Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 19 - (ch 19) a glance at one's self... the chaos begins

Komire walked beside Ahsoka all the way up to a small LA-AT gunship, which then carried them through the busy traffic of Coruscant, Anakin however was off beside them in another gunship, with about a half dozen of his 501st troopers as well as Captain Rex.

Not paying much attention to the view, Komire sank deep in thought, leaving a bit of his Force sense active to, at least, perceive his surroundings. Komire had learned alot from the archives... even about a failed maiden voyage of some of the most powerful forces he had read about almost two years ago, the space-virus that had infected the crew at the time had caused the revolutionary fleet to vanish... to all but Komire that is, because he knew exactly where the said fleet was currently, which he himself was hoping to acquire fairly soon... for now he was in need of followers. People he could trust to get the job done, and be truly trusted to not stab him in the back.

'The Clones could work...' Komire was thinking to himself, '... however the bio-chip would seriously cause a problem.'

Ahsoka however, just enjoyed the ride beside her new master. Although she could feel he was deeply focused on something else, she knew it was probably important, so she didn't interfere. She did look over at the sister gunship flying just beside them a little way back, and watched on as Skywalker and Rex talked to each other... throwing glances and smiles her way. Ahsoka did know she would miss the old adventures she went on with Skyguy, and Rex. However those days weren't fully gone, since the Grand Army of the Republic hadn't revoked her title, nor command, she was still considered a commander if by nothing else, proxy. Because Anakin was following them as a sort of 'watchful eye' the 501st would also be following... which ment they were already familiar with her as a commander and wouldn't question her capabilities to much.

Even though she wasn't considered a part of the Grand Army anymore, everywhere she went she found respect filled gazes from many, if not all troopers of the squads she served with... she even heard one squad talking about her as she passed, saying...

"... Glad she's not part of those stuck up Jedi..." one of Wolf Squadron was saying.

"... Honestly she's one of the Four that wasn't trash (sigh) sadly that's now three..." Another clone trooper had answered.

After hearing these comments though, she had wondered what they really ment... cause after all that she has been through under her new Master recently, and what she has seen of him, even if it is but a short while. She felt that the Jedi were grossly inadequate to truly command the Troopers. When she had brought this to Komires attention, she had been hoping he'd say otherwise however, she was puzzled by his answer...

"Weren't the Jedi a trained force? Weren't the Jedi more adequate to lead?" Ahsoka had asked him at the time her ignorance on the matter clearly showing, and clearly trying to tell herself that her conjecture was wrong.

The answer that she received totally crushed her future questions in their tracks... because all she could think about after hearing them, was the cries of her first Squadron command against fighters over Ryloth, and the bombing of the then {Malevolence}.

(Even though they had destroyed the massive ship, it was later confirmed it had a sister ship. causing the Republic R&D department to build a counter internal shielding against the ionic discharges the second ship could use. [ PS. this is not cannon, I just thought that with the building capabilities of the Seps that they had more than just ONE of those massive fleet killers, that's also why its is mentioned in previous chapter.... coodoes to the person that pointed that out... ????])

"Then answer me this my apprentice, 'How many troopers have died due to inadequate leadership under the Jedi merely because they thought they COULD do it better?"

During her short time under the Grand Vazir, she had come to seriously question a lot of choices she had previously made... even so much as ask herself, 'why did the Republic promote the Jedi to lead if they ARE so inept?'

While she was flying in the LA-AT though, she focused more on the passing traffic, the large flashing signs on thousands of story tall buildings, and occasionally even glanced back to the now fading view of the massive Jedi temple. the only visable part being the five great towers in the growing distance.



"Why did you let them leave Temple grounds?" A perturbed Shak-ti asked the council via holo-projection.

The Jedi master Shak-ti had enlisted their aid in hopes to plan ahead of this 'new threat', and seeing as she had found SOME Intel from the greater galaxy... even if they were labeled as legends and folk tales of a supposed... 'Wandering Master'.

Over this transmission the Jedi Master was hoping to aid the Council in coming up with plans around, or even counter this new element if need be... but now that the Grand Vazir was no longer present within the temple, she was left back at square one... However she could hopefully allow the Jedi to prepare for what she believes is an inevitable disaster for the Order... and its name was Zverian Komire.

Little did she know, the "CALAMITY" has already left its mark... and it is one that would ultimately decide the fate of each and every Jedi in the Galaxy.



Although the void of space is silent, the sight above a small but densely populated planet governed by the Banking clans within the Separatists movement, would leave one in awe, and utter fear...

Green energy blasts rip through shielding... sh.i.p.s blossom into raging infernos for but a second while their debris was ever expanding out into the endless void. On the nearby ship station that manufacturers most {Munificent} frigates and gunboats, the workers scramble to pods, or to the main hangers to get out of the crumpling construct... explosions wrack the station left and right as it bravely fought the massive invader to its home over the small planet... but it was all for naught.

The massive framework of the Ravager loomed over the space-yard, and was even using a tractor beam styled utility to drag floating husks of sh.i.p.s towards itself... the sight that greated onlookers that were still alive at the time, and was being recorded by command droids, shocked anyone to watch such a thing... the ship seemed to 'melt down' the incoming debris, and fuse it to itself... like a living organism. everywhere damage was visable on the massive 1200 meter vessel was quickly being patched up as the battle carried on...

On the Bridge of the Ravager however, the cloaked figure was slowly becoming more defined... and the more the ship absorbed... the clearer the beings visage, as more and more of the once enc.u.mbering wires slowly receded back into the sh.i.p.s decking...

(Translation : I am almost ready, my Master... soon I will come home)

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