Commander Aurelius Meerban was an officer in the First Order that had literally been born in the middle of the Empire in its full glory and came from a family with a long record of military success. All his family had always been posted in important positions since the era of the Old Republic and getting its summit during the Empire Era where they enjoyed of the total trust of the Emperor himself. Everything changed, of course, when the Rebel Alliance destroyed all their dreams and took away everything they had. They were forced to flee and abandoned all they had manage to earn by centuries of hard work.

- "Someday, we will recover everything we lost, Aurelius"- were the words that his father always told him as he groomed him to be a man of war.

He grew up inside the ranks of the First Order and he entered service even before he had reached ȧduŀthood. Even though he was the son of one of the most important generals of the First Order, he was given the same treatment and was sent to dangerous missions and he had to survive many engagements which refined his battle senses and instincts. After, many trials, he had managed to go up in the ranks and he had finally make it to the rank of Commander which was a very important position. He had been in charge of invade and secure the planet Phindar. It had been a very well planned and taking in consideration the opposition which had been extremely fierce, they had managed to invade the planet in record time which spoke volumes of his skills as a commander. In any other time, he would have been extremely proud of himself to have been able to make such feat, but now he felt no happiness at all. The reason for this was that since the beginning he had had a dreadful idea in his head.

- "Orbital defense informs that the Republic has enter our space"- informed one of the officer under his command- "General Hux orders an immediate defense on the key positions of the planet."

- "Message received"- said Commander Meerban as he sighed with anger.

The idea he has had since the beginning was simple: "This invasion was meaningless."

- "The position is indefensible, our numbers are too few, the resources are limited and the population is vastly in favour of the Republic since they were very close to their area of influence"- thought Meerban once again as he had been doing the last few days- "we gain nothing and lose a lot by staying. Just what the hell are they thinking?"

He first thought it was a hit and run operation planned to reduce the moral and the cohesion of the Republic, but then he received the order of secure the principal cities and prepare for a Republic ȧssault. It was madness and he simply did not understand the strategy behind this invasion. However, his job was to do as ordered and until now he had done as best as he could. He was now in the main building of the city which gave him a clear vision of all the access points to it and it was protected by a very stong particle shield which would defend from the predicted air raid which was to come.

- "All stations enter to red alert and defend the main entrances to the city"- ordered the commander- "all pilots guard the skies and get ready for combat! Main the anti air cannons and tanks!"

Even though they had suffered some damage at taking the city, including the fact that the defenders had destroyed their own vehicles and guns to avoid the First Order to use them in the defense, they still had sufficient power to give the Republic a nasty surprise and he was totally decided to gain as much time as possible since he trusted that the General Hux had a plan to face this situation.

- "Enemy fighters and bombers detected"- informed the officer and the captain saw the vast numbers of the enemy as they appeared surrounding the city.

- "All anti-air cannons start firing!"- ordered Meerban- "All pilots wait until the enemy enter their striking zone and then engage prioritizing the bombers at all cost."

- "Roger!"- he received the transmissions of all the team leaders.

Very soon, he started to hear the sounds of the batteries shooting and the explosions which announced the start of the battle. Even thiough these sounds would bring dread and distress to most, they had the opposite effect on him. It was something that only someone iwho had been in battle would understand since they would agree that it was better to know combat is here that bear the long and eternal horrible feeling of not knowing when it all would start.

- "Keep track of all conflict points at all times and make sure to inform of any unusual changes"- ordered Meerban as he started to look at all the screens and panels around him paying attention to the minor details that could destroy the balance in the battle- "mmh?"

At the beginning, everything went as he had predicted and could see the air strike of the Republic entangled with their own air defenses and in most of places they could be said to be the same in number of casualties. However, even though most of the engagements seemed to be equilibrated, there were two points were the Republic gained an absurd advantage and seemed like their TIE fighters were simply falling like flies.

- "Give me visuals on those two sectors B-78 AND G-99"- ordered the commander trying to find the reason for the situation in order to plan a counter measure.

- "Enemy tags have been recognised"- said the officer with a little tremor in his voice- "It's the Rogue squadron."

The mere mention of that name sent shivers to the back of all the people present. Meerban knew they would come, but he had expected the best of their units to be in charge of the orbital battle. This would put more pressure on them and he knew that they would never match their skill so he could oly try to win by sheer power.

- "Order all squads to send three fighters to both zones!"- ordered Meerban with a frown.

- "But sir"- said the officer with a worried expression- "it will weaken the other points too much!"

- "If we don't do it, they will eliminate the squads in those points and later they will just raze the other points... we have to stop them, so do it!"

- Yes, Sir!

The predictions of the Commander were correct. The Rogue squadron unit in sector B-78 slowed down in front of the increased enemy numbers and their TIE fighters managed to shoot down more Y-Wing bombers. However, the squadron in sector G-99 seemed to not just maintain its efficiency, but to even increase it. Meerban was in shock and he could only be in awe as he saw the leader of this squadron fighting with a speed which could not be considered human at all. The X-wing squadron in this sector cleaned the road very easily and let the Y-Wing bombers enter into their bombing zones with ease. The bombers rained destruction and flames on their anti-air batteries and tanks making everything ready for the ground forces of the Republic to enter the city.

- "Large numbers of infantry units entering the city in sector G-99"- informed the officer who had to hears the shouts of desperation of their defense units in that sector- "the line will collapse very soon unless reinforcements are sent."

However, Meerban knew such reinforcements were inexistent and even if they existed, they would never arrive on time to stop the superior numbers of the Republic army.

- "Tell them to retreat behind the point 105 while keeping the enemy occupied"- ordered the commander and the officer gulped knowing what would happened.

The orders were given and the forces retreated quickly while shooting to the Republic forces which started to advance seeing the fleeing enemy. Meerban watched the map very carefully and started to calculate the distances.

- "Blow up the buildings in sector G-99"- ordered the Captain with a cold voice

- "Yes, Sir!"- said the officer who had been ready to give the order as soon as the commander gave the order- "Blow up G-99!"

As soon as the order was given explosions could be heard and several blocks of buildings, many of which were extremely tall, were blown out by the charges the explosive team had planted previously and soon all the streets and accesses in the area were buried by the rubble and wreckage which had claimed the lives of the Republic army and some unlucky First Order units.

- "Massive casualties on the enemy and all accesses in sector G-99 closed"- informed the officer who could be seen a little pale.

- "Good, that will gain us time"- said Meerban with a cold attitude as if this were just a typical day in his job- "remind all engineers to be ready in case we have to blow up their sectors at any moment."

- "Roger that!"- said the office trembling before the ruthlessness of the captain- "bombers heading our way"

-"Shoot alll guns on them"- said Meerban having predicted the air force in the sector G-99 would come for them.

It was obvious this building would be their main objective, specially after seeing that they could blow up the buildings. The bombers released their load on the building, but the particle shield defended the position extremely well against the proton bombs of the enemy.

- "You will have to try better, Republic dogs"- said the Commander while watching the screens to take decisions of the battle. However, something called his attention.

The leader of the squad that had easily destroyed their defenses had made his X-wing pass at a very slow speed and started to circulate the building like a vulture. They shot at him but he easily maneuvered avoiding the batteries until the ċȯċkpit opened and a figured dressed in gray clothing got out of the fighter which had started to float in place and then the person just jumped on the roof of the building before the starfighter just flew away abandoning its pilot.

- "What? Cameras of rooftop now!"- ordered Meerban and the camers showed the person had landed on the rooftop of the building since the particle shield would not stop physical objects unless they moved at very high speed and definitely the person who let himself fall could not be considered a high speed projectile.

The stormtroopers placed on the rooftop were as surprised as everyone else and they did not react in time. The person then pulled out a metalic object from under his robes and ignited it showing a sword like object that sent a laser.

- "A light saber... wait that means...- Meerban immediately panicked remembering the words of his father telling stories of an invincible warrior who had decided the war between the Rebel alliance and the Empire- "All units gather at the accesses to the rooftop and prepare to engage the enemy. Eliminate the threat at all costs!!"

The video showed the stormtroopers shooting at the person but he defected the blasters and returned them to the shooters who just fell on the floor without moving. Some of the blasters destroyed the cameras making Meerban and everyone in the room blind.

- "Activate the other cameras... make sure to know his position at all..."- Meerban stopped talking when he heard a terrible sound coming from above. It was like metal being bent over and over and then there was a horrible crack and soon they saw the main battery that was shooting at the bombers from the rooftop fall at incredible speed by the window. Everybody was just in shock and they had the same idea in their minds: "How could anyone tear apart such big baterry gun... what kind of monster would do that?"

- "Squad 4 engaging the enemy!"- said a voice for the radio unit and soon the sound of blasters resounded but then the screams and painful shrieks also- "SEND REINFORCEMENTS... THE ENEMY IS TOO... ARRRRGHHH!"

The signal was lost and then they heard a sound closer and closer wich were marked by the hopeless screams and yells of the defenders who seemed to have no chance at all.

- "White leader, what's the situation?"- asked the officer trying to contact the different leaders ȧssigned to their protection in this building- "Blue Leader... status? Someone tell me what's happening!"

- "They are indisposed in the moment"- said a voice which was calm and collected but in the ears of the people in the room sounded like the inviting voice of the soul reaper- "don't worry I'll tell you the situation personally in a moment... just wait there for me..."

- "Formation!"- ordered Meerban and the remaining of the officers and stormtrooper formed in lines all pointing their guns at the two doors which wer the only access to the room. They did not know which of the two would be chosen by the enemy but they knew it had to be one of them.


One of the doors opened and they all immediately fired on it but a few seconds later the other door also opened and they panicked and half the forces changed their targets shooting blindly to the other door. They did not see a thing and they just hoped to be shooting anything.

- "STOP SHOOTING!"- ordered the commander trying to retake control of the situation and see if they had hit the enemy.

However, his expectations were broken as much as the walls that were torn apart like an explosion and the debris flew at great speed to the soldiers,many of whom were taken by surprise and knocked down unconscious. The previous shooting and the debris created a wall of dust which covered all the area and made the vision difficult. Meerban then heard a buzzing sound and he thought to have seen a greening light moving all around. Soon, sounds of people screaming and hitting the walls while they tried to shoot made the situation even more chaotic until the moment when every sound stopped around him. He started to tremble while pointing the gun at everywhere since he could see nothing for all the dust around.

- "I am Aureluis Maxwell Meerban"- said the man trying to make the enemy speak to shoot him- "I don't know who you are but the reinforcements are on their way and you have no chance..."

The enemy said nothing but Meerban knew he was there which made him even more nervous. He shot twice to try to scare him but the silence continued and then he had the hope that maybe in all the chaos he had been shot down and killed.

- "Anyone is alive?"- he asked trying to see if he had still any forces under him but then his gun moved by itself and escaped from his hands flying into the dust fog.

- "Yes I am"- said the voice he had previously heard on the radio and then the figure of a man with gray hair and deep blue eyes looked at him as a wolf watching his prey- "I told you I would tell you the situation personally."

- "Ahhhhhhhhh!"- the commander screamed in terror as he felt his body started to float in the air.

- "Tell your troops to surrender and they will be spared"- ordered the man in robes with a voice that reflected no patience.

- "Never!"- said the man gathering all the bravery he had left.

He felt his body moved and violently hit the the window breaking it. Even though he felt a lot of pain for the impact, he felt more terror as he saw himself floating on nothing down to 300 meters fall.

- "This really is tiring you know so if you dont help Im afraid I'll have to let you fall"- said the man with a boring tone which gave the impression he did not really mind the answer Meerban was going to give..

- "Alright alright!"- shouted Meerban knowng that the man was serious- "I'll do it!"

He felt his body moving and he was thrown to the floor next to the radio under the careful look of the man who had literally destroyed an army by itself. He send the signal of surrendering and all the troops threw their weapons and the TIE fighters send the white flag signal while being escorted to the ground by the republic X-wing fighters.

- "How did you do that?- asked the commander while sitting down in defeat- "in all my years i have never seen something liek that"

- "It's understandable, Commander"- said the man who also had taken a seat and now looked at the defeated foe with calm- "but your decision saved a lot of lives today."

- "I presume you are a Jedi"- said the captain who even though angry could not help but also feel admiration for his enemy- "General Skywalker if I'm not wrong"

- "Indeed, Captain"- said Luke who took his intercom- The building is safe and the troops have surrendered... prepare the for the next phase..."

- "I aways thought this invasion was meaningless"- said Meerban who for some reason had the necessity to tell all of this to anyone.

- "The real goal was not the planet"- said Luke looking at the distance lost in his thoughts.

- "What was it then?"

Luke simply smiled and did not answer and before Meerban could ask again, the Republic troops entered the building and secured the area while Luke returned to the rooftop from where he cold see his X-wing fighter returning under the control of Artoo. As he waited, he saw the horizon scanning the all over with a a question in his mind.

- "Where are you, Ben?"


Meanwhile in a subterranean facility a roar which was comparable to a mythical beast could be heard and even tremors could be felt all over the place. A figure went out from a room which was now completely torn apart and which could be of no use due to the levels of destruction.

- "Juggernaut training complete"- said a cold voice in old Language and the figure had to use the cold wall as support to avoid falling on the floor.

His breathing was ragged and desperate as if he had not had the chance to use his lungs in a long time. He started to walk with an irregular gait and it looked as if he would faint at any moment. For two months he had been under the excrutiating test reserved only for the best units of the Sith Empire of old times. They tested their limits in every aspect imaginable. He had lost many kilograms but his physique was more bulky as if any trace of waste had been shattered from his body and only the most prime matter had been preserved to sculp his body into a weapon. His steps left sweat and some blood behind but he knew that he should not stop and so he continued until he found a room where there was a Bacta tank waiting for him. He tore apart the last pieces of his pants and entered the tank as he placed the respirator and let the machine do its job. As he felt the cold liquid filling the tank and the sedative gas filling his lungs, he closed his eyes concentrating all of his will to recover as soon as possible to meet his destiny which he knew was in the planet already if all the plans had gone the right way.

- "Just wait a little more, Skywalker...."- he thought as he controlled his intense dėsɨrė for battle- "in a few hours we'll meet again..."

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