Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 13 - (ch. 13) The choices we make...

While Ahsoka was making a decision that could fundamentally alter her future, Lady Death was eagerly weaving strands of fate together fo her Champion, and smiling all the while... she was no longer however adorned in her armor, but a sleek black dress and veil. looking more and more like a woman going to a party, than the superimposed image of a "shaddow-being"... Her assistant, the Grim Reaper was rather liking this new version of his Lady, and he hoped it would continue on till the end of time... And to make that dream a reality, Grim himself added a few tweaks to the universe, under the nose of his beloved mistress... adding in a little surprise for his new Brother... One he could hopefully use in the coming conflicts...


Still within the Council chamber, the stunned Masters watch on as Ahsoka re-takes her lightsabers... and agrees to Komires question. The most stunned would be Master Yoda, as what Komire said about the Order having fallen to such degrees alarmed him... but as he thought back to how the Order was, not even two to three hundred years ago... he sighs heavily, and it doesn't go unnoticed by several Jedi, and Komire himself.

"Hindsight is always the clearest, whereas the future is an ever changing mess, master Yoda." Komire says as he turns to leave... Ahsoka following right behind him.

Anakin stood shellshocked.... he just had his padawan taken from him!?.... As the Jedi stood thre with his mouth hanging open, and his arm frozen in midair, he couldn't help but wonder, 'what was he gonna do now?' As Skywalker watched snips walk out, he turned to the council... only to hear Komire shout back...

" Come on Skywalker!... they more than likely are gonna wanna watch me for a time, so why not just follow along!" Komire yelled back towards the chamber... while still walking on with Ahsoka beside him.

Taking one last look at the council, and seeing them nodding in agreement, rushed after his former Apprentice and her new Master... still slightly heartbroken over the fact he had lost her even with all he had done... Plus he couldn't really be mad at Komire... the eccentric man probably just said what what right at the time.

Because he felt it... the Force seemed thrilled at the actions that took place mere moments beforehand... so why does he feel so betrayed...


Back within the Council chambers...

"What was that just now?"said one of the Council members participating through holo-display.

"I would very much like to know that as well." said another.

"Who was that man Master Yoda, he jus..." began a third, only to cause a symphony of further questions to drown out the Council member.

Master Yoda sat in silence, his head partially bowed and his hands resting upon the cane in front of him. Master Windu glanced at the small Grandmaster, and seeing his senior in deep though, decided to quiet the Council before it got too out of hand.

Holding both his hands up, he wore a stern scowl as he spoke out...

"Many things have happened in the short couple weeks my fellow Council members, and one of which was the discovery of an ancient medical facility on a once believed uncharted system in the Mid-rim..."

As Mace Windu accounted the events reported by Skywalker about the incident, he then proceeded to more current events involving Bariss Offee... the result was stunned silence, as the masters first hearing this glanced from one member to another. The things they were hearing were... unbelievable to them... trapped in a medical pod fo Four Millennia?... and still strong enough to use such a legendary skill as Battle Meditation... while Weakened?

As the Council adjusted to the news, even more shocking info is hurled at them... The man is a Grand-Vazir... was the commander of the raid on Malacor V, and was known as the Sheild of the order due to fending off twelve of the most elite of the Sith invaders to the Jedi temple during the Great War.

"And the man is still alive?!... are you sure he isn't some elaborate clone sent trying to divide us?" said the serpent looking Jedi Master O. Rancisis.

"No, he has allowed thorough checks to both his DNA, and has even participated in an interrogation session.... we found nothing to say this is NOT the Master we have just spoken of." Master Plo Koon answered.

"Who did the tests, and when was this done?" Jedi Master Shak-ti asked in a mellow, but reserved tone, however the masters could sense her growing d.e.s.i.r.e for battle through the Force. Something they have grown accustomed to from the Togrutan Jedi Master.

"The tests were done by Jedi, and it was done when he was at GAR High Command, since they have specialty equipment to test even for tampered or altered clone troopers." said Master Kit Fisto, answering her query. The other masters who were just learning this, all had thoughtfull expressions on their faces. But not one could think of what the next step should be... Then all eyes turn toward master Yoda... hoping for the Grand master to share his wisdom in this time.



Learning of Bariss's failure and subsequent torturous punishment alarmed the Sith palpatine, but he had to hide it thoroughly from the Jedi messenger sent to inform him of such proceedings... after the Jedi had left though... a dark ominous cloud enveloped the room... rage... desperation... fear... All of these and more permitted throughout the office, but in such a controlled manner that none outside would sense. The sith then reached under his desk and hit a small hidden button, and a secret transmitter activated... Doing this would alter his plans slightly, but would ultimately eliminate the threat of young Bariss, and ultimately force the Jedi into a possible compromising position...




Blaster fire streaking back and forth across a large two hundred meter hanger deaffened the air. Men and women donning ancient multi-colored armor battling it out within the cold confines in the no-mans-land of the hanger... backpack-rockets, wrist-rockets, vibroswords and knives... the ground littered with the fallen warriors corpses, and there standing on the outer edge of this great battle, a lone girl of but twenty... wielded a black bladed sword to cut down her oposition... cutting a path, for her still breathing followers, to safty. Many of whom that do not make it to the exit, bravely fought on... planning to die in combat.... Guns ablaze...

"FOR MANDALOR!!!" Brave men and women shout out... their battle cry answered in kind...



And as the battle rages on behind... a girl decked in colorful but aged armor, wielding the saber of the ancient Mandalorian Jedi, Tar Viszla... ran on... her loyal followers following behind... and dieing if needed...

... For the Future of their people... was at stake...


A once ancient battle field of Galactic proportions lay now as derelict hulks, and metal coffins to those whe served upon them... but one ship outclassed them all... an ancient Dagger shaped ship... that held one of the Galaxies greatest forces of destruction ever known... a ship that was once part of the once Grand Republic, and one of the most powerful warsh.i.p.s created at the time... although much of the hull, and bridge lay in ruins, most of the ship shudders to life... as if answering something...

What remains of the Engines ignites and begins propelling the once deathly ship off into the void... Nearby scavengers quickly flee at the sight... but are ultimately shot to oblivion as the main guns come online... or what's left of them.


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