Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 7 - (ch. 7) New plot... Deaths game... ?

while Ahsoka sat slightly shivering, Skywalker turned towards Komire, and simply stared at the Exhausted 'Jedi'. thoughts scrambling to order themselves within his mind, he was in such a stupor he didn't notice Rex coming up beside him, up until Rex put his hand on Skywalker's shoulder.

"Yes Rex, what is it?"

"General, sir," Rex was saying, "Is the...Jedi master alright?"

Hearing his Captains form of a dress for Komire, Skywalker was perplexed, "how do you know he even is a Jedi? with what he just did, he could be a spy just for Dooku", although he immediately thought what he said was rather inappropriate, he hardened his resolve to figure out what mad Rex change in what seemed, but a few minutes.

"sir, if you don't know, then that means you weren't part of", as he paused the Jango fett clone shook his head in amazement, "whatever he had just done" Rex said, an almost 'Reverential' look filled his eyes as he looked at Komire whom of which was helped up by a pair of Medical Clones, " I could see it... all of it..."

"See what? Spit it out Rex." Skywalker said, earnestly curious.

"A war so vast it swallowed stars... sector fleets being decimated one, by one..." Rex took a long deep breath, "... and what appeared to be hundreds of 'Red lightsaber' wielding Jedi fighting other Jedi in the temple, and I saw him, fighting over a dozen of those Jedi with such discipline, and skill, all while commanding flawlessly, what seemed to be ARC troopers..."

Anakin was spellbound as he listened to Rex tell of his 'Force vision' into the man's past, all while watching Ahsoka stand shakilly, and Komire slump tirelessly into a nearby clones grasp, the only telltale sign he was alive, being his rebreathers stark 'hiiisssss' as it operated for the man, and his shallow heart beat on the Medics packs that were currently being used to monitor his vitals.

Komire did not know of these visions, and thus was totally ignorant of them, but deep within the Void, Death personally spun this Elaborate tale, and altered some records in the Jedi archives to depict Komire as a talented, skilled, and powerful being that could rival a litteral 'Dozen Sith' by himself... as she did this, she slipped something into the "System" she gifted Komire, to activate when she wanted... a rather devious grin plastering her face, which was covered by a dark veil rather than Kylo Rens helmet, as she planned to make Komire's life rather 'Interesting'... starting with the young Togruta...


without knowing it, his life just took a rather unexpected turn... and although the new addins Death had put in the system for Komire hadn't activated yet, over the next several days, he was kept under watch by medical personnel, and had a constant 'paparazzi' in the form of a rather annoying seventeen year old Ahsoka. (I'm making her older so as it is what I wanted to do, because this is a Fan fic) after the rather "exciting" few days, the sh.i.p.s came out of hyperspace a few light-seconds from Coruscant, and the damaged Venators and Acclimators that were in tow, were wisked away to a pair of planetary repair yards in the system, although many reports were made about the facility, and crews were hence dispatched to study the base in MORE detail than the previous search, there wasn't as much upheaval in the Republic due to finding a still living Komire. Everywhere Komire went Ahsoka followed, but that came to an early end one day as she was called to the temple to take a much needed reprieve from the war. Komire was held under observation by military personnel, and of course, Skywalker. His strength gradually returned naturally, and through his system, Komire managed to relearn more Force ABILITIES, ranging from Mechanical control, called Meca-dura, all the way up to full inates of the Force, such as : Force sense, and Force cognition, since the "System" was not much more than a limiter to allow him to experience the new life he now had. everything seemed to be going rather swimmingly.... until the bomb... when Ahsoka was framed for the bombing Komire's temper threatened to burst, but was quickly subdued, As he had remembered the entire starwars storyline, he was confident in avoiding Ahsoka tragic fate. Komire was finnaly released from the observers he was left with, and followed Skywalker to the Jedi temple, only to arrive after Ahsoka had fled...later Komire was returned to the headquarters with clenched fists after meeting a few stuck up Jedi, and a few overly panicking padawans. Komire left the base under the nose of the Jedi, and his gaurds, and started his own search for the young girl... with slightly different reasons... two days pass till he finds Ahsoka, and sees she was interrogating what looked to be a Bountyhunter... since Komire had been shielding himself through the Force in his search, the two didn't here him walk up.

"...then who would frame me?" Ahsoka was asking the bountyhunter... a Night sister it looked like.

moving quietly, he approached the two, and only when he stoped almost ten feet from the pair, they started paying attention to their surroundings... only to notice a white robed Jedi donning heavy yet aged armor.

"who are you?" The Night sister asked, taking a defensive stance. hands reaching for her belt.

the only one of the two that didn't act out visibly was Ahsoka, "what are you doing here Master Komire?"

looking at the two girls, Komire tries to formulate a plan for the coming 'Task'... "Investigating, although to see a dark Force wielder as your target on this night may seem interesting to some, it's quite a good move in my opinion..." using their momentary confusion to continue Komire said, "... however, I would like to know something from you Ahsoka, " Komire made his voice sterner to play along with his little 'charade', " Did you do it?"

Almost instantly Ahsoka said 'NO', and stood ridgedly as she defiantly stared at Komire's helmet, feeling an opresive feeling 'oozing' out of his covered face for a few seconds, and as she was about to make a run for it with Ventris, Komire's 'opresive' aura receded, and he walked towards them calmly saying "then let's find the one resposible"

Both girls glanced at each other and nodded slightly before turning towards Komire again. several minutes passed as they told him of their theories and suspects, and just as Komire was about to say his own theories, an alert through his system stops him... He turns around suddenly, stunning both Ahsoka and Ventris by drawing his saber hilts joining them together...

" We have company," Komire says, just as a violet, and a midnight black blade shrouded in a white corona Hissed to life, "Run, I'll catch with you around the outskirts of the temple, if my guess is correct, from your stories I know who the culprit is."

Komire stood where he was, as the girls ran, and from the area behind him, a squad of Clone troopers rounded the corner.... blasters at the ready... and they were NOT set to stun...

seeing an armed Jedi facing them down, the clones shouted at Komire to drop his weapon, but no one moved an inch... the distinct hum of the lightsaber, and the patter of footsteps, and voices, on the upper decks the only tell tale signs of life at the moment... until a single clone droped his blaster slowly, raising his hand to his helmet...

"Sir we found your Master Komire, and he doesn't look to friendly at the moment" the clone wearing red guard captain colors said into his com.

"lower your weapons, you must, attack if provoked, he will," said a voice through his headset, one sounding perturbed at the new information.

As Komire faced off against the security clones, and held his now 'duel' bladed lightsaber in a Bo-Jutsu ready stance, ready for anything... A thought crosses his mind...

"If you want me to stand down soldier, tell me why you eminate such a Dark energy."

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, let Palpatine brood on that...' Komire thought to himself.

The clones didn't understand what Komire had said, but unknown to anyone at the time, Komire knew that Palpatine had probably ordered Barriss Offee to frame Ahsoka to distance her from Skywalker in the first place.... or at least that was his theory... and based on that, he tried a little gamble to see if the clone guards would 'report' what he had said in this incounter... little did he know what he would also set into motion..... actions to gleam far more indepth knowledge on this 'dark energy' by the Jedi who were still on open comms at the time, and even inquiries from clone to clone, bringing back the discussion of Tupp... and what would later have been Fives of the 501st who had not long after this event, been trying to convince the Jedi Skywalker of an insidious plot against the republic in the original Timeline... and he had been gunned down by the very same captain before Komire now... but not if komire had anything to say about it... No, not on his watch... Komire was not letting that series of events play out.

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