Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 4 - (ch. 4) Skywalker, and Ahsoka...

Eight hours prior...

Rex had a Medic team carry the, for all he knew 'Jedi', up to command, and meanwhile notified General Skywalker of the incoming cargo to the HQ. He had taken the lightsaber from the man. He knew it was a man, because what the medics said earlier that he was a man of no more than twenty when they were checking his vitals. Rex had a nearby escorting Commando trooper carry the lightsabers, and instructed they be given to the General upon arrival.

'Now that that mess is out of the way, gotta get back to sweeping the catacombs... hopefully there aren't anymore of those pods.', Rex thought to himself. Redonning his helmet, he sighs heavily before commanding his troopers, that had arrived after doubling back to see what the commotion was... after all, the tunnels aint gonna check themselves.


bleach, loud sounds, and steril Air... those are the first things to assault Komire's senses as he awoke in a rather bright, and noisy room, much different from the caves he saw earlier.

--- System integration: 100% ---

--- Welcome host, to the realm of Star Wars ---

--- System features include: Status, Skills, Force skills ---

--- Status updating ---

Name: Zverian Komire

age: 19

race: human, (?????) [halfbreed]

Details: Je'daii survivor, Grand-master, Grand-Vazier

Negative status effects: weakened nerves, and muscle aches(Will dissipate in approximately 4 hours 23 minutes).


•Battle meditation

• {passive} Force sense

•{bloodline}Fast Regeneration

•Inventory (300 sq meters)

---System detecting Starter Pack in inventory---

--- System Starter Pack opening ---

Komire barely paid his surroundings much attention, as he was to focused on what his "limiter" was saying, as it housed all his powers until he was strong enough to use them.

--- Starter pack OPENED---

--- received: Force meditation, custom saber forms(applicable to any known forms of hand to hand combat from hosts past, or present life, and can even combine forms{Recomend: Juyo, Kinami Ru Dojutsu, Makashi, Soresu}), Force lightning, Force barrier ---

Komire was expecting a rush of information to his head... but nope, sadly that didn't happen, but it 'Felt' like he instinctively knew how to use the abilities again... 'gonna suck relearning everything again... kinda', he thought to himself.

As Komire tried to make sense of his new feelings, and powers, a young Ahsoka stood off to the side watching her charge through the Force, only to be rather let down... no fluctuations, no new tricks... it seemed like the guy was dead, except for the fact his breathing changed... probably from attempting to wake himself up... after all... carbon sickness is a rather debilitating one.. even if you manage to recover from it with no permanent injuries. As she waited a few more minutes before trying to speak with the patient, another, more 'entertaining' meeting was going on in the command tower of Skywalkers flagship.


"That's what I've been saying masters, the man we found in the tunnels is alive, although severely weakened," said Skywalker to the holo-images of Jedi master Yoda and Mace Windu, "not only that, he also had a pair of rather unique lightsabers."

"tell this persons age, can you?" asked the dwarfish character on the command node situated in the center of the bridge.

"My best guess... around twenty or so, I won't know till the doc doing scans gives me more to go on," Skywalker answered.

All around the Jedi, clones moved to and fro working, all not minding the Jedi as he made his call, all but one, as this clone was busy searching through history on the planet they currently sat in orbit over. just before anyone else could say anything, the clone, who was known as Dex, called for Skywalkers attention.

"General sir, I think I found something."

"what is it Dex?" Skywalker asked

"Well sir, to be frank, this system doesn't exist in any starchart, or historical account... all except one," Dex proceeded to the projector, and typed in a few codes of a transition that was so old... it was just passibly audible to normal men, but through the Force, the Jedi heard it all as clear as if the person speaking was right next to them... all except the few corrupted bots that is....


Dex ended the transmissions recording to pull up the planetary map of the world below, "Now if we sector out the planet, and add the recordings time frame of Vectors over it, we have both our sector thirteen, where we found the pod, and 'VECTOR 17' almost perfectly overlap except a few places."

"That's a rather detailed find, what made you think of that recording?" Master Windu asked.

"I'm actually unsure of that myself sir, but the first thought I had when I was first assigned this task, was 'old war site'...why that is... I have no clue General." Dex replied rather puzzled at the question... and his own answer...

"hmmm, strange, these events have been, investigate, we must." master Yoda said after hearing the clones answer.

Now that Anakin Skywalker was thinking about it, he glanced out of the tran-parasteel view panes, at the derelict objects in space, and oddly enough, they looked just like destroyed sh.i.p.s and debree.



As the Skywalker and the rest were busy trying to find out Komire's origines, their object of discussion was busy formulating a plan to make the backstory that Death had given him seem believable. because who would really believe him if he said 'hi I'm from a galaxy far far away, and I'm a huge fan!'... they would think he Lost it, and put him in a psycho institute... (which they DO have...)

the backstory was pretty straight forward, ship was ambushed over a medical facility, out gunned, and out shipped, the call to abandon ship was given... after planet fall in an escape pod, he was rushed into the med centers underground bunker, but was so injured that he wouldn't survive without medical attention, so they had to place him into a experimental stasis pod designed like a Bacta healing tank as well... however, as the years passed, the Bacta was absorbed by Komire's body, both 'strengthening', and 'preserving' his body.

'No time like the present', Komire mused to himself, as he slowly started moving, as his body was partially numb... clenching and unclenching his fists, rolling his feet slightly as he 'tries' to pull his legs up. lifting his right hand, which makes him realize he isn't moving to fast, and is in moderate pain. Komire pops it down on his helmet. (which was left on his head in case it was for breathing, because why would you take something off an unknown life form if you don't know it's function, DUH) All Komire hoped, was his act was believable when he actually went through with his shotty plan, because otherwise, his new life would be rather screwed right from the start.


Ahsoka tano was starting to get bored just watching the person they pulled out of the tunnels planet-side, when all of a sudden, he starts moving... albeit it looks a bit difficult for the man. taking her comlink from her belt, she called her master with an update.

"Hey, Skyguy our friend is starting to wake up."

after getting a confirmation that Skywalker was on his way, Ahsoka tried sensing the man in front of her through the Force, and is stunned by what she sees... a swirling vortex of both light and dark energies flowing throughout the man's body, and his immediate surroundings; and that wasn't all, the feeling the man on the table gave her was one of a Krayt Dragon in human skin, if she had to guess, she was willing to bet serious Credits the man in front of her could over power half the Jedi council by himself. swallowing the lump of fear in her throat, Ahsoka steps forward a little bit, only to see the helmet snap open at the face plate... leaving her stuttering for words, as her heart hammered in her c.h.e.s.t... ( Iron man helmet front facesheild opening type )

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