Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 14 - (ch. 14)A New Master, New way...

Ahsoka Tano was just quietly walking beside her old master Skywalker, and behind her new one, Komire. Many of the past half hour was such a blur she didn't even thing it actually happened... she left the order... the one she loved and knew for her whole life.... was forever gone... but before her now, was something... unexplainable...

While Ahsoka brooded within her chaotic thoughts, Skywalker walked quietly beside her, looking from her, to the man in front of them both. Komire was walking c.h.e.s.t held high, and arms behind his back, left wrist clasped loosely in his right hand. There was just too much happening all at once. Heaving a sigh through his nose, he looks to Ahsoka...

"So what does this make us now Snips?" Anakin said, a bit of melancholy seeping into his joking words.

Ahsoka looked up at her old Master, and chuckled, "Same as always Skyguy..." as Asoka speaks, looking away from her old master, a twinge of sadness laced her voice, "... same as always."

Komire, hearing them behind him, chuckles, "There is no need to be upset young Tano, after all, your not entirely separated from the Jedi like you believe."

Both Anakin and Ahsoka had looked towards the Je'daii, and found his words reassuring in a way. As they walked down a large hallway towards a star-room, Komire glanced to one of the nearby archways... 'This was where Obi-wan had told Anakin he was needed to spy on Palpatine', He thought to himself.

pondering along this line of thought, Komire began to think about all that has changed within his memories of the Starwars universe. However he didn't think too deeply... this was his life, and he was going to live it right. Looking over his shoulder he was about to say something to his new apprentice... but stopped short at seeing her laughing at Skywalker's current joke... an all to familiar scene washing over him... one he had hoped he had forgotten...

Feeling a shift in her new Master, Ahsoka quickly faced Komire, only to see the armored helmet looking out the window.

No longer looking her direction, Komire tries to bury the old memory, but fails terribly... a memory of his daughter...

Anakin feels weird at the moment, so he caughs loudly into his right cybernetic hand, and seemingly nocks Komire from whatever trance he was in, only for the man to turn towards him, and tilt his head.

"Something wrong padawan?"

Ahsoka nearly answered out of habit, but since she couldn't feel that weird fluctuation from her new master any longer, thought he was just teasing Skyguy again... and a moment later her assumption proves correct.

"I'm not a Padawan!" Skywalker refuted, scowling in annoyance, but a slight smile in his eye, as he thought 'At least he is somewhat predictable...'

"course y'ah are, yer but a wee laddie." Komire taunts, a small smile creeping up his, and Ahsokas lips at the expense of the Chosen one. An unfamiliar accent coming from Komire making it even more hilarious.( imagine an Irish accent)

Shaking his head, Skywalker completely disregarded his previous thoughts... 'you can't predict this man at all'...

Jokes aside, the three made their way into the room, which to Komires astonishment had a rather middle aged Obi-wan Kenobi teaching a class of younglings. when Komire turned towards Skywalker, he asked if the jedi knew Obi-wan was here. To his surprise, Skywalker had no idea Obi-wan had returned to the temple at all.

"What marvelous timing young Ahsoka, Anakin, and...friend... I was merely about to finish up, was there anything you would like to add to our discussions?"

Obi-wan was puzzled, he had never met a Jedi wearing such old armor... although it looks fabulously maintained... it was still very old, and you could tell by the markings faintly visible on the armor underneath the robes.

Seeing all the younger kids, Ahsoka's smile 'glows'. She was once them... the curious little youngling... but after witnessing the war, and having people under her command die... she wasn't the same. There but for a moment, she wished she could turn back time to simpler days. Glancing over and seeing her new Master seeming to ponder something... his gauntlet/gloved right hand was under the chin of his helmet, and his left was crossed over his c.h.e.s.t beneath his right arm.

Taking his silence as a clue, she looks back to the older Jedi...

"What was the topic about Master?" she said

Obi-wan had gazed at Komire for a moment longer, however...before he tried to answer Ahsoka, he was beat to the punch by a young human youngling with dark skin.

"Master Jedi, we were discussing the best ways of lightsaber combat..."

Komire, coming out of his thoughts, snorts softly behind his mask, but with the heightened senses of the jedi it was very noticeable.

"Have something to say Master, uh... Pardon my manners but I don't believe we've met." Obi-wan said to Komire, who now stood slackly and relaxed against the nearby wall.

Lowering his hand, Komire chuckles audibly, and replies to the Jedi.

"No, we haven't been introduced, but I am Grand-vazir Zverian Agarond Komire..." with a partial bow, Komire continues, "... p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to make your acquaintance Master Jedi."

Hearing the title the man had said, the well groomed Jedi couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. When the Younglings heard the title though were confused, all but one further back behind the others, her bright blue eyes seemed to glow towards Komire... and having sensed such, looked over to the young twi'lek looking girl... one with bright Green skin, tan robes, and a brown headband on her forehead. Komire saw the little girl gawking at him, and seeing as they were children... he decided to play around for a moment... Kneeling down, he looked squarely at the young girl...

"Hmm, know me, you do? Your name, what is?"

the Jedi started stunned at Komire... because he PERFECTLY emulated the Grand masters voice... down to the last syllable. The children however, chuckled, and covered their mouths with their hands, trying their hardest not to laugh... they knew the man before them wasn't Master Yoda, but yet they heard his voice come from the man... it was just too funny for them at their ages.

"Tal'at, Master sir, my name is Tal'at." the girl said, "who might you be sir?"

Thinking that Komire was done with his impersonation of Yoda, the three Obi-wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin said nothing, allowing Komire to proceed, waiting to see what he says

Deciding to mess with the kids further, he mimicked Mace Windus voice, and said... " I'm a Jedi Master who tries too hard to act wise.... phuuut (mouth farting noises)

All the children couldn't stand it any longer and bust out laughing at Komires antics... Ahsoka and Anakin tried to hide their chuckles, and Obi-wan scowled.

"Fun isn't it. feeling emotions..." Komire said looking at each youngling in turn, "... as they should be felt. Many of you will grow up to replace those that stand before you now, however in my experience, none of even these great men, could hold a candle to even my weakest apprentice."

Obi-wan was stunned...was this man dissing the masters of the Order?...

Before anyone could say anything, Komire continued as he rose to his feet, " The reason being that they had placed themselves below another... the Jedi have no masters BUT the will of the Force. As you rise within the ranks of the Jedi, know this... the Force is neither light, nor Dark... but a chaotic whirlpool of choices and how we ourselves live our lives... How you exist within the Force, is how you live now... if you are unbridled and free to cause chaos, you shall taint yourself with the void within the Force, but if you live decently, and principled, you attain a balance unlike any other... There is no Good, without Evil: it is this evil in ourselves we cannot let grow... Passion yet Serenity: I am not unfeeling, yet I am at peace... For there is no Light or Dark, there is only...the Force."

The children stood pondering Komires words, up until the little Twi'lek girl raised her hand and asked, "what does that do with Lightsaber combat?"

Her words cause everyone to look at Komire quizzically... only to hear the man laughing softly...

Little was the group aware, but outside the room a crowd had gathered to listen in... and it all started from when passerbys first heard Komire impersonate Master Yoda... and as they listened on, they grew ever more curious... 'what would the man say now?' many thought, wondering the same question as what the youngling had asked but a moment before. However what Komire says next confuses everyone present...

"It means... everything."

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