Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 1 - (ch.1)death, comes for even the best of us...

man... a fickle, and greedy creature... but also one of the most adaptable... the most determined, and the most spirited.

Not all of man is evil, but the hearts of men can easily swing down dark paths... murder... lies..... all are seemingly the untold truth hidden behind the masks that are 'good' men.

Komire, as the man he is, was seemingly the opitomy of Greed itself to his enemies... But yet a shinning pillar of hope to those he saved... slavery...religious/biased persecution...wars...famine.... he attempted to seemingly be a One man Army against the Darkness of men's hearts, but it wasn't enough, people still died. His enemies still sat in power, regardless of the efforts he had put in. but he did not regret as he sat upon his deathbed at the age of seventy-two. many praised, or cursed him, but he didn't care, so long as his consciousness was clear, he would take any and all paths to 'right' the world he had been born into. As he lay upon his large queen sized mattress in a small 300 square foot apartment after giving his Will to his lawyer, and a long written letter about his wishes for his family, he sat with his aged back against the cold firm wood and simply watched all eight of the Star Wars movies... a last hurrah to see him off, because believe it or not, it was these movies that had moved his heart in his childhood, to become the man that he was; But having seen both sides... the 'Light and Dark', so to speak... to his once glorious dream of being a hero for the world, he had walked a very fine line... using some clues and a quick mind, he was able to climb corporate ladders to the top, and effectively, build a conglomerate that both fed the starving, and helped the struggling; all while also scamming, and blackmailing corrupt politicians who used the suffering of others to get rich... he was a pure soul.... but lived in an impure world...

As his heart stoped, Komire simply didn't know what to think. He had accepted his death, but was unwilling to see his Labour's go to waste. As the pacemaker in his c.h.e.s.t shut off, because of low battery, and the sleeping pills he had taken, so that his passing was calm, and peacefull, an assistant had sat at the foot of the bed, watching as the man who had given her a new life slowly left the world... to a world of endless dreams. when the assistant stood up to check on Komire's pulse after not hearing him breathe for a minute... sighed as the greatest man in the world, died to old age.

using a laptop that she had brought with her, she sent out every bit of corrupt evidence, and even shipped all the proof directly to the police stations with a simple call.... of all the people that Mr. Komire had targeted before his death. with just an email, and the proof behind the 'dark' dealings, mobs of people, along with police officers apprehended all guilty parties, and this night would forever be known, and celebrated, as the 'Saints Last Stand.

Komire himself didn't even realize the significance of his last actions in his world, but he was not worried. within a realm of white, with a large movie screen played our before him, he stood and watched as his past played out in front of him.... both good, and bad... but as he stood watching, a small desk over to his right held a counter... completely unknown to komire... that constantly rose up... and up....











and still it climbed.. all the way up until Komire once again relived his own death, and still it kept raising to in believable and borderline impossible numbers... as Komire's life ended, he believed that was the last of it, and through the corner of his eye, he spots the counter... still climbing higher and higher. as it neared the very end of his life, he could clearly see the last star wars movies credits rolling on the screen, and his assistant nearby, watching him. but that wasn't what truly caught his attention... There was another person there in the room.... dressed in what appeared to be the armor similar to Kylo Ren in episode VII... the only difference was that the figure was that of... a woman. Komire was Still died when the figure seemed to be staring at him, although unable to see the woman's face, it was clear for anyone that saw her, that she was staring seemingly through the 'screen' that the elderly Komire was watching his life play out on. the most startling thing was that if anyone else saw her, they would have immediately broken out in a cold sweat. the air of a predator eying it's prey eliminated off of the woman.

unbeknownst to Komire, this woman was lady Death herself... only taking a rather unusual appearance due to the deceased preference... in other words she took the shape of something they loved in their life to help ease souls into the afterlife, or their rebirth. why she chose Kylo's armor, that was because it was MORE liberal than say... Vader's armor; also the fact that lady Death had a rather big reward planned for the mortal soul of Komire... for even if he hadn't done it himself, he had made her life that much more fun.... passing judgement on criminals... slowly condemning famed souls to eternal purgatory... or granting closure to the wrongly dead and deceased that had been called to her pantheon between realities. when Komire SMILED at the woman he was seeing, he obviously assumed that she was the one in charge of his death, even if he didn't know who she was.

"Hello, Victor Komire, I am glad to finnaly meet you, after all, Death comes even to the best of all mortals... " lady Death said, walking out of the 'screen' towards komire.

With that thought Komire smiles lightly, and as if unfazed, walked up to the now 'real' form of Lady Death, "Death comes for everything, so shouldn't I meet it under the eyes of an old friend? after all I prefer an old friend, what do you say ma'am?".

Hearing Komire's answer, Death smirked. someone who didn't fear her was a novelty in her eternal existance, mainly because NOTHING wishes to die... taking a moment to collect herself, Lady Death had a rather interesting idea...something she hoped would help alleviate her boredom, and as she studied her new guest a bit, she was more than sure it would be accepted by the mortal soul before her.

"I have no qualms with 'Death'," she said, her lips twitching beneath her mask into a slight semblance of a smile, "But in that regard, I have a proposition for you...", Lady Death chose her words carefully, as this would fundamentally alter her very being if it backfired, "... how would you like...(dramatic pause) to live again?"

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