Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 21 - (ch. 21) the descent...

Although Ahsoka admired the Mandalorian people as Great warriors... what can she possibly have to learn from them? And Ahsoka was definitely sure that Komire had been acting weird now... he had been spacing out on occasion as they made their way to Mandalor, and looking towards the rear of the ship... or at least that general direction; a cold pressure was felt around him as well... although subtle... it was there...however, when people spoke to him, it vanished; like it was never there to begin with .

Turning towards a nearby clone officer, Ahsoka began preparing herself for what was to come, however she was feeling rather melancholic because this wouldn't be like the previous years under Skyguy, but under someone vastly different, and her new master was even harder to figure out than the straightforward Jedi Knight.

The Jedi Council was notified of the current events when the sh.i.p.s exited hyperspace to replot course previously, and a secondary fleet was enroute to Mandalor as well. Over two hundred available sh.i.p.s were sent out to aid the three Venator-class Stardestroyers under the command of Anakin Skywalker. The Republic had answered In full force to aid the planet.

With almost nothing to be doing, Ahsoka went down to the armory near the hanger as they approached the planet... one that housed the proton torpedoes, and other such high-explosive munitions. Using the force, she carried various supplies out to troopers maintaining their ARC-170 starfighter, and so... that is how she spent the remaining forty or so minutes till their arrival at Mandalor. Ahsoka seemed more focused than she normally would have been in the eyes of the troopers, and to many of them it was an improvement. the training she was recieving from Komire was HIGHLY taxing on the mind and body. Although it was over several days, and he was allowing her rest currently... the strain of her exertion lingered behind. constantly causing her to think about what she does everyday so as to not agrivate the soreness... also, to relieve her sore muscles and such, she had been almost unendingly drawing the Force into herself. the feeling was almost ethereal bliss to the young girl, and although she didn't know if it was what he intended or not, Komires teachings over this time had greatly strengthened the former Jedi padawan.

As the sh.i.p.s were exiting hyperspace, Ahsoka Tano had made her way back to the bridge to stand beside both her new, and old master, Komires previous words reverberating through her skull like a never ending echo as she stared on into a chaotic space battle of retrofitted Separatist Capital sh.i.p.s and Mandalorian frigates...

The Mandalorian Frigates may have been smaller sh.i.p.s, but they were by no means on the losing end. Weaving back and forth, the Mandalorian sh.i.p.s were wild... no battle plan, and no order... but they were holding back a fleet with four times their firepower by using their own means, and skill.

Over the Com channels nearby she could faintly hear whoops and hollers from their sh.i.p.s... The whole situation delved into chaos... but, looking at her new master, Komire... he seemed unperturbed by the site.

"Good old Mandos... they never change." He said.

Almost as if his words were a signal, the Command Bridge burst to life... guns fired at will, and Skywalker had turned towards the doors, "I'll see you guys in a few, I have a Squadron to lead."

Ahsoka was very confused by all the overload of stimulus from the chaos... stoping the Force from entering her body, she gained a bit of her clarity back, but felt weak in response. Immediately she was then smacked upside her head...

"A Jedi that is not consistently connected to the force, is one that can be exploited." Komire said calmly, still gazing out the transpara-steel window at the battle.

Standing straighter, still rubbing her head where she was hit, she looked over at her Master... only to see that the Force itself was constantly revolving around him. He was never disconnected from it, and it, from him.

Ahsoka slowly reconnected to the Force, and while she did, Komire had turned from the view port, and directly went to the center of the bridge near the com table. there were several floating diagrams on the holographic screen surrounding a 3d model of Mandalor. The sight drew Ahsoka over from the window soon after... curiosity burning within her mind as the Bridge delved into a controlled chaos.

Trying to rush over, she almost tripped on a mouse droid scuttling by... unable to make out most of Komires words in the chaos, she caught the tail end of Komires and the Admiral talk, as they were overlooking the battle on the table.

"... get to the capital city, and support the resisting Government representatives."

The Admiral had agreed, and the two began trying to find a good L.Z. for the LA-AT troop carriers. Ahsoka would interject at times, but for the most part didn't know exactly what she should be doing... until Komire turned towards her...

"We will be going to aid the Jedi Kenobi, you should get ready..." Ahsoka could feel Komires gaze traveling down her attire through the force, and it made her very uncomfortable... yet odly calm, " try getting some of the armor pieces from the sh.i.p.s armory, you would definently need them against our foes."

Without a second glance, Ahsoka ran towards the lift, and hit the corresponding selection on the data pad. with a soft 'hum', the lift closed and began to move. Everything was still chaotic around Ahsoka, but there was one thing she was certain about with her new master... when he says she'd need some protection in the form of armor...she'd need it.

It wasnt long till she had arrived, and rushed into the armory, dodging multiple clone personnel on the way. when she arrived there, troopers were arming themselves for the coming drop planetside. looking around, Ahsoka grabs a few grieves, and foregaurds from the wall near the door, then attempted to find a usable form for a c.h.e.s.t plate... with no luck.

The troopers moved orderly, and quickly towards the hanger with Ahsoka in tow, but the sight that greated them when the Hanger blast doors opened, wasnt quite what they were expecting. The hangar was barren except for five lone LA-AT gunsh.i.p.s... not a soul in sight. However, it didn't faze the troopers long, as they recieved an update over their helmet coms. the other landing parties had already left, they were the last. With a few hoots, and cries, the squads boarded their shuttles, with Ahsoka stepping into the leading one... she had a feeling her master had beat her to the surface, and she didn't want to keep him waiting.

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