Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 2 - (ch. 2) Deaths agreement...

Komire had been with lady Death for an untold amount of time, but as it passed, it grew MORE and more comfortable between the two... a Eternal existance... and an uncorrupted soul talked for seemingly ever, but that all came to an end when Lady Death herself spoke next..

"Are you sure with these choices? you should know that following this path would effectively remove you from Reincarnation."

Komire didn't even think as he answered, "Yes, I am sure, I have no d.e.s.i.r.e to be reborn in such a corrupted, and despicable world."

the contempt that came from Komire utterly thrilled Lady Death, and without further adu, had summoned her second in comand... The Reaper...

After, several things happened, Komire was taught in dozens of weapon and Martial forms. He was also taught a better form of medicine, and healing, and was even taught how to use the Force by Lady Death herself. Since Death permeates through even the 5th Dimension, nothing can elude her control, and teaching ways to 'kill', is just one of her specialties... but using ANY tool or ability that CAN be used to kill is but an extra perk of being Death herself. Also as Komire had been training, Lady Death had called her sister, Mother Nature, whom is her entire opposite but her most loving sibling, to help Komire learn better medicine and healing techniques. Mother Nature agreed, because she too was growing bored... and for all eternity has always been entertained by her mischievous sisters games. even going so far as to grant similar souls who passed into her sisters realm chances just like Lady Death has offered Komire... although Komire was taught so much by the two Entities, he was still vastly inadequate to the task they had offered him... Komire had wanted to enter the Star Wars universe, and using what knowledge he had, created rather unique lightsabers, and crafted armor similar to Revan from when he was in the Jedi Order in the SW: the Old Republic game, even including the Mandalorian mask. However, the agreement he had made with Lady Death was rather a straightforward thing... He had to find a way to co-exist in the world, by creating his own family... His own Order... and to always be the same person he was in his new life like his old one... Mother Nature agreed to Lady Deaths demands, and even added some of her own and those included... making a 'Just' Empire that supported it's people... creating a MA.S.SIVE FAMILY with lots of his own progeny... this one sent shivers down Komire's spine as he felt Death glare silently at him while Mother Nature spoke... and finnaly to fight for the Galaxy against the Yuuzhan Vong.

How Komire accomplished such things were entirely up to him... but he silently made a vow to uphold their requests even if it destroyed him entirely...

since Komire had no sense of time in such a place as the VOID of space, he had no idea that he had been training alongside the two Eternal beauties for over ten thousand years...

He had become so efficient in the Force, it was almost second nature to him, and since he was taught every form of combat the two showed him... both from his old world, and his soon to be new existance... he was on par with anyone or thing in the Star Wars Galaxy. and since he couldn't be allowed to use these powers out right, he was then granted a SYSTEM that would hold all of his knowledge for him... (Since he was trained by the absolute Pinnacle of Existances, he has the power to rival High God's of different plains, even with only the knowledge of 2 of the SMALLEST realms in creation... keep in mind that Life and Death are considered Conceptual Laws, and can exist anywhere, and even a Primordial God can be killed by the two ladies training Komire, and a Primordial God can annihilate an entire universe with but a breath.) ... and so when the Two sent Komire off to his new life, Death felt rather melancholic at his departure... Mother Nature had seen this from her Sister only once before, and that was when she had thought she found a soul that could accompany her into oblivion for all eternity...only to have that soul become corrupted... and thus put down by her own hands.

Mother Nature has tried supporting this errant and brash sister of hers for countless millennia, but this was only the SECOND time in the vastness of time this expression graced her sisters face, all she could do was watch over Komire closely, so as not to hurt her sister like the last one... and had even decided with her sister in private to take turns influencing his life in the Star Wars universe.

Since Death is nothing without Life and vice versa, they agreed, and thus made a spell that Komire had no idea was cast upon him, making it so that when he dies, he will forever return to their sides, and that his soul itself would be Incorruptible unless allowed by them.

When Komire was sent off, he had no clue what his life would be like, but with Lady Death personally sending him off through a MA.S.SIVE black marble gate, with a black hole style void within, he quietly glanced back at her, and her sister, and with an encouraging smile, stepped into the silent vortex...

however, Lady Death was silently planning out how to make his life VERY interesting... and since she had made a vow to her sister to support a rather Large family for Komire in his new life, all she could do was stare stupidly at the portal, wanting so desperately to rush after Komire and join him in his new life... but with her responsibility as Lady Death, she knew she couldn't do that, so all she could do was implant part of herself into someone he would be rather close to... someone whom she would personally make Komire take as his first wife, even if she had to "cheat" slightly... little did she know that her sister had an equally devious idea, and had even implimented the same actions....

it seems that even Eternal sisters will squabble over things they d.e.s.i.r.e... but this would only be the beginning, because as The Reaper stood to the side he sweated buckets through his dark robe, sending prayers to any entity stronger than the two before him, that Komire survives their plots, because the Reaper rather liked his new brother... even if he was slightly jealous.

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