Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 16 - (ch. 16) A dance for war...

As the 'Duel' proceeded within the courtyard, Ahsoka let her instincts loose... Her barrage of attacks seemingly tripled, and mere blures remained if the once definitive blades... forming a tempest of green wherever she struck... but still she could not hit Komire...

'WHY?!? WHY CANT I REACH HIM!?' Ahzoka wails within her mind, as an almost feral snarl escapes her lips.

Seeing, and hearing this alarmed many Jedi masters, but to their utter astonishment... she was not drawing on the Dark side... but merely extremely frustrated within the force... there was no Anger... no Hate... just an overwhelming d.e.s.i.r.e to surpass what lay before her. The emotion was so strong that unknowingly she emitted a crushing aura within the Force, one that was similar to the suppression Komire had demonstrated previously... although on a grandly different scale... Hers wasn't even a thousandths of what komire released, yet it made many Jedi masters pale at the face.

Komire noticed this development, and smiled beneath his helmet. He knew Ahsoka had a lot of talent from what he already knew, but to step into his teachings so quickly, was rather marvelous. Komire decided to up the anty... And for the first time took the offensive. using nothing but his hands coated in the force, he 'tapped' away the lightsabers coming his way, now forcing Ahsoka into a backfoot... But the young Togruta's face seemed to glow brighter... her instincts pushed into overdrive... the love of combat coursing through her DNA and every fiber of her being... her signature was perfectly intunned to the Force.

"Well done Ahsoka, not many, if anyone could achieve this state in the time you had." Komire complimented the girl, audible to all the surrounding Jedi, who stared in abstract awe at the spectacle before them... Obi-wan and Skywalker included.

the thoughts raced within a few masters minds, but not one of them could even describe to the curious younglings what had happened when asked... although they shielded them from Ahsokas 'Suppression', they had no idea what was going on... no more than the Jedi next to them.

Right now Skywalker was watching a side of Ahsoka he hasn't seen before, and that he never knew she had. the Fourth form bled into the Third... and those two then morphed into Juro, the Sixth form... it all just flowed perfectly together, but Skywalker couldn't understand how she was using so many forms so proficiently.

Obi-wan however was so enthralled with the performance of Komire, that he didn't even feel the pressure from Ahsoka... the smooth quick grabs, effortless ease from one motion to another. Little did he realize that he had stumbled upon the true essence of Zverians form of combat... one that embodied the forces of nature itself. Obi-wan started circling the combat area, and if anyone was watching him... would see him slowly mimic Komires footsteps, and try to replicate his arm swings... much slower of course...

Events crescendoed into blures of movement only the Jedi masters could see, and the padawans nearby were only able to catch glimpses of... The young Twi'lek girl however... watched with rapt attention... her eyes seeming to brightly follow each and every movement the two made.

Anakin stared dumbfounded at the level of combat. however as he could clearly tell Ahsoka was at her very last leg in this fight, and thus was about to call an end to it, when he heard Komire muttering to himself... Anakins senses amplified by the force.

"Come on Apprentice... your almost got it."

Hearing these words, Anakin himself started focusing more on the minor details of his old apprentice... what he saw was completely baffling... Ahsoka was seemingly splitting into three after-images of herself. Making her visage look incorporeal and Ghostly.

Komire was just as stunned as everyone else, because Ahsoka was tapping into a force ability far beyond what she would have normally... She was tapping into the Force subconsciously and using Combat Projection... an advanced form of Force Projection that is applicable in combat....

(No idea if cannon, but I saw the Last Jedi, and loved how Luke made this ability work... so I thought that since distance overdraws energy within the Force, it would be better for close up combat... although it would probably be almost impossible to get into a state to actually use said ability normally... I just thought... 'hay it's a Fan fic so I'll alter it slightly and give Ahsoka a unique twist'..... hope y'all like it...)

.... The fight ended when Komire sidestepped another of Ahsoka's lunges, and positioned his now glowing hand at her throat, and seeing as she was ultimately 'defeated' deactivated her sabers... but as they closed down, and her arms fell to her sides... she had no strength in which to hold her lightsabers... thus they fell to the ground. Beads of sweat coating Ahsokas face, and her clothes, making her strike a rather precarious figure... Although it may have been unsightly to look as such normally, no one seemed to mind... their thoughts too preoccupied with what previously transpired, to even notice the state she was in.

Komire looks over at Obi-wan, who was still somewhat circling the pair, and was wearing his signature brown cloak... held out a hand to the master Jedi, "Could I borrow your cloak for a moment?"

Obi-wan looked from Zverian to his cloak, and towards Ahsoka; As he noticed the state she was in, nodded while shrugging his dark brown dressing off. After receiving the cloak, Komire dr.a.p.ed it over the shaking Ahsoka, who proceeded to then collapse down to the hard stone flooring, leaving an audible 'thud' when her knees struck the ground. With her sabers laying beside her, where she had dropped them.


'Where am I?'

After Ahsoka collapsed to the ground, she had found herself in this large void... Black everywhere you looked. Glancing around she begins to walk forward... or at least she believes she is.

'Where is this place? Wasn't I in the temple training yard?'

A few seconds after she started walking, she finds herself suddenly standing in a furnished bedroom... a large king sized bed, two dressers, a large book case filled to the brim, and three shut doors and two windows... outside the windows was the ever expansive void, and on the doors was writing she had never seen before. Looking down she noticed she was no longer dressed in her original clothes... she no longer wore the Beige top and skirt, but black slacks, and a tan tunic over her c.h.e.s.t and abdomen... small armor platelets covering the knees and t.h.i.g.hs, and although she was wearing simmilar boots to her original ones, there was steel covering the toes of the boots, and they smelled of fresh leather.

Hearing the sound of a door opening, Ahsoka looks up to find herself shivering back on the ground in the Temple courtyard, someone patting her head... she tried to remember what she saw in that door... but the more she tried... the harder it became.


Many saw Ahsoka 'crash' to her knees, and thus attempted to move closer, but were motioned to stop by Skywalker. Everyone looked from the Jedi to komire as he stood beside the young girl... patting her head.

"Not bad Apprentice, not bad." praised Komire.

Looking over the crowd, he spots the little girl from earlier, "Does this answer your previous question young Tal'at, on what I said in the Star-chamber?"

As the crowd looks to the girl, she nods happily," Yes sir!"

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