Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 20 - (ch.20) Change of plan

Komire came back to himself when the LA-AT was descending into a long hanger of the large two-hundred or so meter Venator class stardestroyer. many troopers were going about their business, but took a moment to glance at the incoming shuttles. Many salutes were aimed at the Captain, and Skywalker, while many friendly smiles and waves were going towards Ahsoka beside him. As Komire had been watching on, he was suddenly struck by a thought, 'why wouldn't the Mandalorian people be a good option for his New Order's first compliment'... granted if they passed his tests, and had loyalty only for a cause ment to unite the Galaxy... dont need another Mandalorian war going on.

As The group moved in to their assigned quarters, Ahsoka was allowed freedom aboard the ship for the remainder of the day cycle of Coruscant... which was like ten or so more hours... and thus was whisked away towards the crew canteen. Many of her old command accompanied the Younger Girl, chatting about their time away from the Togrutan Apprentice.

Anakin walked up beside Komire as Ahsoka was whisked away, and took a hard glance at the Je'daii.

"I figured you were going to back me up in front of the Council..." Looking back towards Ahsoka, Skywalker continued, "... why would you have her leave the only home she has, and everything she knows?"

Komire looked over towards the Jedi beside him and laughed. Skywalker waited to hear his answer... eye twitching, fists and jaw clenched tightly.

"If you think that true growth comes from a familiar environment, than you haven't truly learned anything, but a false sense of familiarity and confidence that can shatter like frail glass..." Komire says as he begins to walk towards the turbo-lift towards the bridge, a small smile tugging at his lips as he remembered his old teachers words from Earth; Glancing back over his shoulder to the now confused Skywalker, "...Padawan Skywalker."

Anakin was starting to fume, but Captain Rex placed a hand on his left shoulder... allowing the Jedi to calm down... mumbling as he moved to follow Komire to the bridge, "... I'm not a padawan, stupid Relic..."

"I heard that!" Komire calls over his shoulder, causing all the nearby clones that heard what had been said to snicker at their Generals misery, and the Jedi to be taken aback, however he followed behind Komire... grumbling all the way.

Begrudgingly the flight out of the Space-Dock was uneventful. the clones all ran back and forth doing their duties aboard the Venators long bridge. All Komire did at this time was get into a heated discussion with the Admiral of the ship, about retrofitting the design to incorporate a secondary bridge in the core of the ship. Even Skywalker joined in on the discussion, and they were having a good old time about it, even letting passing officers in on the topic. Much to Skywalker's suprise, the clones all seemed to appreciate the idea of a secondary ship command buried in the secured hull of the ship... they were all having a rather good time pulling up schematics to Republic cruisers, and trying to find good points to impliment said system...all up until an emergency transmission was recieved from the planet of Mandalor, coming from Obi-wan Kenobi's personal ship.

Anakin had a serious look on his face as the message came through. and when he heard Obi-wan speak of a terrorist organization backed by the Separatists trying to take over, and even mention of a Sith in charge of the attacking forces, he gave out the order to change course. If the Separatists got control of Mandalorian sh.i.p.s and weaponry, it would greatly pressure the Republic.

Komire just stood by and watched all this play out in silence, not at all disturbed in the alterations in their flight path, although he was initially puzzled by the current events, he quickly put two and two together and... he was actually thrilled. The mandalorian culture was always his favorite from the movies, and books, and he was greatly anticipating their arrival to the Legendary planet, and even planning to set up temporary residence if possible.

The Clones all went into overdrive... rushing to their stations and posts, calling commands and passing tasks to one another. supplies were being moved to forward positions in case a fire fight broke out, and the sister sh.i.p.s were hailed to prepare for anything upon arriving at Mandalor... however they had to leave hyperspace, and re-plan their jump coordinates, and that took some time... although the Clones did it seamlessly.

Suddenly, Komire wondered where Ahsoka ran off to... and just as Komire turned towards the main doors, he heard them hiss open, to see Ahsoka rushing in. her golden padawan head ornament hanging in her left hand as she ran up to Komire and Skywalker. Although Komire was curious about the conflicted look on Ahsoka's face, she had obviously put alot of thought into her actions, but she just looked so... awkward?

Skywalker and Ahsoka stepped into the hallway for a moment to speak, at Ahsoka's request, and left him on the Bridge with Captain Rex, and the crew.

"So...," Komire started saying," what's your take on this situation on Mandalor Captain?"

Komire looked over towards Rex from gazing at the report on the events taking place in Mandalor's Capital city, sent by Obi-wan before his signal was abruptly cut.

The Captain thought for a moment, and answered in an almost absolute tone, " Based on this, it seems the Seperatists are probably using rogue elements to entrap the Mandalorian people into a forced service for the Separatists, however, they are playing it in such a way that it backfired."

"How so?" the Admiral asked from one of the relay stations a little way from them, still paying attention to the readouts while listening in.

Komire was liking this Rex more and more the more he learned about the man... he was so much more than a lab grown clone...

Komire thought seriously over Rex's words when both Anakin and Ahsoka had returned to the bridge, breaking him free of his brooding... Ahsoka's padawan beads hanging on Skywalker's belt... just behind his saber hilt.

Ahsoka was about to ask what Komire was looking at her for, after being stared at by her new master for a few long seconds, when he beat her to the punch.

"What do you think of Mandalor?"

Ahsoka didn't know how to answer, so she said the first thing that came to mind...

" They are an advanced warrior people, and although they are Barbaric, they are one of the few warrior people to rival the Jedi."

Sighing through his nose, Komire looked over towards the passing stars outside the veiwport, their glowing forms streaking by in the endless tunnel of hyperspace, a deep burning d.e.s.i.r.e to explore the culture of the Mandalorians blazing within his heart, while his mind stayed alert to the growing danger he could still sense approaching them.

"Change of plans Ahsoka, Where staying on Mandalor for a while."

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