."

- "Keep practicing and once you get better, I'll help you continue your training"- said Luke and looked at the two kids knowing he was in the way- "I'll wait outside, come when you're ready, Rey."

Luke said good bye to Finn with a hadnshake and wished him well with a smile before getting out of the room and leaving the two youngsters alone. However, a deep silence fell on them not knowing how to start but soon Finn ceared his throat.

- "I heard you are advancing very quickly in your Jedi training"- said Finn smiling as he praised Rey- "I'm glad for you."

- "Master Luke is an extremely good teacher"- said Rey but her smile lessened a little- "but a harsh one too from time to time."

- "Sometimes it's necessary I suppose"- said Finn and Rey scowled at him.

- "Easy for you to say..."- said Rey with an annoyed voice but then she grinned at him- "just wait until you are good enough to train... I'll enjoy your squeals..."

- "Did you squeal?"

- "Of... of course not!"- said Rey panicking and blushing and Finn grinned at her trying to imagine her in desperation after training- "why are you grinning like that....?"

- "Nothing..."- said Finn with a teasing voice- "I just hope I can train with you soon."

Rey's expression softened as she saw him in the hoverchair and she bit her lip with a guilt expression thinking that maybe her comment had been insensitive but Finn immediately smiled and flicked her forehead.

- "Ouch!"- shouted Rey looking at Finn with accusatory eyes- "why did you do that?"

- "To show you how much I have recovered"- said Finn laughing- "a flick is a very difficult task to do but now I can do it normally and with a lot of strength, don't you think?"

- "Humph!"- said Rey getting close to Finn with a smile that made the young man sweat- "I see, let me show you my technique also."

Finn closed his eyes and waited for the painful hit but he only felt two slim arms going around his neck. Finn opened his eyes to find Rey was hugging him. Finn felt his face burn but he also saw Rey's ears in a deep red tone so he smiled and returned the hug.

- "Hurry up and return soon!"- said Rey and Finn could feel the care in her voice- "you have to recover quickly, ok?"

- "I promise"- said Finn and his drive to recover as soon as possible started to increase by the second- "once that happens, you'd better prepare to call me master..."

- "Hah! You wish!"- said Rey separating from Finn- "I'll show you my skills and by the time you are starting I'll already be a Master Jedi."

- "We'll see about that!"- said Finn in a challenging tone.

- "We'll see!"- replied Rey with a confident voice as if accepting the challenge.

The door opened and Luke called Rey saying that it was time to go. Rey sighed and looked at Finn again and her eyes showed her reluctance to depart.

- "I'll see you soon"- said Finn smiling warmly- "on my two feet."

Rey nodded and started to go to the door when suddenly she stopped as if remembering something, she stayed there like contemplating something and then she turned around blushing crazily and returned to where Finn was and before he could say anything she kissed him on the cheek. Finn opened his eyes wide and could say nothing.

- "Hu... hurry up!"- said Rey with a panicking voice and totally red- "and see you!"

Finn saw the young girl running like a scared rabbit thorugh the door which closed automatically and he needed some minutes to ȧssess the situation and when he finally could react many minutes had passed and he wondered if that had reallly happened or he had just imagined it. He touched his cheek and a warm feeling filled his heart.

- "Just wait..."- he said with a decisive tone- "I'll return stronger and more prepared."

He remembered Kylo Ren and Captain Phasma. He knew that for the moment he was too weak but in time he would return the favors they did to him. Finn put on the helmet and placed the holocron in the socket. He then started the helmet and relaxed.

Program running... creating 4D virtual model... syncronization without problems... starting the extraction of data... creating new session... initiating...

Finn opened his eyes and immediately felt surprised to find himself standing in the middle of a white room. He started walk and he felt exhilarated even though he knew it was only a virtual program. The technology had advanced so much that Finn could sense everything around him including textures and smells as if the place aorund him were real and he were there physically.

- "This level of immersion is incredible"- said Finn but he could not keep staying impressed since a figure appeared in front of him.

It was a tall and dignified figure who had a dark skin just like Finn. His eyes radiated an incredibly power and even though he was a holographic figure, Finn coud feel the power and the impose of his persona and felt that he could wipe him out in an instant.

- "My name is Mace Windu and I left this holocron in the hopes that one day someone can take my skills if they deemed them worthy to keep the peace the Jedi had maintain for millenia"- said the figure and the deep voice was hipnotizing and charming while also cautious and profound- "You have been selected by my succesors and if they had followed my instructions, you were chosen under specific circumstances which will allow you to follow my teachings but I must warn you..."

The eyes of Master Windu seemed to throw lasers and Finn knew he was being extremely serious about what he was about to say.

- "The things I will teach you are no game and a single mistep could lead you to the Dark Side of the Force"- said Windu and Finn started to remember what General Skywalker had told him about the topic- "so you must be disciplined and have an iron will... if you do not possess such qualities or if you have doubts, I encourage you to stop now but if you think you have what it takes... sit down in front of me."

Finn would lie if he said that he had no doubts, but he knew this was the only way to get stronger and have the necessary skills to protect those he wanted to protect so he immediately advanced and sat down with cross legs in front of the imposing master who nodded and started to walk around while talking.

- "Let's start with the Force... What is the Force? I'll tell you the many theories ȧssumptions that many masters have coined so be open minded and use your own ideas to contrast and..."


While Finn had started his sessions with the Holocron of Master Windu, Luke and Rey had gone to the hangar where Chewee was waiting for them.

- "Growwww graaaaooo"- said Chewee.

- "Sorry for the delay Captain"- said Luke smiling at his old friend- "but Rey and Finn could not say good bye without taking their time..."

- "I did..."- said Rey still blushing and Chewee patted her back.

- "Greeeeia gruooaaaa"- asked Chewee.

- "Yes, we are ready"- confirmed Luke and boarded the Millennium Falcon being followed by Rey- "let's depart immediately."

Once aboard hewee started the systems and Rey helped him taking the position of second next to Chewee who had been training her in the systems.

- "Beep beep beeepppooo!"- said Artoo.

- "We are still on schedule, Artoo"- replied Luke taking a seat in the ċȯċkpit- "whenever you ar a ready captain!"

- "Greeeeee Graaaaaa!"

Once the permissions were delivered the hangar opened for them and Chewee took them out of the base and soon they were out of the atmosphere of the planet and were preapring for Hyperspace.

- "Do you think they will waiting for us, Master?"- asked Rey and Luke did not have to ask what she was tsalking about.

- "Kylo Ren and the First order are still there"- said Luke with a deep tone- "and the war against the First Order is just starting. Of course they will be there, but they will not be ready, because the Force is with us!"

After a few seconds the Millennium Falcon entered Hyperspace and took the droid, the wookie, the young padawan and the veteran Master Jedi to the unknown.

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