Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 18 - (ch. 18) it begins...

there was alot of Jedi wishing Ahsoka farewell, and many more just ignored her as she passed. Komire held himself tall and dignified... like nothing the Jedi could ever do could faze him... even if his nerves were going haywire.... 'what is my next move'... was the thoughts going through his mind.

Ahsoka had walked beside him in her origional outfit, and a loaded backpack over her left shoulder. The young girl couldn't help but steal glances at the man beside her, and although she was sure she was just imagining things, she thought she saw her masters hands, which were clasped behind his back... crushing each other slightly... but she just played it off, thinking Komire wasn't scared of anything.

If only she knew....

Komire at that time was busy trying to find the best way to accomplish his promises to both Death, and her sister... And was having no luck... there were plenty of options... but sadly they were far...FAR out of his reach at the current time. Also the problem of this Family he was supposed to have...

Sighing through his nose, he glanced over towards Ahsoka, and suddenly an Idea popped out to him. He could build his empire and Then worry about familial matters! Thus with new determination, he faced forward and martched on... his previous experience with corruption in his home back on earth and how he ultamatly Crushed it, playing within his mind...

There was just too many things that He could do to ultamatly begin his Empire... and the more he thought of it... Conquering the Eternal Throne seemed like the quickest... but there was another slightly more controversial method that could potentially trump that... the Starforges, and Satilite-forges in Rattan space. Now if he had a way to get there without drawing to much attention to himself that would be best.

As Komire was pondering future events, the Jedi council had been scouring their Archives to find something... ANYTHING... to keep the egnimatic Je'daii close, and they were coming up empty...

So far the Council members had found more details on the Battle over Malacor V... and how he eventually was forced by his second in command into a Shuttle for transport to the now known Raptor system medical facility... a Facility that ultimately came under Sith assault to try and end the Je'daii's life.

there were Thousands of reports detailing who, what, and how this man's backstory and past experiences had ultamatly shaped the Je'daii. What shocked the Jedi was that he was incorporated into the order at the age of Eleven... two whole years older than Anakin was when he himself was brought before the Council. This peice of news greatly startled many Jedi masters, and made them question if their way of training the Jedi was in itself... wrong?

With the Council members currently debating on how to proceed with Komire, their were also some... including Master Yoda and Master Windu... who were now pondering every word the man said till now...

...Even the words he so "casually" says to the clone guard captain that was assisting in the hunt for The man's now apprentice, Ahsoka Tano...



Flashes of green, and red burned brightly through the void. Explosions rocked the surroundings as scraps, and wreckage slammed into nearby objects.

After the failure of the Kamino raid, several shipyards, and asteroid mining facilities came under attack by an unknown ship. one so heavily armed it was a Fleet by itself. As the Separatists tried desperately over the last few planetary rotations to kill said enemy... it's like the opposition was getting stronger with each battle. Every ship destroyed vanished... nothing remained... no hull, no wreckage, and no survivors were found when this enemy appeared. the only ship to escape was the massive Ion-ship the {Malevolent}, but even then it was damaged quite severely.

When the Separatists High command heard of these attacks, news also reached them of a few worlds that have since become... unresponsive. Any delegation sent... never returned. No hails for aid, no cries for help... it's as if the worlds vanished. Then news of a capital ship styled combatant engaging their fleets caused great unease throughout the convening Separatists Council... Dooku himself was greatly troubled by this revelation, because a third party would tip the balance in the Republics favor with how things have gone so far... three Fleets of two to four hundred cruisers, and frigates were destroyed... and although that's not even a thousandth of their forces, the fact one ship did that was GREATLY alarming to him.

Before this mess occured, Dooku had recieved a coded message from his pet, General Grievous. Claiming the damaged weaponry that was discovered on an old remote outpost was salvageable, and was currently in R&D to be hopefully copied. With that though, the meeting had gone downhill fast. The banking clans demanded reparation, and the manufacturers demanded more supplies... the life of the Separatists rebellion it seemed... ran on money. Thus Dooku mediated between the existing members until there was a final agreement made.

Retiring to his quarters, Dooku frowns... something... is staring at him. Looking around, and even through the Force... he could not feel anything, or one, near him that gave off such a feeling. when it vanished not even a second after arriving, Dooku played it off as a form of premonition... thus began formulating new plans to deal with the new threat, as well as the Republic. The new plans drafted from the ancient weaponry would be playing great roles in the up incoming conflict, and Dooku was determined to eliminate this new threat while he was at it.



Traveling through hyperspace, the large form of the Ravager trudged onward... ever searching. Standing on its bridge gangway, stood a shrouded figure... one embodying the very essence of the ship it was standing on, a seemingly empty feeling permeating arround said being... there was something unusual about this person... or figure... Where their feet should have been, was nothing but a mass of wires and cables intertwined and fused into the mainframe of the ship... the shadowy form straightened from it's small slouching pose, and in a language thought extinct to the galaxy... even banned from being translated... emminated from within it, dried cracked sounding voices echoed within the empty chambers as the Ravager once again exited Hyperspace... a Seperatist planet off in the distance while a shipyard orbited a nearby moon.

"Nu valia xauti tu nuyak ari...."

the ancient beings of old would have shivered at these words... for it was said in true Old Tongue of the Sith....

('I will find you my lord' is the translation)

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