Master Phenex Skywalker stopped talking as he said the last phrases wondering if he should keep talking or just end the story there hen he felt steps coming from outside. Finally, somene knocked the door.

- "Come in, Eleath"- said Phenex as he paused the recording of the holocron and opened the door.

A young male lasat entered the room. He was 18 years old and his purple skin matched extremly well with his deep violet almost obsidian hair. His eyes reflected a keen mind but also wisdom and restrain. His talent was extremely high and Phenex had great expectations on him.

- "Master, we have received confirmation that Alucca Madgil has entered the building just moments ago"- said Eleath trying to transmit the information as exactly as he could- "other suspects of the cult of Jidh are also started to move to the location of the attack."

- "So it seems the information was correct"- said Phenex taking a moment to make a decision- "have all the teams reached their respective locations?"

- "Yes, master... but..."- said Eleath but then he doubted about what to say next.

- "Go on..."- said Phenex who looked forward to what his padawn wanted to say.

- "Is it really necessary to use so many people for just a few targets?"- asked Eleath who seemed a little embarrased- "is there the possibility that this is only a ruse?"

- "You are not wrong, Eleath"- said Phenex with a calm and firm voice- "my young padawan, never understimate your enemy and always think in the worst case scenario, they may be a few but we dont know how strong and well equipped they are. Always give the 150% even if you only need a 30%. Do you understand?"

- "Yes, master"

- "There is always a possibility for mistakes and deceit"- continued Phenex- "but we can't let fear to the unknown to paralize us... once you have done everything you could, act and then if something unexpected happens, deal with it then, understood?"

"Yes, master"- replied Eleath smiling with a tone of respect for his master.

"Good, tell all teams we will initiate the plan in 10 minutes so they should all be ready and in position."- said Phenex- "now go, I'll be there in a moment."

He saw his young padawn leave the room and then he put his eyes on the holocron which was floating on the air as if waiting for him to continue.

- "Yeah... this is a good place to end this first part, I guess"- thought Master Phenex Skywalker as he looked the holocron and thought on a good way to end the first part of the events that had transpired 50 years in the past.

-"And so..."- he kept talking as he reactivated the recording option- "Master Luke Skywalker took his new apprentice Rey for further training. It was a long and difficult path that not only her but Finn and the rest ofd the Resistance took."

He remembered a ridiculous rumour going around and decided this was a good moment to put an end to it.

"Master Rey started her path as any padawan would"- he explained- "he had the talent but still needed guidance. She had to spend hours of constant training and refining for her abilities to grow and even though she was extremely connected to the Force, she was definitely not and over powered existance capable of beating powerful dark lords... not at this moment of the history at least."

Many people had tried to elevate her figure to ridiculous verwhelming levels in order to discredit the importance that Luke Skywalker had in her growing as a Jedi Master and by doing so, man started to ignore and even mock the legendary Great Master, something that Rey herself would have loathed since none had more respect and love for Master Luke than her since she was her padawan.

- "I don't say this to diminish the talent and significance that Master Rey had in the war against the First Order"- said Phenex- "but I do it to give a clearer visage of what she really was. She was just like any of us, she was not perfect and definitely had her shortcomings. However, she was decided to overcome her imperfections with discipline and hard work. Something that any padawan had to realize and work on. Even the legendary Anakin Skywalker and his son Luke had humble beginnings and only after years of dedication and training became the powerful but definitely not invincible Force users they became."

Padwans would always had this period of time in which they believed themselves to be invincible and arrogance took many of them, so it was always important to remind them that none is invincible and that only persistance and hard work would ȧssure victory.

- "This part of the story is over, but the story of Rey, Finn, Luke, Leia and the many others had just started as had the war against the First Order"- said Phenex- "The story will continue in the next part of the holocron... but for now, May the Force be with you... always."

- "All teams in position master"- said his young padawan Eleath as he passed electrobinoculars to his master.

- "Any suspicious movement?"- asked Phenex taking the electrobinoculars and watching the area they would storm.

- "None"- replied Eleath- "but commander Heissings is eager to start the attack as soon as possible."

- "I see... in that case let's move"- said Phenex and he activated his intercom device- "Commander, start the operation now!"

- "Yes, General!"- replied the figure of Heissings.

- "Are you ready?"- asked Pheenx to his padawan and he grinned.

- "Always, Master!"

- "Then let's go!"- said Phenex and standing on the edge of the building which was dozens of meters high- "remember your training and trust in the Force."

His padawn nodded and then both jumped down without hesitation as they activated their lightsabers and start the mission.

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