Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 12 - (ch. 12) The coming storm

After the incident with Bariss, Komire was seemingly left to his own devices, although... every jedi he passed seemed to eye him with just a bit of fear All but Ahsoka Tano, and a few others... and surprisingly Ventress... who although had a Sentinal guard follow her around to keep an eye on her, was aloud to walk the temple grounds as well with Komire, Ahsoka, and of course Anakin. but since he stayed mostly in the Archives 'reading up on history' no much seemed to happen... However when Anakin was called out for assignment to Felucia, he refused to leave, asking another master to take his place... because Ahsoka Tano had officially asked Master Yoda to leave the Order... Anakin fought to stop his padawan, but it seemed her mind was made up... What no one expected was for Komire to step in at this moment when Ahsoka was relinquishing her sabers... just as Ahsoka was about to give her sabers to the Grandmaster, Komire walked into the large circular chamber overlooking the Capital of the Republic... the Senate building seen off in the distance.

Komire had grown fond of the 'annoying' girl, and so, with what he knew of the Starwars universe from his past... thought it would be a great place to start on his goal from Mother Nature... to build his own Faction/Order in the Galaxy.

As Ahsoka kneeled down to hand Yoda her sabers within the Council room, they were abruptly ripped from her hands, and towards the doorway, to an awaiting Komire. Since the council was in session for this event... because Komire had altered the timeline somewhat... also the fact that Skywalker had personally sought him out beforehand... every member, including the holo-projections of the Council members was present. The Council members that were attending via Holo-projector, were surprised at this sudden intrusion, and since they had not been witness to Komires previous actions towards Bariss Offee were in an uproar over his current blatant disregard with his entry. However Ahsoka's master, Skywalker, was calm... since he personally requested Komires help when this matter was first brought up a couple days previous. As Ahsoka had been pondering leaving since Bariss' capture, and Ventres' pardon, which was granted by none other than the green Jedi himself, Master Yoda; only that happened the day after the discovery about Bariss. The Council members quieted down when Master Mace Windu spoke up, his voice cool and level.

"what brings you here esteemed Grand-vazir?"

Komire twirled both saber hilts in his hands, seeming to inspect them. After a few seconds when the Council was completely quiet again, Komire glanced up.

" I am here under request, and frankly no one told me 'Imp' here was leaving." Komire said to the dark skinned Jedi Master, pointing his left hand, holding one of Ahsoka's sabers, at her where she was before Master Yoda.

Master Mace was unperturbed by Komires seeming lack of respect, and continued to address the council, many of which knew of what he was about to say, as they themselves had read the reports the Archivists had been able to find, although there were still more being discovered.

"Masters of the Council, I would like to introduce Grand-Vazir Zverian Komire, the Sheild of the Order...."

The council was confused for but a moment, before Jedi master Kit Fisto spoke up next... "...Leader of the Great Scourge of Malacor, and Grand advisor to the council." Kit Fisto continued, crossing his hands over his l.a.p while bowing slightly to komire, and before the council became even more confused than they already were, the small green Grandmaster spoke.

"Here, you are, to stop Ahsoka, hmmm?"

The council momentarily set aside the matter regarding Komire, as they had something else to worry about currently, but they were definitely going to get to the bottom of this series of events, and new man... this "Grand-vazir"....

Komire glanced around the room, and only after did he answer, a slight ball of excitement rolling around in his stomach... "I'm not here for anything in particular no, but witnessing this, I'm sorry to say, I'm curious."

Many of the council members began to look back and forth amongst themselves... some who saw the previous event, wondered 'what would Ahsokas punishment be for this?', while others wondered what the enigmatic man was up to twirling Ahsokas lightsabers around.

Walking up to the padawan, Komire continues his inspections of the sabers, and just as he reached her, Ahsoka stood up and faced him. With a 'Snap-ished' like sound both blades were ignited... one green, and the other almost a pale lime... the council grew quiet waiting to see what would happen, and the holo-projected images watched their fellow council members... their curiosity piqued at how attentive they were being, and just watched on as well. Komire proceded to inspect the blades as he held them out between himself and Ahsoka...

"You weild blades of a Conselor, but act like a Gaurdian...having the resilience of a warrior, but the patience of someone far older than yourself... these are good traits of a Jedi..." Komire shut down the blades, and after holding then with both within his right hand, reached up and removed his helmet, tucking it under his arm, "...So what is this I'm hearing about you leaving 'Imp'?"

"I feel that since the Jedi didn't trust me when the bomb had gone off, that they can't trust me at all, and..." Ahsoka was saying, looking straight into Komires blind eyes.

Just before Anakin interrupted her, Komire lifted his right hand, and used the Force to keep him silent as Ahsoka spoke. Although seeing this, Ahsoka stopped anyways.

"So if you left, what would you do... become a soldier... Bounty hunter like Ventres... or would you use what little savings you have to go to worlds needing help, just to be lost in the masses?" Komire asked when he lowered his hand again, his head c.o.c.king slightly to the left, and his metallic boots cl.i.c.k.i.n.g on the floor as he balanced on his right leg, seeming relaxed.

Ahsoka didn't know how to respond to Komires inquiry... and thus stayed quiet, although she couldn't look into his eyes anymore from shame.... she hadn't thought that far ahead, she just believed that if she left, things would work out better. Since everywhere she went, people still took a wide birth around to avoid her. Bowing her head slightly, as if being reprimanded, she said her thoughts to the man, only for Skywalker to speak next.

"I would always trust you Snips, that has never changed."

Looking over towards her Master, Ahsoka smiles slightly, then looks back to Komire.

Komire glances around the chamber, his blind eyes seemingly meeting every masters looking towards him, " ...Although I must say I am rather disheartened by what I had found out in the Archives... I think leaving wouldn't be a bad Idea..."

Anakin was thinking that Zverian would back him up in this stopped mid nod, and quickly faced the seemingly younger Je'daii... but before he could say anything, he and the rest of the Council received a bomshell.

"... So why not restart the Grand Order with me?" Komire said, smiling towards the now stunned Ahsoka Tano, "After all, the Jedi order has fallen very far from what it once was throughout the Galaxy, and I plan to start anew in this time..." With a thoughtful glance up he continues, "... maybe visit the old temples of Jedha."

'He would do this for me... even when we don't know that much about each other... why?'

unbeknownst to her, her inner turmoil were plastered on her face, so Komire decided to settle what little fears she had... and maybe plant the seeds for the Future...

"Should there be a reason to pick my successor?" He said, once again offering the sabers back to Ahsoka, "Although we have our work cut out for us, we have plenty of time, so what do you say, you in? After all you were planning to leave anyways."

the Chamber went absolutely still, the fluctuations in the Force converging around that single moment, almost thrilled at what was to come...

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