Star Wars: Champion Of The Force

Chapter 23 - (Ch 22.5) The Descent...

As all the Arc troopers were preparing within the armory, to board the assigned LA-AT Gunship "A'dernaught" for their drop towards Mandalore, they held a solemn air around them that was almost suffocating in intensity. Since the group was new to the 501st legion, they didn't have very good opinions of the commanding Jedi... even with what they heard about this man Zverian Komire, and this Anakin Skywalker, they still held severe doubts that he should be in command. A soldier should lead soldiers, was their belief. Leave the pathetically inept 'monks' to their temple.

Many of the existing troopers had the same understanding throughout the Galaxy... all but a few names filtered through the previous beliefs being... Obi-wan Kenobi (The Negotiator), Mace Windu, Master Yoda, and even more so... Anakin Skywalker. Many of the troopers envied the 501st for being under the direct command of such a warrior however, those under ARC training were the exceptions. Stories about Anakin being one whom treats the clones as actual people, being the first one of their Generals to give them names, not just designations... as well as Stories of the 501st's adventures, are even told back on Kamino to bolster moral in upcoming troopers, and Arc troopers combined... many of whom find their own individuality from these stories, and even making their own names as a result. Much like the commander that would be flying the current LA-AT Gunship about to take the ARC troopers to the surface of Mandalore.

When the ARC troopers entered the hanger, adorned in their heavy armor, and Mark II T-visored helms, saw a moderately armored Jedi, with a half-mask on her face... the troopers were quite puzzled. The previous description of this... Ahsoka Tano... was a young and impersonal woman whom got into her fair share of trouble... rumor had it she had fought the 'Metalic Horror' Grievous to a stand-still... and yet the 'Impresionable' young woman before them had no such aura, or demeanor. The feeling the Troopers got from first seeing their temporary commander, was one that they would imagine a stalwart warrior who had bathed in blood would give off, not some seventeen or eighteen year old girl. many of the Troopers hid it well, but their hands were clammy, and also moving near their weaponry... The only thing that held the troopers back from acting on these instinctive actions towards an officer, was their training. the fact that Ahsoka was well respected by their peers, and also the fact that she wasnt paying them any mind at the moment, but was passively emitting such a fierce aura.

The Determination they could see within Ahsokas eyes seemed to light a fire under the troopers feet. seeing a commander that was both 'predatory', and focused, was a tremendous plus in the eyes of the ARC Troopers. With how things were turning out on the first meeting with their new commander, the leader of the Commando unit turned to his fellow ARC troopers, and with a nod, managed to somewhat alleviate most of the tensions the group had. For the coming drop the troopers started watching Ahsoka like a hawk as they boarded their respective LA-AT gunsh.i.p.s... whether directly, or through other special means through her their helmets. Many of the troopers started grabbing extra gear, and ammunition cartridges for their weaponry, when through the corner of their eyes they spot their new commander doing exactly as they were doing, with the precision of a trained soldier... when all of a sudden Ahsoka tano started giving what seemed like a... briefing?

"we are going to be landing on the northern section of the Capital city-dome, and we are to secure..."

As Ahsoka continues, many of the Clones grew rather tense at hearing her brief, and started taking their little 'Half-pint' commander a bit seriously. Towards the end of Ahsokas brief the clones had already gathered their gear, and so had their new commander, when the call for drop came through their headsets. the large center hanger doors opened to reveal a wild and chaotic space battle, and towards the planet, they could just barely make out the previous LA-AT gunsh.i.p.s from one of their sister sh.i.p.s entering the atmosphere of Mandalore.

The trip down was wracked with high tension and anxiety as they entered the planets atmosphere... yet the clones could feel only a sense of calm from their small commander... even as the ship bounced and rocked due to the ship entering the planets stratosphere. many of the troopers admired this about their new commander... but the real test was only beginning...

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