Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 3 - (ch. 3)the Discovery

"All clear Captain." ???(1)

"Damn I don't like the look of this, why does command need to investigate these damn tombs.... all that's down her is scrap heaps and ancient tech long broken down." ???(2)

"Can it Fives, we have our orders, and frankly I like the little times off we get to do this, after all, we need a little 'R and R' sometimes." ???(1)

"hey Captain Rex, we got a live one in a containment cell up ahead", ???(3)


several minutes prior...

Komire awoke with a jolt, and gasped for air...

'Damit, the lady didn't say that being reborn would hurt that much, felt like I was ripped apart at the sub atomic level'

looking around, Komire noticed he was in a rather large, and malfunctioning stasis pod; one that looked Thousands of years old. But of course he figured that this should be the case, after all, he did say he wanted to be an 'Ancient Je'daii' that was one of the last members of the original order durring the Great war era.

--- System fusing to hosts soul ---

--- time till COMPLETE: 34 minutes 54 seconds---

Hearing this, Komire smiles. he checks over his gear within the rather roomy pod, and sees he is dressed just like the Jedi Master version of Revan in the game 'Star wars: The Old Republic'...

... and at his h.i.p.s were his custom, hand and a half, lightsaber hilts, one pitch black, with silver at the mouth of the saber, and the promel of the saber hilt that looked just like Darth Vader's from 'Revenge of the Sith', only slightly skinnier and longer, and the other a daring silver, and marginally longer hilt with simmilar parts mirroring the other, just in different colors; all while there were a set of caps on the end if each that could allow them to combine into a dual bladed lightsaber. the black and silver was powered by the Lignin Crystal, and the silver and gold was powered by a Ghostfire Khyber Crystal as a main, with a subsidiary crystal channel with a Violet Khyber krystal.

(lignin crystal- artificially made Khyber crystal that has a unique property of having a BLACK blade with a white aurora surrounding it, also having another property of even bypassing, or straight up negating some force abilities, as well as cutting through lightsabers... although long forgotten, it was believed to be a crystal in development by the Ancient Sith Empire before their untimely fall... not much else is known about such a crystal, but it is rumored to have had a twin that landed in the hands of a Mandalorian Jedi during the Ancient war.

[ Author: completely from cannon, the last part was my own creation trying to justify a BLACK saber blade as only the Lost tribe of the Sith used said crystals, and it has another canny ability to actually BURN with heat, although it isn't corrupted by the "Force plague" it is still dark in nature leaning MORE towards a Sith saber] (Also on the other saber... i dont know if a subsidiary crystal is cannon or not, but it basically can switch from a clear blade, that is practically invisible due to the properties of the Ghostfire crystal, to a Violet blade like Mace Windu's using a violet caru'shka gem, although mainly it will light up a violet color unless manually switched over ????????????)

After taking stock of his gear, and the fact that he was in fact 'Blind' because of the helmet he wore, he could see as clearly as if he had nothing on his face, and if he hadn't tried scratching his scalp, he wouldn't have noticed it on his head at all. Komire attempted to tap into the 'Force' for the first time in this life, and was amazed at the feeling. it was like standing in the Quantum field generator he had helped develop on Earth for space travel. (note: when Komire died he was worth DECA-QUADRILLIONS on Earth, tittled the greatest genius scientist of the era for his scientific developments both during, and after his passing, and he didn't have a sense of 'self' while with L.D, and her. sister) the air itself felt alive to Komire, and although he couldn't 'touch' it, he could use it... (with all the memories he was allowed to keep, and the powers he was granted by Death herself, he was now fundamentally the most powerful being in the Galaxy, but no matter the strength of one, an entire Galaxy would still destroy you if you were arrogant.)

As he was playing around in the Force, he suddenly felt weak and colaped in the pod, his sight was blurry, and his strength left him.

'so this is Carbon sickness... this sucks'

Using what he could of the Force he tried to pull it towards him, to try and revitalize his body, meanwhile a troop of clones descended into the catacombs of the city on a backwater planet used as a staging grounds for Republic force's to protect the Mid-rim systems, a planet known simply as Raptor station.



"Captain, the pods life support is failing, permission to bust him out?" said Fives, dressed is in his ARC trooper gear, with a Tac-11 blaster at the ready wile he inspected the Ancient stasis pod, afraid to damage it too much and kill the occupant.

"How long?" asked the Captain.

"Around two or three hours till failure of the support systems, and the occupant dies, but could be sooner, I have no clue with this ancient Kriffing stuff, I can at most keep it up for that long depending on if we don't damage it in the meantime", said a third member of the team, known as Dwarf, simply because his code was DRF-477.

"I just called for the General, let's bust it open, and see when he gets here", said Captain Rex, " 'cause im sure he'd like to meet our guest as well."

"Copy that Captain, I guess I'll take the rest of the boys and do a perimeter sweep, wouldn't want them clankers jumping us now would we?" said Fives, as he motioned the group behind him of fifteen or so clones to follow.

once alone, with no more than three clone engineers doing careful maintenance on the pod, Rex took off his helmet, and eyed the now fogged Trans-parasteal capsule of the pod... thinking to himself that, it's either a really lucky day, or a really bad one.


Komire had been trying to reinvigorate his body as all the clones came by, and as some left, so when he was stable enough in the Force, he reached forward and in a fit of pain, hit the fogged window of the pod a little too hard, frightening the clones outside, but he didn't know that... at least... until he heard shouting to 'Kriff! Open the capsule!'.

before he could react, the door split open, half going up, and half going down.since Komire had been leaning back on a slanted cot like spread behind him, with the heavy pressure in the capsule helping him stay upright for the most part, he fell practically face first out of the pod, straight into someone's awaiting arms.


Captain Rex was panicking, the pod seemed to have tripped due to lifesign scans in proximity to the capsule, and had initiated a auto-thaw on the occupant... if the subject dies it would be on His head. the occupant seemed to be dressed in old combat armor, (Reven armor, from when he was a Jedi, or part of the Light side with his dark side mask) and breathing laboriously.

"Medic! I need a Medic over here!", Captain Rex called down the hall towards a silhouette down farther into the tunnels where Fives and the rest had disapeard down just a minute before.

Just as the Medic arrived, the occupant slumped in the other troopers arms... unresponsive...

"Medic give me some good news"' Rex asked the Medic after a few seconds.

"he'll live captain, he seemed to have passed out due to the shock of coming out of stasis, and with the appearance of the equipment, he was in stasis for a LONG time", the Medic answered

hearing the news Rex relaxed a bit, but soon a serious expression covered his face... because hanging on the unconscious persons h.i.p.s... we're lightsaber hilts...

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