Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 22 - (ch. 22) Capital in flames......

The flight down was rather bumpy within the descending LA-AT gunship. laser cannon blasts could be seen arcing through space in their bright, silent, deadly glory. Ahsoka however was still not at a hundred percent opened to the Force like she was before coming into orbit over Mandalor. The surrounding space, and the endless stimulus was giving her a migraine for the ages... however she continued to try and integrate herself to the chaotic storm the Force had become. Currently she could sense her Master below on the planet surface, and something... Dark... down near him as well.

When the pilot began calling in commands to the landing troopers, Ahsoka was momentarily pulled from her thoughts on what that dark 'aura' could be... because it felt very... familiar. Shaking her head to focus on the task at hand, she herself began to command the troopers as she had grabbed a smaller Blastech rifle measuring about two feet long, from the side armory near the large side-panel door on the right flank of the gunship.

Ahsoka had never done these actions before, and was in almost a constant state of confusion, until she felt what was going on at the moment through the Force ... she had been so occupied with just 'connecting' with the Force again, that she forgot one simple thing... 'The Force is everything, and everywhere.'

Her new Master had drilled that saying into her head over their harsh training sessions at the Jedi temple. Although she didn't really get what he was saying, Ahsoka now believed she had caught but a glimpse of that 'truth' as she smoothly gave commands to the ARC troopers accompanying her now... all while prepping a previously unfamiliar weapon like she had been using it for years...

Tossing the weapons sling over her head, she adjusts it to fit snugly on her back, hanging diagonally between her shoulder blades. Ahsoka looked at the helmeted ARC troopers before her, only to find them looking from her, to each other... disbelief, and awe emminating from them in waves through the Force.

To them, Ahsoka finally looked, and acted like a true commander, and a damn good one at that. A Captain should know their troops armaments, equipment, and supplies intrinsically. Ahsoka having just demonstrated such bearing, while currently armored in similar gear, gave her a fearsome visage to the surrounding troopers in the gunship. One that was truly worthy of their respect, and loyalty.

Ahsoka was still reeling from the revelation within her own mind, she hadn't noticed the change within the Force... what she had just done or said, and not even the Clone ARC troopers around her. She was however, wondering if this was what her new master was constantly experiencing daily. Never ending knowledge, and unending certanty... but also an underlying darkness. One that could see everything, but yet nothing... and yet... could devour you whole.

Shaking her head furiously to banish her wayward thoughts, Ahsoka wholeheartedly attempted to focus on the present, and her coming trial... for that's what this was... a trial to test both her convictions, and her dedication to her new master... she was no longer the Jedi she once was... now, she was to make herself anew. Looking up at the roof, the red landing light blazed to life, signaling their approach to the L.Z.

Letting her mind wander for just a moment within the Force, she could distinctly feel both her new, and old masters... one in the Azure-Angel MK II, and the other calmly leading a platoon towards the Citadel in the heart of the domed city of Keldabe. firefights erupting wherever the Terrorist Deathwatch group met them on their way, and deaths perferating throughout the city.

Refocusing on her surroundings, Ahsoka grabbed her shorter lightsaber and stood at the ready. when the surrounding Clones saw her preparations, they charged their own blasters, and looked over their own equipment one last time. Ahsoka ignighted her lime-yellow blade as the big side door slid back. The Force guiding her movements as she deftly swatted away stray blaster fire that was being directed at the group securing the L.Z. as well as the continuous relief supplies, and equipment being sent planet side from the three Venators above.

Red colored blaster fire was everywhere Ahsoka looked. the venerable torrent of random fire left deep potmarks on the hull of the transport, and whatever her lightsaber missed, had passed harmlessly past all the clones in the ship, courtesy of the young apprentice manipulating the density of the air around the ARC troopers.

Ahsoka's senses were drawn towards this malignant energy, and as she was still connected to the Force, she could tell her Master, Komire, was heading in that very direction, in the heart of the city.

Looking around, Ahsoka once again forced her wayward thoughts back under her control, and addressed the lieutenant before her, giving orders that... to her credit... weren't wrong in the eyes of her enterage of troopers.

Her first command was to locate the wounded, and other such casualties of the conflict and send them to an emergency treatment zones, while trying to secure any defendable positions to help push the Deathwatch, and Separatists back. Many of the local people and Clone Troopers had gathered around her somewhat to hear the new commands; And when she was finished relaying her first orders... a man no more than twenty, had rushed out of the crowd, forcing his way through towards a nearby building...

When the ARC troopers heard this, they nodded, believing Ahsoka was aiming in getting the help of the people, by saving the citizens. To them, it was a good move for a commander vastly outmanned, and outgunned.

Many of the troopers moved to pass along the new orders that they were given, and then began to offload supplies from the LA-AT Ahsoka had come down on. leading the ARC troopers on, the group including two other Contingents that had landed with her, rushed towards the battle.

Destruction was everywhere the group went, and as they found survivors, the group slowly shrank in number. Many of the troopers either carried the wounded people found back, or called for immediate aid from the L.Z. with how chaotic everything was, and the fact that the city was so compact, gave many opportunities for ambushes and guerrilla tactics. Many of which were used on Ahsoka's group by the members of Deathwatch they were unlucky to encounter.

There was fighting everywhere they turrned... either droids pinning down local defenders, or bloody battles in the air between Mandalorian guards and Deathwatch... the city was in utter Chaos. Fires burned, and blasters sung... on their way, the group saw so many dead bodies piled up, and in lines that it looked like mass executions more than a battle feild... a thought that weighed heavily on all of their minds... an honorable death was one thing, but what they were seeing was... butchery...

With the last pile of Victims, Ahsoka began to pray... something she never thought she'd ever do... she prayed that her Master could quickly end this tragedy, as she cut down her fourth Deathwatch fanatic. Leading the small group of prisoners the man had been... executing... towards the L.Z.

the images of the several freshly dead... burned into her mind...

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