Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 6 - (ch. 6)The Battle Meditation

Komire passed dozens of clone troopers as he followed the Jedi... whom he had just barely caught up with to ride on a turbo-lift to the bridge with just a few minutes prior... but as the Blast doors for the bridge opened, he saw what looked like three dozen sh.i.p.s bearing down on them through the transpara-steel barriers. the clone troopes were rushing back and forth on the bridge yelling commands, and typing/tapping away on data pads and consoles, and moving towards a large circular node in the center of the bridge was the two Jedi. looking at the screen, it showed a planet with a dozen dagger snapped sh.i.p.s in blue, and the long needle like sh.i.p.s bearing down on them in red.

Komire walked up beside the Jedi as they were commanding a Clone Commander to 'circle up in the atmosphere, and drag them into a planet side fight'.

Komire, having been given extensive knowledge of the area by Death herself through the SYSTEM, marched over to the nearest communication terminal, and started inputting commands that he was seeing on his H.U.D.

"HEY! what are you doing?!" the clone officer at the station questioned Komire as he was moved from his station.

Hearing the clone cry out, most of the clones on the bridge snapped their heads in his direction, seeing Komire accessing their system, and that he was a Jedi, they hesitated. The Jedi Skywalker and Ahsoka however, ran up behind him, but as they were about to grab him, a rather loud confirmation *Ding* echoed on the bridge, causing the Jedi to pause in confusion.

" This is Grand-Vazier Zverian Agarond Komire, I'm initiating "planet-fall", authorization, five, one, dash, eight, seven, four, target all Hostile sh.i.p.s in VECTOR 23 to 45, begin activation. " Komire said in a commanding tone to the computer... and not two seconds later the computer screen had a plethora of foreign numbers and algorithms pass by.


the Jedi and clones all felt their skin crawl hearing that seemingly ancient mechanized voice, but managed to look out the bridged view panes a mere second before a 'wall' of Green Ion shots burst forth from the planet below, skidding dangerously close to the Republic cruisers, but not close enough to hit anything. As the people watched the green lances impact the Enemy cruisers, they watched as the first barraged splashed over the Separatists sheilds, but as the second wave arrived, half the sh.i.p.s had lost their protection, causing a rather resplendent light show to dominate their sights... then a third volly... a fourth... then a large warning *Dinged* on the terminal....


... The Clones didn't mind too much, and nether did anyone else... the Enemy fleet had joined the several dozen sh.i.p.s floating as debree over the planet, a testament to the derilect hulks that were their predecessors, whom were sporting far greater damage marks that the Sepratist fleet...

Komire had been given that memory as a fail-safe for just that occasion. meanwhile Death watched as Komire stood upon the bridge with a shell shocked enterage around him, a slight smile adorning her pristine lips, "So it begins, what will you do now my champion, will you save the Galaxy? Or watch it burn? I can't wait to see."


"th-that just happened right? I'm not dreaming?" a Clone operations officer asked, his hands slightly trembling as he clutched a Data pad.

Several other Clones nodded at the statement; after all they were very experienced soldiers, but after seeing a fleet of that size annihilated in less than fifteen seconds... it can change a man slightly... what was once a proposition for a grueling firefight, was now floating Derelict space junk. Not one death, and victory is assured... with almost reverential looks, they all turned towards the white robed, armor covered Jedi.

The Jedi however were MORE startled than the soldiers around them. The code Komire had just used was an ancient emergency code used by the Jedi... one that had always been taught regardless of time, and circ.u.mstance. that code was only used durring the wars with the Sith. since then the purpose of the code, and it's ultimate function, had been lost MORE than a thousand years prior, just before even Master Yoda had joined the Order.


Komire was just about to relax, believing that it was over...when a System prompted him to go almost full 'Commander mode'...



--- TIP : recommended use of Force abilities ---


"bring around all sh.i.p.s, ready sheilds, and someone give me a tactical layout of these cruisers!!!!!" Komire shouted, his voice slightly amplified by the Force.

the abrupt command jolted the crew into action, the Jedi glanced around at the clones in bewilderment, but just as the Clones brought the cruisers into a large defensible formation, a Separatist reserve fleet exited hyperspace near the twin Moons of the planet. seeing the sh.i.p.s, the two Jedi glanced at one another, then at Komire, whom was commanding the ship as he looked over a Data-pad with the sh.i.p.s schematics, as well as schematics for the Separatists fleet composition. feeling through the Force, They could sense the agitation building around him.

"Damit," Komire muttered to himself, only allowing the Jedi to hear, "do either of you know Battle Meditation?"

Komire looked up at the two Jedi before him, and only saw puzzled looks, 'hmm, they must be rather weirded out right now, also confused by my actions a great deal to just be standing there, good, adds a bit of mystery to me'

"Nevermind, I'll just give it a shot, hopefully it doesn't kill me." Komire said, causing the Jedi to tense up.

Komire mentally clicked on his skill list, and read the description for how to use B.M. then let his consciousness flow into the Force... the feeling was almost 'Enlightening' in a sense, when he came in contact with the crew members, although Skywalker resisted it completely, Ahsoka did not; He felt as if they were part of him... a part of one whole... by the time all seven cruisers were connected to him, the Enemy sh.i.p.s were almost in range. Ahsoka however, felt all of the crew members hopes, fears, and could almost physically 'touch' their very existance itself. Ahsoka knew what was going on even if she wasn't in command... it felt like she could accurately predict each members movement, and action before they did it... 'Is this what a Hive mind feels like?', she wondered to herself.


Skywalker felt isolated, and very odd, he felt the whole fleet seemingly become one, and even his apprentice was included. Taking a deep breath, he was about to confront the 'Jedi' before him, but as he took a step forward... the whole crew, seemingly all at once, moved... they grabbed their gunners controls, or sat at their stations almost like one entity. Anakin was stunned into inaction once again, as even his apprentice Ahsoka moved, but not to any station... she had grabbed his arm, holding him in place. Before Skywalker knew what happened he found himself in a endless black void... but he wasn't alone, there 'standing' a short ways from him was Ahsoka, and Komire.

Ahsoka was looking around in marvel, while a helmeted Komire looked at Skywalker.

"I'm not hurting anyone padawan, although you do seem rather intuned to Force energies, you aren't ready to face me, even if I am weakened." Komire stated, drawing both Ahsokas, and Anakins gazes to him.

taking a deep breath, he planned out what to say as he mentally made a almost perfect 3D rendering of the confrontation... two Republic Acclimators and five Venators, situated in a semicircle concave around an approaching 'spearhead' of seventeen Separatist Munificent sh.i.p.s, One Providence class and one Lukrehulk Star Dreadnaught.

"I should welcome you to my mindscape, however I have much bigger concerns than what you do young man," Komire said to Skywalker, as he started waving his hand over the floating sh.i.p.s.

In real life, Skywalker was staring straight ahead out the bridge view, with Ahsoka between Komire and him, and the Republic lineup of sh.i.p.s poured Death and Fire upon the nearest enemy sh.i.p.s as they entered fireing range... one went down... two... four... nine... almost all the frigates were annialated by the time the enemy dreadnaughts came into play, only then did any meaningful return-fire come the Republics way. swarms of fighters and bombers left hangers, and sheilds kept getting pummeled, but soon the Seperatist were eventually finished off. Two Venators were very severely damaged, and another three were lightly damaged by the end of the shootout, along with a 'limping' Acclimator with several hull breaches, and almost 70% of its weapons and crew gone, before the Enemy was destroyed. Clone ARC-170 starfighters still swarmed around the void of space, shooting down droid fighters left and right, cleaning up the remnant clankers with endless gusto. and only then did Komire slowly release the B.M., but as he left the mind of the last person, he collapsed to his knees upon the deck, breathing hard through the re-breather in his helmet. Skywalker however stood there still flabbergasted at what he was physically seeing... the once deadly Separatist sh.i.p.s, were now nothing more than Derelect hulls and space junk... all because of one man... again...


Ahsoka was breathing heavily, clutching her c.h.e.s.t as if she was having MORE difficulty than could initially be seen, but that was wrong in a sense... as with being a Togruta, the biological instincts were bordering on driving her mad, her only saving grace was that Komire had seeped a calming energy into her mind when he extracted himself from everyone without them knowing. Ahsoka felt everything... from fear, to hatred, she felt it all... even the moment of death for the people onboard the damaged Republic cruisers. very subtly she glimpsed the Dark side... it was taunting her... whispering to her... but those quiet temptations were seemingly drowned out by her overwhelming curiosity towards the man kneeling next to her... what must he have felt as those men died? What would this do to him? Is he the same as the stories of a TRUE Force wielder, or is he something.... else?... she couldn't wait to find out what secrets this seemingly 'young' man held in store, and what was with those visions?... Now if she can only reign in her rampant thoughts...

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