Star Wars: 30 Years Later The Real Story

Chapter 48 - A Delightful Meeting

After Supreme Chancillor Organa had entered the building and they had been ordered to wait, Finn and Rey had stayed very close as they protected each other and covered their blind spots. It was something they had practiced before and they did it in such a natural way that none around them would even notice they were monitoring their every single move. It was important to be aware of their surroundings but if they looked too anxious, it would signal an advantage to their enemies who would not doubt a second to use it against them, so they just went to one of the walls of the closed street that was free and Finn laid his back on it to ȧssume a comfortable position while Rey used a box to sit down next to him.

- "A Jedi must be able to relax and be on guard at the same time"- had taught them Luke in one of the many sessions they had- "you will not always be able to ȧssume a typical lotus position to meditate, so you must learn to do it at any position."

After realizing there was no immediate danger, Finn took advantage of the time they had to meditate while submerging himself in the Force. This did not mean he had lower his guard and had any of these people around them move in action against them, he would react with his blaster pistol and lightsaber which were already in his hands being hidden by the cloak he was using and he knew Rey was also ready to any threat. Feeling the familiar shape of his blaster pistol, he felt moe reassured and wonder if this behavior was normal in a Jedi. Even though he was training with a lightsaber, he had to accept that he still felt more comfortable with guns since he had trained all his life with them.

-"Your battle style is up to you"- had Luke said to him without trying to force him while showing him a Merr-Sonn Model 57 blaster pistol which he always carried with himself- "even though it's true that a lightsaber is the true weapon of the Jedi, in the end it depends on each person's preference. Many Jedi of the past used blasters and other types of guns and we are not bound by traditions nowadays, so feel free to use it along with your light saber."

And so he had developed a hybrid style which combined both weapons in each hand. Lightsaber for defense and close quarters combat while his modified DL-44 heavy blaster pistol, similar to the gun Han Solo used to have, was used for long distance and preemptive attacks. It was still raw and needed a lot of corrections, but Finn liked very much where this style was going and knew that maybe in a few years, he may be able to create a unique style.

- "There were originally seven forms in the Jedi combat style but now we have condensed all of them in three styles which I call the Strong, Medium and Fast Style."- had explaned Luke while showing them the styles and explaining the uses of each style- "however, these styles must not be rigid and you must adapt them to your own style. Remember that what is good for others may not be the best for you since your body, battle inclination and even past experiences are unique to you. So, once you understand the basics and master the styles, adapt them and develop your own styles with them."

Rey was more of a fluid and fast practicioner who loved to use her speed and sneaky attacks to destroy her opponent defense. Her style was like watching a swift dancer go around you in a endless wave of attacks which sometimes had no pattern. Finn's style was more oriented to power, endurance and deflection following the Vaapad style of master Windu which made him more like a stable mountain waiting for his opponent to show any weakness which he would exploit.

- "Use the Force to find your opponent flaws and openings and return his attacks with more power"- Windu had explained in the holocron- "control your inner darkness and use it against your opponent but do not let yourself be control by it, be patient and reflect their own attacks and as you see them get confused and overwhelmed by your and their own darkness, you will see the perfect moment to strike. They must feel they are fighting a superior version of themselves."

The Vaapad style core was to reflect the opponent attack like a mirror and it was especially effective against dark side users since you practically used their own agression and hatred against themselves. The more hate and anger they threw at them, the more they would damage themselves. Of course, this meant the practicioner needed to be in constant touch with the dark side as well, especially since it gave you a lot of power and you could easily get drown into the pŀėȧsurė that the form gave you so you had to be constantly aware of it to get in check while also focusing in the enemy attacks.

- "Touching the shores of the dark side to get raw strenght and resistance while using the light side for accuracy and clear mind"- said Master Windu explaining the philosophy behind his style- "It is a dangerous and taxing path for you, my young padawan. It leads you to the dark side and if not under check, you will fall like many before you. You must remember that Vaapad is the result of channeling one's own darkness into a weapon of the light but one false step and you will descend into an abyss from wich you will never return."

To be honest, he still was very green and had managed to master just the level 1 of this style which was the reason why he had to combine it with the basic stances from the Strong, Medium and Fast forms of Luke, but since Vaapad was more of a state of mind than a fighting style, he found that the style that Luke had created adapted very well with it. Luke explained that this was due to his own study of the Vaapad. He had taken some parts of it and applied them in his own style. Even though, he was still in the level 1 of Vaapad style, his level of lightsaber dueling had been advancing a lot and Luke had praised his advace. He still needed more practice for the Level 2 since until now he could only create two ams and it was too taxing to maintain...

- "Maybe if I..."- in that moment Leia got out and Rey and Finn immediately went to her.

- "Good job, guys"- said Leia smiling to them under her hood- "it's time to go"

Both young people placed at each side of Leia and went away but Finn could still feel the eyes of the people in the area and especially from that hooded figure who seemed to watch them with bad intentions.

After they passed briefly for a small market where Leia bought food and other mementos and Finn and Rey made sure nobody was following them, they went to shipyard area which was full of mechanical stores and hangars with a multitude of different ships and frighters. Leia approached one of the hangars whwere they found a familiar ship along with a very good friend.

- "Grrrrewaaauioiii"- the massive figure of a wookie fell down to them in a hug that made Finn and Rey think they would die with broken bones.

- "I'm glad to see you, to Chewee"- said Rey after the friendly wookie released them and patted their heads like a faher would do with their children.

- "Are you stronger than before?"- asked Finn probing the muscular and furry arms of the powerful warrior.

- "Greee gruuu gurrrru"- said Chewee while flexing his arms in a show of strength and inviting Finn to touch them.

- "I told you I wouldn't delay, Chewee"- said Leia while passing the bags she had bought- "have some of these. They are very delicious and you can only get them here."

Chewee got the bags with a radiant expression and started to munch on the food with a delight expression.

- "By the way"- said Leia looking at Chewee with a deep expression, maybe remembering the person who had been with the wookie in many adventures- "is the Falcon ready?"

- "Raaaarggguoo"- replied Chewee with what looked to be an apologetic expression- "hhheeeergguru"

- "Of course I'll help"- said Rey delighted that she could board the Millennium Falcon and help with its maintenance since it was her element- "Let's go, Finn!"

Since the day they had joined the Resistance, Rey and Finn had worked with Chewee on many ocassions going to many missions together and they had reached the point where they could understand his language. Once they were inside the Falcon, they were greeted by a golden droid who warmly greeted all of them.

- "Oh, Supreme Canchillor"- said C3PO with a very exagerated bow- "you don't know how much I have missed your presence... I still think it is a very bad idea to go alone without proper escorts."

- That's why they are here 3PO- said Leia pointing at Rey and Finn

- "Oh, Miss Rey and Mr. Finn"- said the droid with his typical snob voice but which for some reason contained also some warmth towards them- "I'm glad to see you. Where are the rest of the army?"

- "They are the only ones"- said Leia with an entertained expression.

- "What?!... certainly you jest... the supreme chancellor..."- said 3PO trying to start another of his usual endless lectures about what was correct on this specific topic.

- "Enough, 3PO we don't want all the planet to know I'm here"- replied Leia with a serene tone as she advanced to the waiting area of the Falcon- "I ȧssure you they'll do a good job."

- "I meant no ill to them, I just wanted to point out that a person of your importance would need at least a batallion to..."- started 3PO once more but Leia had no time to spend on this discussion and put an end to it.

- "I'll remember the next time 3PO"- said Leia with a tone that implied she would not discuss this topic anymore- "for now return to the network and keep me updated on the attack on Phindar... it's very important that I know the last news about it."

- "Of course, you can count on me"- said 3PO returning to the communication screen to connect and get updates on the situation in Phindar.

Rey and Finn looked at each other smiling to this scene and how Leia could handle 3PO so well. They went to the place where Chewee kept the tools to go and help when they felt something behind them.

- "I see that you're here already"- said a female voice and when they saw her, she was already dangerously close to Leia and this made alarms go out in both young peoples' minds.

Both padawans reacted and ignited their lightsabers. They both jumped to where the strange figure was but they were immediately cut off by another robed figure who appeared from nowhere with a lightsaber in hand and attacked them.

- "Rey, go!"- said Finn meeting the newcomer with a parry and counter attack, allowing Rey to pass them and go to where Leia was.

The robed figure parried blocked Finn's attack and tried to overwhelm Finn with a rapid series of fast blows to overcome his defenses, but the young padawan kept his ground and contained all the newcomer's strikes in a powerful exchange where none of them seemed to have the upperhand. Meanwhile, Rey had reached the enemy that was in front of Leia and attacked the enemy trying to be fast enough to stop any attempt to attack the Supreme Chancillor, but she was absolutely shocked when she felt an enormous pressure coming from the stranger and being stop in midair without being able to do anything. Then, the figure moved her hand as if trying to hit a mosquito and Rey felt her body being pushed to the wall with enough force to make her a little stunned due to the imapct against the solid metallic wall of the Falcon.

- "Rey!"- shouted Finn showing an opening that his enemy used to stab him with her lightsaber.

Finn used the anger he felt at seeing Rey being attacked and used it on the enemy to enter the Vaapad stance. He deflected the stabbing strike but then moved the lightsaber in a very weird and seemingly lousy angle which made his opponent believe he had made a mistake, but soon she realised it was not since Finn moved faster and his blows had more power behind them which made his opponent confused. Still, the enemy ignored the confusion and attacked again, but then the attacks the enemy sent were effortlessly parried and then the figure under the hood saw the young padawan counterattack, but for some reason it looked like there were two lightsabers coming to different point in her body in such speed that it was impossible to defend, so her body moved back to avoid the two light sabers.

- "Swift Flank!"- Finn moved at an incredible speed and he seemed to have dissapeared in the eyes of his opponent who had just time to react by reflex and blocking the blow from the side.

However, blocking the attack was not enough and broke her defense and managing to make a lock and use the hilt of his lightsaber to hit his enemy on the plexus which made her lower her guard and immediately kicked her head sending her to the wall.

- "Use your darkness to gain physical power and use it explosively to gain advantage over your enemies"- thought Finn dashing agaisnt the other robed person who had not ignited any lightsaber and was pressing Rey against the wall- "Vornskr's ferocity!"

He used the technique which made it look like he was wielding two lightsabers at the same time by increasing the speed of his attacks by using the Force in an explosive way. However, in contrast to the other enemy, this robed person evaded the slashes with such ease that Finn thought his lightsaber had pass through her like a phantom.

- "Not enough"- said a voice under the hood and immediately Finn felt a strong push that threatened to make him have the same fate as Rey, the young man tried to counter the Force push preparing to resist it but almost a second later he felt a powerful pull which made him lose his footing.

The enemy had anticipated his plan and it was too late for Finn to react when he felt a powerful pressure that made his body being pushed upwards and hit on the roof of the ship making him see stars. and then he almost fainted when the pressure dissapeared and he hit the cold and metallic floor of the Falcon. He then felt that someone was on him immobilising him and sensing a lightsaber on the nape of his head. He saw that Rey had her own lightsaber to some centimeters from her throat.

- "You're still too green"- said the enemy making it very clear that if she had wanted, they would be dead by now- "if I had wanted to kill Leia, you would have not even noticed... You're lacking training. It seems Luke has rusted as a master."

- "He's a great master and were he here, you would be sliced in a thousand pieces already"- said Finn trying to make her show any opening- "Contrary to you, he doesn't need petty tricks like ambushes and always fights head on.

Finn had his head hit on the hard and cold floor and the lightsaber of the person restraining him now was next to his face. He could feel a murdering aura on the person behind him.

- "Stop Celina"- said the figure with a voice that denoted that she was very amused- "We need the boy and he definitiely doesn't know how of a trickster Luke can be. Believe me, boy. Luke can pull off tricks so dirty they would make mine look like the work of a pious saint."

- "I think it was enough, Phoenix"- said Leia who had seen the scene with absolute calm and feeling no threatened at all- "I dont want the Falcon to explode again..."

- "That time was not my fault"- said the woman known as Phoenix.

- "If you said so..."- retorted Leia with a smug smile.

- "Anyways..."- said Pheonix and both padawan felt the powerful pressure on their bodies dissapear and they could move again but something told them not to make any fast moves in front of these two opponents- "I accept that you have guts, child but you know nothing... your vision of Luke is too idealistic. About your skills, I must repeat myself... you're weak and unable to be a decent escort much less a Jedi."

- "Give them a break, Phoenix"- said Leia with an impatient expression that showed she thought all this was silly- "they have been training for just 3 years... it's impossible to reach your level. Even Luke would have problems detecting you, why are you lashing on the poor kids?"

- "So they can see their weakness and work on it..."- said Phoenix with a tone that commanded respect and as if she was saying something very obvious- "the Sith will not wait until they are fully developed in ten or twenty years... they need to be strong now."

- "Sorry for the late introduction"- said Leia advancing while shaking her head in sighing at her words- "these two are also coming with us as bodyguards. They are Phoenix and Celina and as you could see, they are also Force users."

They revealed their faces and they saw that phoenix was a beautiful woman who looked in her forties with a fiery red hair with some parts already toned in grey which made her appearance even more imposing since she showed to be a woman who was extremely secure of herself even accepting the past of the time without any problem. Her emerald green eyes also showed a sharpness and depth so intense that made Rey and Finn feel that they were in the presence of a monster which would have no problem in destroying them with a mere move.

- "Celine"- said Phoenix looking at the other figure- "come here and let them see you."

Her apprentice, who moved to be next to her master while unveiling the hood, looked at them with a hardened expression which was the result of Finn's previous words. She was a young woman probably in her eary twenties with asian features and short dark hair which reminded Finn and Rey of certain friend of theirs.

- "Are they Jedi?"- asked Rey looking at both newcxomers with suspicion.

- "I wouldn't categorize myself as a Jedi in the full sense of the word..."- said Phoenix with a confident smile- but I'm not a Sith either. Not all the will of the Force is being dealt in the light. Sometimes you must work in the dark to serve the light.

- "Grrraaarrreeeooorr!"- shouted Chewee very angrily with a tool in his hand.

- "I'm sorry, Chewee"- said Phoenix who hugged the wookie while apologizing- "however, no big damage was done."

Chewee patted her head and then made more noises with impatience and called Finn and Rey to help him and they followed him to finish the maintenance work.

- "Celina... go and help"- said Phoenix and the asian girl nodded while bowing.

- "Yes, master"- the young girl said before taking off her robe and going in direction of the wookie.

The maintenance work was done very fast with the help of the three young people and they finally could lift off after 30 minutes. Rey and Finn wanted to ask her some things, but she seemed to be very cautious of them and did not talk very much which made the mood very weird. Chewee came to the rescue telling them that they would get out of Hyperspace and he needed them in their positions. Rey went to the ċȯċkpit to help Chewee while Finn and Celina manned the guns to protect them.

- "Well, that was delightful"- mentioned Leia teasing her friend- "I had forgotten how much you loved this kind of over the top introductions"

- "Not as delightful as the one we shared"- replied Mara laughing while sitting down on the coach.

- "I don't want to remember that"- said Leria sitting down next to her- "however, I heard your meeting with Luke was even more intense..."

- "Ok... let's stop..."- said Mara with a firm tone, but Leia could see a small tone of red on her ears- "he must be on Phindar by now, right?"

- "Mmm... yeah and knowing him, he must be causing a mess for the enemy"- said Leia praying for eveything going well on their end- "but now we must focus in opur own mission."


Meanwhile in Phindar where a massive space battle was taking place, a humongous Star Destroyer once known as the Black Star was falling on the planet being torn into pieces due to the atmosphere after being gunned down by the New Republic forces. And while most of Forces were cheering and celebrating, a mon calamari veteran who also could see this scene did not participate of the celebration and seemed very worried.

- "I don't like this"- he said surprising the people around him- "this is too easy!"

- "Is that bad, Grand Admiral?"- an officer asked.

- "When things go too well, it means something is wrong"- said Ackbar remembering certain battle many years ago where they had fallen for the enemy's trap- this is especially true when you are talking about Hux as the enemy's commander"

Ackbar stood up from his post while looking at the battle movements with that lingering feeling of uneasiness and wondering what the enemy could be planning.

- "What are you after, Hux?"- he wondered looking in direction of the flagship of his enemy with whom he had crossed swords so many times these years- "what's your end game?"

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