Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 5 - (ch. 5)Instant Action...

When Ahsoka saw Komire's practically flawless features, her breath caught in her throat... smooth yet sharp jawline, tan yet healthy skin, but what affected her the most, was from his eyes, dull grey pupils were looking right at her, as she stared back. She knew with every fiber of her being that the boy was blind, yet... she could feel his gaze as if he could peer straight into her soul... blind or not, he was looking right at her with slightly shaking hands, and moderately heavy breathing, but eyes as cold and dull as Durasteel. the two seemingly staring into one anothers eyes was all Anakin Skywalker saw when he reached the med bay, and only then did Komire pull his 'dead' gaze from Ahsoka, letting her free from her supposedly paralyzed state, but as she took some quiet stuttering breaths, cold sweat beaded down her back under her Jedi robes. with almost no time at all, she was back to her old self as she attempted to suppress her fear, and supprisingly... d.e.s.i.r.e... towards Komire.

The only thing that allowed her to reign in her rampant emotions was when he looked way from her towards the door behind her, in which she wasn't aware that it had even opened.

Anakin Skywalker looked at Ahsoka with great concern etched upon his face. it had not been but a few minutes since she contacted him, and yet it looked like she had gone almost three days straight on a battlefield.

But Skywalker's concerns were put on hold when he felt a fluctuation in the Force around the boy on the medical bed. EVERY nerve was screaming "danger", at him, but he walked forward towards his padawan regardless, placing a hand on her shoulder to calm her slightly, however he was mainly focused on the Force energy eminating at him from the boy just a few feet in front of him... it felt light like a sun... yet dark as the void of space... but instead of the energies 'attacking' each other, they revolved around the boy seemingly in Harmony with one another. something that should have been impossible, but yet there was undeniable proof of it right in front of him.

pulling himself together, Skywalker looked straight into the man's 'Blind' eyes, " My name is Anakin Skywalker, Jedi master, and this here is Ahsoka, my padawan."


Komire was at a loss for words. the two most influential characters in the Clone Wars tv show were the first Jedi he met in his new life.

Komire just looked at them in a puzzled look, because they were speaking in some strange language... the reason why is because his brain was unable to process all the stimulants affecting it all at once. with the new sensations from the Force because he was actually Blind... Courtesy of Death, who wanted to add a 'Unique' feature to his new life... and also that the system he was given as his personal 'life hack', was still stuck at -58%- in regards to the Galactic language function at the moment. Also the fact that he didn't know any of the normal languages of the Star Wars universe in the first place, as the shows and movies were all made in English, which wasn't the true language of the galaxy. Komire did know German, and some French from Earth, but they were useless here.... the only thing he could do was stare stupidly at them.


Anakin was starting to think he said something wrong, because the boy just had a confused expression adorning his face as he stared from Ahsoka and him. he tried several languages, but there were no other reactions from the man. when Anakin was gonna attempt another of the many languages he knew, the man sitting on the med table with his legs hanging over the edge of the bed.


"Can I ask something?" Komire said, in English, which was his original language from Earth.

Ahsoka seemed to light up as she answered, rather excitedly, " you speak Togrutan! of course ask away"

Rather alarmed with Ahsokas outburst Komire backed up on the bed, and sat at the head of it with a rather puzzled look, Komire proceeded to remove his helmet completely with a 'POP-HISS', "where are my lightsabers?"

when Komire removes the helmet, long shoulder length black hair fell around his face. using his free left hand, he ran his fingers through it, pulling it back out of his face.

As Ahsoka quickly ran and grabbed his lightsabbers from the nearby room, which had an odd property of suppressing the Force... [she had not seen this 'Tantalizing' sight of Komire... which would have caused her basic instincts to 'Reproduce' take over (again, Lady Deaths influence), as the Togrutan people were MORE instinct based than most species; even if they can suppress it to some extent in the Force, as best seen when Shak Ti was seen in the books, movies/shows, and Games, when she entered into combat, she had almost an ANAMALISTIC look to her...] those rooms were something she was most curious about, but as to not delay any, she put her curiosity down and ran back to the chamber where Anakin and Komire were.... apparently.... having a staredown.

seemingly unaware of the two's actions, she approached Komire with a smile on her face, but had to constantly use the Force to suppress her budding instincts; also as she was very immersed in the Force at the moment, she could feel that her very future, was bound to both of the men before her... but mainly the boy on the medical bed... How? she did not know, but the excitement building in her blood made her that much more motivated to know the young man before her and her Master. As she handed the hilts to Komire, she had a ear-to-ear grin plastered on her face, but yet had a calm disposition.... Komire was trying to be polite as he received his blades, but just before he grabbed them from Ahsoka, a Force grip surrounded his body.

"Give me a reason we should give them back." Skywalker demanded.

Turning his head albeit slowly due to the pressure, Komire answered with a question of his own, "And what is a Padawan, to tell A Grand-Vazier what to do?"

"wh...what? padawan? I'll have you know I'm a Jedi Knight!..." Anakin attempted to argue as Komire interrupted him... ( note: Anakin is speaking in Togruta at the moment )

"If you say that you are a Master, you are very mistaken, young one", said Komire, a slight bit of 'Distain', seeping through his 'Immediate area. the Force grip of Anakin Skywalker was snapped like a brittle twig in a Black hole... it stood no chance at all to Komire's control over the Force, and that left both Anakin, and Ahsoka slightly terrified.

Komire thought that the best way to solidify his claims of being a surviving member of the ancient Je'daii, was a small show of force, followed by a 'slap on the wrist' for Anakin Skywalker... whom of which, he didn't seem to like very much with all the hostility practically pouring from his eyes. Using one hand, Komire effortlessly picked Anakin up into a Force grip hundreds of times MORE potent than Skywalker's own.

"I would very much like to meet the master of such an unruly Padawan, that already thinks himself a Master, when he hasn't even understood the Balance of the Force." Komire said, in a rather condescending tone, since it fit with the backstories profile of himself.

Komire droped Skywalker from a few feet in the air, and kindly took the sabers from a now trembling Ahsoka.

with the passive bloodline skill Fast Regeneration, Komire could feel his body getting progressively better as time passed, and to continue his 'act', he looked to Ahsoka and spoke in a far gentler manner than with Anakin, and a slightly confused/concerned look.

"And you, young one, what are you doing out of Temple grounds at this time? didn't Master Toi-is (Toy-eese) clearly state that the younger generation was to be protected on temple Grounds? you could wind up in some rather big Bantha poo-doo for being here"

"Well then, I rest my case." Komire says in a dead tone towards Ahsoka, who lowers her head in shame... although she doesn't know quite why, but the boys words actually 'hurt' her.

Both Anakin and Ahsoka stood ramrod straight after the second chime of the alarm, and ran towards the door just as the second blared it's crazed shout in the room.

Komire re-donned his helmet, and hooked his saber hilts to his belt like sash, 'well, time to act like a Je'daii,' he thought to himself, as he got out of the bed and followed the two Jedi... albeit slower.

not a second later an alarm in his System made him pause in shock... all before he sprinted right after the two Jedi... cold sweat beading on his neck as he ran.

--- Last Will of the old Republic: use the last remaining power in the hidden facility below to power the planetary defenses to wipe out the Separatists fleet.

victory: 5000 Force points

Failure: Death



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