Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 9 - (ch. 9) Trial..... of the mind

The duel didn't last too long after Komire tired the young Bariss out, and quickly disarmed her using a heavy blast of concentrated Force energy in one of his fists. The punch was so unexpected in the symphony of dancing blades, that even the Jedi masters were stunned at its usage. As the blades left Bariss' grasp, Komire plucked them from the ground using the Force, and turned up to his enthusiastic audience.

"Hey Ventress, you want these back or No?"

The blatant disregard for anyone besides her rubbed some Jedi the wrong way, but before they could say anything about it, Ventress replied.

"No, Mister, I do not want them."

"The names Komire, Zverian Komire" he said, not at all bothered by Ventress' lack of knowledge on his name, or the fact that she was acting strangely polite.

tossing them up, Komire made one quick swipe with his saber, halving both hilts midflight. Bariss only just got enough strength back to see this, and utterly Blanche at the sight... she was unarmed, surrounded, and now she was to be tried by the Senate, and the Council... she had lost everything in that one simple slash of Komire's blade.

noticing Bariss' pale complection, and dead looking eyes, Komire stalked towards the downed girl.

As he stood over the young girl, she started trembling, the sight of his armoured metal boots, and the 'Thrum' of his lightsaber made her feel as if the executioners axe was at her throat. the atmosphere was so heavy that everyone was finding it hard to breathe, all but the Grand master Yoda, and other Jedi masters present. All of which were waiting to see what would become of the previous padawan.

that silence was broken by Komire as he looked at the shivering girl at his feet.

" Life is but a trial, and through this trial we find ourselves, but what we find may not be what we seek," Komire looked up to the viewing council members and Ahsoka above," But it is rumored to be just another step we must take to find balance within ourselves."

"Understanding yourself, is first and foremost, the path to inner-peace, and only from there can you bring both the Light and Dark sides of the Force to balance."

the surrounding Jedi were stunned, not just because of the words Komire was saying, but their implications... balancing both Light and Dark side energies in themselves was such a foreign thing that it left them gaping at the said man as he held his lightsaber loosely to his side, staring down at the still trembling Bariss. The Jedi masters above were quite the sight, their stuttering and beet red faces comforting in abject disgust at the prospect of the thought, but the Council members.... seemed thoughtful of the sentence.

"The Force is imbalanced, and I think I now know why", Komire said after a few seconds of silence.

"Why should we listen to you, your an outsider, and are not part of our order..." an unnamed Jedi master was saying, however he was interrupted mid-sentence.

looking over, Komire saw it was a newer and younger Jedi master, probably one that had just finished his trials only recently, and as Komire spoke, the Jedi throughout the whole temple felt a shiver crawl down their spines, and his voice echoed within the Force itself.

"YOUR, order has to many flaws, weaknesses, and is nothing but a shell of the true Jedi Order and no, I'm not a Jedi, I am a Je'daii, and I have no qualms about destroying such a broken system."

the once proud Master Jedi stood there trembling under Komire's 'Deathly Gaze', and no one bothered to help because it's as if the weight of the world itself held them at bay. When Komire finnaly looked away, back towards Bariss below him. The Jedi collapsed on his posterior shivering like he had stepped out of a cryochamber, but the lingering ambiant Force surrounding him , although unseen, swarmed angrily and chaotically around the Jedi, acting almost like a mother berating a bad child...

"Is this part of the reason you defected young Bariss?" Komire asked with a thoughtful, yet cold tone.

The young girl merely bowed her head, her body still wracked with spasmatic shivers, but she still answered, although, her voice came out as a terrified whimper, "y-yes s-s-sir, it Is, The J-Jedi are to c-corupted b-by their ideals..."

Komire sighed heavily, both agreeing with the young girl, and trying to think of some sort of way to get out of this situation... Bariss was driven by her belief, just as the Jedi follow theirs... but IF something were to change, he couldn't change them as it stands now. Looking at the surrounding Jedi, younglings, and padawans, he can't help remembering his previous life...

"It is as if the Blind are leading the Blind, and yet the fool's can see, but choose not to."

Deactivating his violet blade with a loud 'shooooop', Komire looks back to Anakin, whom still held both his, and Bariss' saber hilts. Holding out his hand towards Skywalker, the Jedi tosses Bariss's hilt towards him without any hesitation. The hilt sailed smoothly through the air, and rested within Komire's palm. with a bit of pressure, the Blue blade thrumed to life again.

"A saber is said to be the Forces connection to the soul of every Jedi, and yet I see nothing of what you have become within this blade Ms. Offee; so then I ask you this, What is Balance to you?" Komire said, as he looked from the resplendent blade, to the now still form of Bariss as she lay slumped on her elbows, and her head held low.



As Komire glanced at the two notifications, Bariss looked up at him, a firm determination burning in her eyes.

"Balance is the understanding of both the Light and Dark side energies of the Force." she said.

"Well then," Komire said while facing Bariss once again, " if that is your belief, will you stand by it, even under threat of death?"

in one smooth motion, Komire brought the young fallen jedi's saber to bear, pointing the tip at the young girls forehead, ready to pierce forward and strike her down.

Meanwhile, back in the void...





Laughed Death herself, as she slowly began spinning even more chaos within the distant worlds...


However, unbeknownst to even her, Mother Nature stalked the galaxy as well... binding her own influence within; Just as Death had been doing in her seemingly mad rant of ecstasy while watching her 'Champion' be so domanearing, For in this universe... she shall be his guiding light.... or his eternal end... but Mother Nature will preserve the balance... even in this alternate reality... of their own universe...

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