Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 10 - (ch. 10) The beginning.... or the End...

Bariss Offee neither flinched, nor backed down at the threat of her own lightsaber claiming her life, and frome an outside point of veiw it almost seemed poetic...

"Taking my words, does not mean you believe them, young Jedi, and neither does it relieve you of your transgressions." Komire said down to the defiant Bariss, holding her own blade a mere inch from the small girls forehead.

As these words were spoken, up in the overveiwing area, the Jedi masters, council members, Ahsoka Tano stared with rapt attention, morbid fear, and crushing anger courses throughout her psyche. Her best friend in the order, had betrayed her, and had fought against her Master, and the ancient Jedi, and was seemingly about to be executed before her eyes... although she hates what has happened, she can't help but remember their days in the temple library, or in the sparing feilds... she couldn't forget all the fun, and all the good times they spent together... and the joy she felt in her friends fate... mortified her...

At this moment, thoughts of when she first met Komire in the med bay on the cruiser over the ruined planet sprang to mind... The Force was so intuned it was as if rejoicing together... both light and Dark together... was this the balance that he ment? Was this why he seemed so absolutely powerful within the Force?



off on the planet Mandalor, Mother Nature slowly formed a new group... one different to Death Watch, but also not part of the New Mandalorians... a group she herself would shape to her designs...

As Komire has the Helmet of Mandalor, Mother Nature decided to take a more 'third person perspective' on his soon to be growing family. Since the Mandalorians were one of her sisters greatest achievements in the past, Mother Nature thought it would be fitting to have one as her 'soul fragment' within this alternate universe... and the irony was not lost upon her... where as the Jedi were her creation, and the Mandalorians were her sisters...

Spinning and weaving the fabric of reality in this universe was so much easier than in her original. The strings of Fate having altered from their predesignated paths to converge upon Komire, as well as Skywalker's destinies for the future. Mother Nature was seemingly so engrossed within her alterations she didn't notice the small, yet noticable, changes within the Force around some very remote planets, planets not yet mentioned to join the war for the Galaxy... Fluctuations that would bring more than a few challenges to her 'd.e.s.i.r.ed' goal. One she hoped would break the endless cycle, and instead form some measure of resistance to the Invasion of her and her sisters Universe... for if they can't form a universe where the Jedi survive, then their power in the Cosmos would be threatened... for many Primordial beings move against them in the shadows.


As Skywalker watched on, he couldn't help remember a rather terrifying dream... where he was clad in metal, and an inhuman laugh echoed amongst the black sky... As he stood there, he began to ponder through the Grand Vazirs words... one line repeating itself louder and louder within his mind, almost as if the force itself was screaming for them to be known... demanding Skywalker to acknowledge them...

... Balance within ourselves...

...Blind leading the Blind...

'Did he mean to say that the Order itself is lost?' Ahsoka pondered to herself. Her mind seeming to go at the speed of light as she remembered her adventures with 'Skyguy', and Master Obi-wan; and in her opinion they were very different... but yet so alike... both would goof off, or joke around, but in entirely opposite instances... Master Kenobi was mainly serious yet laid back, but driven entirely by his d.e.s.i.r.e to protect people, and end the war. Where as her master Skywalker was an 'in-the-moment' kind of person, he would make outlandish plans, or joke about in serious affairs... but he always put the lives of those he was charged with first. He willingly will charge ahead into battle, without fear.

Ahsoka then thought about the man... no... the Je'daii before her, and couldn't help making a comparison. He was free spirited from what she has seen following him around on the cruiser, even if she might have gone a bit over board, but he was still patient enough to explain something's to her when she asked... or if he didn't feel like answering he would say in an almost 'teasing' tone, "If your 'Master' hasn't taught you yet, than why should I... after all, you aren't my apprentice are you?"

Ahsoka didn't know why that one sentence hurt so much, but she still persisted, constantly pestering the ancient Je'daii. All up until she was called back to the temple with Skyguy. Ahsoka was sad to part for some reason with the man, but she didn't know why... all throughout the trip back to Coruscant her Instincts were rather tame, but at the memories of the strange visions she saw, her blood boiled and it would take her about an hour to fully calm down. However when the whole mess with the bomb happened, no one at the temple would believe her, all but her Master; so when she confronted Ventres in the under-city, she was quite alarmed to find the masked Je'daii so close to her... it's as if he was perfectly shadowed within the Force. No person should be able to get so close to another without making a sound, or drawing attention to themselves, but he did. Ahsoka had thought it would turn into a rather grueling battle... one she did not even think she'd win in her dreams, and that was only proven when he 'dueled' Bariss into a submissive state. there was just too much that she didn't know about the eccentric Je'daii... and it both terrified her.... and excited her.



Chancellor Palpatine sat at his desk speaking to his advisers while the Jedi were hunting his new protege... thinking of the gullible Bariss Offee, he couldn't help smirking to himself, all while maintaining his 'distressed' charade to the several advisors in his office. Suddenly a crushing pressure descended upon him, and he couldn't breathe... this had never happened before, and he had no clue where it came from... clutching his c.h.e.s.t, he attempted to rise, only to trip backwards, toppling his chair, and alarming his advisers...

..."MR. CHANCELLOR!!!!!"...

It was later advertised throughout the Senate that the Chancellor had "Overworked himself into a mild heart attack".

However for Palpatine it was much worse than that.... all his plans... they were gone... he couldn't see anything at all within the Force. It was blocked by an impenetrable fog, and even with his overwhelming ability, he couldn't even scratch it, causing the Sith to sweat heavily is anxiety, since the day he had planned his Masters death, he had never felt such crushing unknowns... everything was in his grasp..... it wouldn't be till a little later, that he would learn of current events, as such, he would either have to flee, knowing Bariss could sense him somewhat from their short interactions... or kill her...

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