Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 17 - (ch. 17) Afterwards...

Four days go by, and more people begin to see Ahsoka battling it out with her new master within the training yard, and every time they draw a crowd... and although she isn't Skywalker's padawan anymore, the other Jedi dont treat her any differently than before... not until news of her no longer being a part of the Jedi spread... But even then, those that knew her still treated her the same as always. When Captain Rex showed up one day beside Skywalker, the three had a rather warm discussion on what they were doing lately.

Komire however, was constantly pestered by an ever inquisitive Obi-wan... who no matter what, wanted to understand Komires forms of combat... hoping to improve his own against opponents like Dooku, and Grievous. Although he wasn't as Fangirlly like komires new apprentice... he was as, if not more, persistent.

Anakin however asked a few rather guarded questions involving philosophy and teachings of the Force, but otherwise Komire and him got along quite well... even if they banter back and forth... it almost seemed to people watching, that Komire was bantering to a child than a full grown man at times... Obi-wan saw this one day, and couldn't help pondering over it.

When Obi-wan confronted Anakin about it. Skywalker's answer definitely made sense...

"He is four millennia old and then some... why? can I not treat him like a 'goofy' elder while he is here, will be the only time I can hang out with Ahsoka till they leave."

As the last few days past them by, Komire had Ahsoka repeatedly assault him in the same manner as the first lesson... although he used a small wooden rod to smack Ahsoka on occasion... the head... back...on a leg... anywhere he saw her messing up, he smacked with his stick... leaving red welts on the young girl. Although they'd be gone five minutes later, they still hurt. Every hit she recieved... which was A Lot... wounded her pride as a warrior, and this continued every day till she couldn't move any more... only to start again the next day.

Komire wasn't holding back, he could feel something menacing through the force, and it alarmed him. With the unknown threat hanging above him, he was putting his new apprentice through a grueling training regiment.

Ahsoka however, didn't complain in the slightest... she could feel the changes happening to her, and although she didn't understand them, she was getting less and less smacks from her Master than when she had started a few days ago. Anakin himself also spared with her, but it was a draw every time. Ahsoka may be quick to act on openings now, but that still doesn't equil true experience in combat. Even after the long years the war has gone on now, and even the almost 'live action' training she received on foreign world's wouldn't even allow her to touch her Master Zverian with a Dreadnaughts Turbo laser, even if he was the largest target in existence. the fact he could reinforce a TWIG to the point of acting like a true lightsaber astounded her. just the mere demonstration of subtle mastery over the Force was staggering to the girls mind... thus she began going down a slightly more scientific approach to the Force. After Her new master told her that...

"The force is in all things, but it is our understanding of it that grants us power over that aspect of the Force... Much like a power cell in a blaster, or a Power supply to a sheild generator, or even the energy within any and all living beings... they are all conected."

... After another day of grueling training, Komire again began a discussion on where Ahsoka's faults lay, and what her strengths were, and at the end he told her they'd be leaving later on that day. As she ran back to collect her belongings, Komire didn't miss the fact she could rival one of the best Jedi warriors in the Galaxy at the moment, even if that one piece of information constantly eluded his apprentice... it didn't escape the Jedi Councils observations however.



"...Four days, and she's already one of the Best Duelists I've ever seen." Said an emotionless Jedi Shadow as he reported to the Council.

All that was present for this report was Master Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-adi-mundi, and Aayla Secura. the thoughts that passed through their heads were however vastly different from one another... and that was later revealed when they began to discuss such information as the Shadow left.

"Were we really so wrong about how we train our order?" Master Windu thought aloud, his chin resting on his interlaced fingers.

"Hmm, wrong, we were not." Master Yoda replied, still pondering, "Misguided it seems, we have been."



A planetary fleet was just about to be launched out to attack the Clone homeworld of Komino again... the fleet numbering two-hundred sh.i.p.s strong, and with how separated the Republic fleet was, it would take time to plan an organized defense, thus the Separatist felt confident in the plan... however... something unexpected threw a bomb in that plan... the fleet was underway, when a large imposing ship loomed over the smaller {Munificent}, and their larger {Providence} counterparts... ( I'm adding the

The Droid commanders didn't know what to do, but their first reaction was to blast the 'Mass of Junk' to pieces...

"Open Fire" the Admiral Droid commanded his fleet.



As the Commander witnessed thousands of red turbo-blasts arc through the void of space through his photo-lenses, he doesn't see the fiery explosion you'd expect from a ship... instead it seemed as if their weaponry didn't even effect the object. The massive object began to slowly approach the fleet, and once it got reasonably close... the now definitive ship... let its cannons, and Turbolasers loose... swaths of teal plasma bolts, and other energy weaponry lashed out at the insulting fleet like a hammer striking down the last nail in a coffin. Every ship caught in its wake was left a burning husk, or shattered pieces within the hyperlane zones the fleet had been traveling through... only to vanish like a mirage as it Space-jumped away...



the day would become known as the first sighting of the 'Spear of the Dead'... a ship so massive it makes the Correlian Dreadnaughts look like a distant little brother. It is also rumored to have enough firepower to level several fleets. The damaged hull looking as if it has experienced wars unimagionable... and its weaponry is described as the stuff of nightmares to any spacefaring traveler.


As Komire was gathering whatever he could courtesy of the Jedi, Ahsoka was also collecting her belongings in her old room... she left the things she was given by the temple, but took all her memorabilia she had collected over the years... stuffing them into the backpack she had from her first mission with her then master Skywalker. The memory making her smile as she proceeded to pack her meager belongings... Many Jedi abhor the idea of collecting spoils, Ahsoka had managed to hide them fairly well. She merely wanted mementos to her grand adventures... hoping she could re-tell her adventures to her future padawan with the relics when the war finally ended.

Looking around one last time at the now barely used room, a sense of loss passed through her for just a moment... until she looked down the hallway, and spotted her awaiting Master Komire. As excitement towards the unknown future replaced her loss, she stepped forward towards her newest adventure.

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